Saturday, December 24, 2016
PEPC Target Produksi Gas 2020
Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) menargetkan lapangan gas Jambaran-Tiung Biru (TBR) di Desa Bandungrejo, Kecamatan Ngasem, Kabupaten Bojonegoro, Jawa Timur, memproduksi gas sebesar 172 juta standar-kaki kubik pada 2020. Target kami gas Jambaran-TBR bisa berproduksi 2020 dengan pembeli PLN dan Petrokimia, “ kata Senior “Project Manager” Jambaran-Tiung Biru (TBR) PEPC Firman Arif, Rabu (21/12).
Hanya saja, pihaknya masih melakukan proses negosiasi terkait harga gas dengan pembeli dari PLN dan PT Petrokimia dengan negosiator Pemerintah. “Dua perusahaan pembeli gas dari BUMN sehingga negosiatornya Pemerintah,” ucapnya. Sesuai rencana, menurut dia, gas lapangan Jambaran-TBR akan diproduksikan sebesar 172 juta standar kaki kubik per hari dalam kurun waktu 2020-2035. “Gas Jambaran-TBR akan dimanfaatkan untuk listrik dan pupuk,” ucapnya.
Ia menyebutkan proyek pengembangan lapangan gas Jambaran-TBR di dalam “plant of development” (POD) akan menelan-biaya mencapai 2,5 miliar dolar Amerika Serikat. Menurut dia, pengeboran dua sumur gas akan dimulai pada 2018. Sekarang dalam proses persiapan untuk pondasi pengeboran yang akan selesai berkisar 2-3 bulan,” tandasnya. Pekerjaan pengembangan proyek lapangan gas Jambaran-TBR lainnya, lanjut Manajer Humas PPEC Abdul Malik, berupa pekerjaan pembangunan sipil dimulai 2016 lalu. Pekerjaan yang sudah berjalan, kata dia, pembangunan akses jalan, gedung perkantoran juga berbagai pekerjaan sipil lainnya termasuk pembangunan lapangan heli. Di dalam melaksanakan pekerjaan itu, menurut dia melibatkan sekitar 200 tenaga kerja.
PEPC 2020 Gas Production Target
Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) targeting gas field Jambaran-Tiung Blue (TBR) in the village of Bandungrejo, District Ngasem, Bojonegoro, East Java, producing gas by 172 million standard cubic-feet in 2020. Our target Jambaran gas-TBR can produce 2020 with buyers PLN and Petrochemicals, "said Senior" Project Manager "Jambaran-Tiung Blue (TBR) PEPC word Arif, on Wednesday (21/12).
Only, it's still in the process of negotiations related to gas prices with buyers from PLN and PT Petrochemical with government negotiators. "Two companies buyer of gas from SOEs so that government negotiators," he said. As planned, according to him, the gas field Jambaran-TBR is to be produced by 172 million standard cubic feet per day in the period 2020-2035. "Gas Jambaran-TBR will be utilized for electricity and fertilizer," he said.
He mentioned gas field development project Jambaran-TBR in the "plant of development" (POD) will swallow-cost reached 2.5 billion US dollars. According to him, the drilling of two gas wells will commence in 2018. Now in the process of preparation for foundation drilling will be completed around 2-3 months, "he said. Gas field project development work Jambaran-other TBR, said PR Manager PPEC Abdul Malik, in the form of civil construction work began in 2016 ago. Work is already under way, he said, the construction of access roads, office buildings as well as various other civil works including the construction of the helicopter field. In the performance of the work, according to him involves about 200 workers.
Duta Masyarakat, Page-15,Thursday, Dec,22,2016
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