Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Penurunan Harga Gas Akan Berlanjut
Pemerintah sedang membahas penetapan harga gas industri tahap kedua. Pada tahap lanjutan ini, fokusnya adalah gas sebagai energi, yang terjadi pada industri seperti oleochemical, keramik, kaca, dan sarung tangan karet. “Ini kami dorong bersama agar bisa diberlakukan pada 2017,” kata Direktur Industri Kimia Hulu Kementerian Perindustrian, Muhammad Khayam.
Ia menjelaskan bahwa penetapan harga gas sebelumnya yang diberlakukan bagi pabrik petrokimia, pupuk, dan baja merupakan tahap pertama, yang berfokus pada gas sebagai bahan baku. Regulasi mengenai hal itu dituangkan dalam bentuk Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Nomor 40 Tahun 2016 tentang Harga Gas Bumi untuk Industri Tertentu. Ketentuan itu memuat kebijakan penurunan harga gas bagi tiga industri pupuk, petrokimia, dan baja yang berlaku mulai 1 Januari 2017.
Peraturan menteri itu terbit untuk menindaklanjuti Peraturan Presiden Nomor 40 Tahun 2016 tentang Penetapan Harga Gas Bumi. Presiden Joko Widodo merninta agar harga gas bagi industri tidak boleh lebih dari US$ 6 per MMBTU. Tujuannya adalah agar industri dalam negeri kompetitif dan tumbuh lebih kencang. Khayam menambahkan bahwa penurunan harga gas untuk tiga jenis industri tersebut memang tidak menurunkan penerimaan negara bukan pajak (PNBP). “Karena mungkin tahun depan bisa US$ 6, US$ 7, US$ 8, mengikuti harga komoditasnya, bisa amonia, metanol, dan sebagainya.
Untuk ini, harga dengan basis formula memang lebih adil.” Namun penetapan harga bagi industri yang menggunakan gas sebagai energi, Khayam menilai, lebih relevan menggunakan konsep harga tetap. Apakah akan mengambil (PNBP)? Ini dalam pembahasan. Mungkin ada penurunan PNBP sedikit. Tapi kalau masuk akal, masih bisa ditoleransi,” kata dia. Khayam menambahkan, meski penetapan harga gas bagi empat jenis industri di tahap kedua dapat mengurangi PNBR kebijakan itu dapat merangsang investasi. “Industri tumbuh, investasi pun tumbuh. Makin kompetitif, harus berdampak ke pajak yang lebih tinggi.
Menurut anggota Komisi Energi Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, Kurtubi, penurunan harga gas pasti berdampak terhadap PNBP “Tapi kinerja industri diharapkan naik. Penerimaan dari pajak akan meningkat kalau kinerja industri membaik. Percuma kalau harga gas turun tapi kinerja tetap,” ujar dia. Ketua Koordinator Gas Industri Kamar Dagang dan Industri Indonesia, Ahmad Wijaya, optimistis kebijakan harga gas industri bakal mendongkrak pertumbuhan ekonomi lebih tinggi.
Ia memperkirakan ekonomi tahun depan bakal tumbuh 7 persen dengan penurunan harga gas industri hingga maksimal US$ 6 per MMEBTU. Sebab, industri bisa tumbuh lebih kencang dengan harga gas yang murah. Bisa 7 persen, bukan lagi 5 persen. Yang menunjang pertumbuhan ekonomi kan cuma satu, industri harus tumbuh. Khayam yakin penurunan harga gas akan berdampak signifikan. Sebab, menurut dia, kontribusi harga gas terhadap biaya produksi tiga industri pupuk, petrokimia, dan baja Iebih dari 70 persen. Yang didahulukan memang adalah sektor yang berdampak sangat signifikan,” kata dia.
Decrease Gas Prices Will Continue
The government is discussing the pricing of the second phase of industrial gases. At this advanced stage, the focus is on gas as an energy, which occurs in industries such as oleochemical, ceramics, glass, and rubber gloves. "For this we push together to be enacted in 2017," said Director of Upstream Chemical Industry Ministry of Industry, Muhammad Khayam.
He explained that the pricing of gas previously applied for petrochemical plants, fertilizer, and steel is the first phase, focusing on gas as feedstock. Regulation regarding it poured in the form of Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 40 Year 2016 on Natural Gas Prices for Industry Specific. Provisions contained a policy to reduce gas prices for the three fertilizer industry, petrochemical and steel with effect from January 1, 2017.
The ministerial regulation was published to follow the Presidential Decree Number 40 Year 2016 Pricing Gas. President Joko Widodo merninta that the price of gas for the industry should not be more than US $ 6 per MMBTU. The goal is for the domestic industry competitive and grow faster. Khayam added that the decline in gas prices for the three types of the industry does not lower non-tax revenues (non-tax). "Because maybe next year could be $ 6, $ 7, $ 8, following the price of commodities, can be ammonia, methanol, and so forth.
For this, the base price is more equitable formula. "But pricing for industries that use gas as energy, Khayam rate, more relevant to use the concept of a fixed price. Whether to take (non-tax)? It is under discussion. Maybe there was a decrease in non-tax revenues a bit. But if it makes sense, it can still be tolerated, "he said. Khayam added, although pricing for the four types of industrial gas in the second stage can reduce PNBR the policy can stimulate investment. "The industry is growing, investment has grown. More competitive, it must have an impact to the higher tax.
According to members of the Energy Commission of the House of Representatives, Kurtubi, the decline in gas prices certainly have an impact on non-tax revenues "But the performance of the industry is expected to rise. Receipts from taxes will increase if the industry's performance improves. Useless if gas prices go down but performance remains, "he said. Chief Coordinator Gas Industry Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Indonesia, Ahmad Wijaya, optimistic industrial gas pricing policy would boost economic growth higher.
He estimates that next year the economy will grow 7 percent decline in industrial gas prices up to a maximum of US $ 6 per MMEBTU. Therefore, the industry could grow much faster with cheap gas prices. Can 7 percent and not another 5 percent. That support the economic growth of just one, the industry should grow. Khayam sure drop in gas prices will have a significant impact. Because, according to him, the contribution of gas prices to the cost of production of three industrial fertilizers, petrochemicals, and steel exceeding 70 percent. The precedence is indeed a very significant impact on the sector, "he said.
Koran Tempo, Page- 17, Tuesday, Dec,13,2016
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