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Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Penurunan Harga Gas Tak Memuaskan

    Pemerintah akhirnya menurunkan harga gas industri. Lewat Peraturan Menteri Energi Surnber Daya dan Mineral (ESDM) No 40/2016 tentang Harga Gas untuk Industri Tertentu, harga gas untuk industri pupuk, petrokimia dan baja turun mulai 1 Januari 2017. Tak hanya itu, tarif pengangkutan gas melalui pipa (toll fee) di ruas tertentu juga dipangkas. Hanya, berdasar lampiran aturan ini, penurunan harga gas ini nyatanya hanya berlaku bagi perusahaan yang berbahan baku gas saja, begitu juga penurunan tarif pipa.

    Aturan yang diteken Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan 25 November ini berbeda dengan amanat Peraturan Presiden No. 40/ 2016 tentang Penetapan Harga Gas Bumi yang diteken Mei 2016. Ada tujuh industri yang seharusnya bisa menikmati penurunan harga gas. Selain industri pupuk, petrokimia dan baja, ada industri kaca, keramik, sarung angan serta oleochemical yang seharusnya juga menikmati penurunan harga gas. Turun rata-rata di kisaran US$ 1,5 per mmbtu, penurunan harga ini juga tak sesuai harapan tiga industri yang mendapat potongan harga gas.

    Ambil contoh harga gas Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang dari JOB PHE-Talisman, harganya masih di atas US$ 6 per mmbtu. Harga gas industri ini turun menjadi US$ 6,48 per mmbtu dari harga semula US$ 6,56 per mmbtu. Menurut Direktur Produksi PT Pupuk Kujang Maryono, dengan harga dasar US$ 6 per mmbtu, produsen pupuk belum bisa bersaing dengan produsen pupuk lain di luar negeri. "Kami ingin harganya US$ 4 per mmbtu," katanya.

    Penurunan harga gas pupuk saat ini tak jauh berbeda dengan realisasi harga gas yang dibayar Pupuk Kujang. Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM IGN Wiratmaja Puja mencoba menjelaskan, penetapan harga gas untuk tiga industri itu seharusnya menggunakan formula harga. Namun, karena harga produk di tiga industri ini masih rendah, harga patokan gas memakai harga dasar (floor price). "Ada floor price-nya, tergantung harga produk," ungkapnya.

    Kata Wiratmaja, dengan formula harga yang ditetapkan Menteri ESDM ini, pemerintah tak menanggung penurunan harga sendirian. Selain penerimaan pemerintah terpangkas, penerimaan kontraktor juga berkurang. Masalahnya, penurunan harga gas kali ini sesuai harapan pengusaha. Padahal, sejak awal tahun 2016, pemerintah menjanjikan penurunan harga gas agar industri lokal bisa bersaing. Beleid Menteri ESDM ini juga berbeda dengan Perpres 40/2016. "Kepastian penurunan harga gas untuk sektor lain harusnya juga mutlak berlaku tahun ini. Ini harus dipatuhi dan dilaksanakan Menteri ESDM, " tandas Ketua Umum Asosiasi Kaca Lembaran dan Pengaman (AKLP) Yustinus Gunawan.


Gas Price Decline Not Satisfactory

    The government finally lowered the price of industrial gases. Through the Minister of Energy and Mineral Power Surnber (ESDM) No. 40/2016 on Gas Prices for Industry Specific, gas prices for the fertilizer industry, petrochemical and steel fell from 1 January 2017. Not only that, the transport of gas through the pipeline tariff (toll fee) in certain segments also trimmed. Only, based on the annex to this rule, the decline in gas prices is in fact only applies to companies whose raw material gas only, as well as pipeline tariff reduction.

    Rules were signed by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Ignatius Jonan 25 November is different from the mandate of Presidential Decree No. 40/2016 Pricing Natural Gas, which was signed in May 2016. There were seven industries that should be able to enjoy a decrease in gas prices. In addition to the fertilizer industry, petrochemical and steel, there is glass industry, ceramics, fancy gloves and oleochemical that should also enjoy a reduction in gas prices. Fell on average in the range of US $ 1.5 per mmbtu, this price reduction is also not as expected the three industries which get discounted gas prices.

    Take for example the price of gas Fertilizer Sriwidjaja Palembang from PHE JOB-Talisman, is still above US $ 6 per mmbtu. Industrial gas prices fell to US $ 6.48 per mmbtu from the original price of US $ 6.56 per mmbtu. According to the Production Director of PT Pupuk Kujang Maryono, with a base price of US $ 6 per mmbtu, fertilizer manufacturers can not compete with other fertilizer producers abroad. "We wanted it costs US $ 4 per mmbtu," he said.

    The decline in gas prices of fertilizer at this time is not much different from the actual gas price paid Pupuk Kujang. Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources IGN Wiratmaja Puja tried to explain, the pricing of gas for the three industries it is supposed to use the price formula. However, since the prices of products in three industry is still low, the benchmark price of gas put on the base price (floor price). "There are its floor price, depending on the price of the product," he said.

    Wiratmaja said, with a set price formula Minister, the government does not bear the price reductions alone. In addition to government revenue was cut, the reception contractor is also reduced. The problem is, the decline in gas prices this time according the expectations of employers. In fact, since the beginning of 2016, the government promised that the gas price decline of local industry can compete. Beleid Minister is also different from the regulation 40/2016. "Certainty drop in the price of gas to other sectors should also absolute effect this year. This should be complied with and implemented the Minister of Energy," said Chairman and Safety Sheet Glass Association (AKLP) Justin Gunawan.


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