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Saturday, December 3, 2016

Pertamina-Aramco Undurkan Kesepakatan

    Pembentukan perusahaan patungan proyek pengembangan kilang (refinery development master plan/RDMP) Cilacap, Jawa Tengah antara PT Pertamina dan Saudi Aramco mundur hingga akhir tahun. Direktur Megaproyek Pengolahan dan Petrokimia Pertamina, Rachmad Hardadi, mengatakan keputusan tersebut merupakan hasil pertemuan dua pemimpin perusahaan pada 24 November lalu. “Kami sepakat HOA (head
of agreement atau nota perjanjian) diperpanjang sampai 31 Desember” kata dia.

    Menurut Rachmad, masih ada satu dari empat klausul yang belum disepakati Saudi Aramco. Tapi, untuk menghindari kesalahpahaman, Rachmad enggan menyebutkan poin tersebut. Dia berharap Saudi Aramco menyepakati seluruh klausul itu, sehingga pembentukan perusahaan patungan PT Pertamina dan Saudi Aramco untuk Kilang Cilacap bisa segera terwujud. Sampai saat ini, Aramco belum mengubah porsi kepemilikan kilang RDMP Cilacap. Pertamina menguasai 55 persen saham proyek senilai US$ 4,5 miliar dan sisanya dimiliki Aramco.

    Dengan proyek ini, kapasitas produksi Kilang Cilacap meningkat dari 348 ribu barel per hari (bph) menjadi 370 ribu bph dan menghasilkan bahan bakar minyak standar Euro 5. RDMP Cilacap merupakan satu dari beberapa proyek pengembangan kilang Pertamina selain Balongan dan Balikpapan. Untuk kilang Balikpapan, Pertamina dan PT Wijaya Karya (WIKA) telah menandatangani kontrak pengembangan dan konstruksi sandar kapal RDMP Refinery Unit V Proyek ini berupa persiapan lahan area pembangunan infrastruktur kilang 75 hektare, pembangunan area sandar kapal berukuran 30 X 100 meter berkapasitas 6.500 deadweight tonnage (DWT), serta pembangunan prasarana jalan dan gedung hingga peralatan perkapalan.

    Rachmad menargetkan proyek dapat beroperasi pada September 2019. Kapasitas Kilang Balikpapan akan meningkat dari 260 ribu bph menjadi 360 bph. Direktur Operasi WIKA Bambang Pramudjo mengatakan, proyek akan selesai tepat waktu. Dari nilai proyek, tidak terlalu signifikan, tapi strategis.


Pertamina-Aramco stepped Agreement

    The formation of a joint venture refinery development project (refinery development master plan / RDMP) Cilacap, Central Java between PT Pertamina and Saudi Aramco delayed until the end of the year. Processing and Petrochemical megaproject Director of Pertamina, Rachmad Hardadi, said the decision was a result of the meeting of two leaders of the company on November 24 last. "We agreed HOA (head
of agreement or memorandum of agreement) was extended until December 31, "he said.

    According to Rachmat, there is still one of the four clauses that have not been agreed upon Saudi Aramco. But, in order to avoid misunderstandings, Rachmad reluctant to mention these points. He hoped Saudi Aramco agree that all clauses, so that the formation of a joint venture company PT Pertamina and Saudi Aramco for the Cilacap refinery could be realized. Until now, Aramco has not changed ownership RDMP Cilacap refinery. Pertamina controlled 55 percent stake in a project worth US $ 4.5 billion and the rest is owned Aramco.

    With this project, the Cilacap refinery increased production capacity of 348 thousand barrels per day (bpd) to 370 thousand bpd and produces fuel oil RDMP Cilacap Euro 5 standard is one of several development projects in addition Balongan oil refineries and Balikpapan. For Balikpapan refinery, Pertamina and PT Wijaya Karya (WIKA) has signed a contract for the development and construction of the ship docked RDMP Refinery Unit V The project is in the form of land preparation area of ​​infrastructure development plant 75 hectares, the construction area of ​​the ship docked measuring 30 x 100 meters with a capacity of 6,500 deadweight tonnage ( DWT), as well as road infrastructure development and building up of shipping equipment.

    Rachmad project is targeting to operate in September 2019. Balikpapan refinery capacity will increase from 260 thousand bpd to 360 bpd. Director of Operations WIKA Pramudjo Bambang said, the project will be completed on time. Of the project value, not too significant, but strategic.

Koran Tempo, Page-17, Friday, Dec,2,2016

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