Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Pertamina CSR Case Cover Solicitation of Funds
The Ministry of Energy recall letter without explanation
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources letter requesting funds attract corporate social responsibility or corporate social responsibility (CSR) to PT Pertamina. With recall that, Pertamina immediately halt review of the CSR request. "There is a cancellation letter the Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy, so be it," Pertamina spokesman, Wianda Pusponegoro.
Tempo received a copy of the letter signed by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy Teguh Pamudji on request of the Ministry to Pertamina to provide health insurance fund CSR as a number of experts, employees of the administrator, and high officials of the Ministry. A letter dated December 8, 2016 requesting that the state-owned oil company that provides health insurance for 58 leaders of a major high, 15 experts and 218 officials of the Ministry administrator.
The reason, hundreds of people were referred to require a guarantee of better health. Wianda explained, after receiving the letter, Pertamina directly examine the request. According to him, only this time Pertamina received requests to meet CSR to officials of the Ministry of Energy in the form of health insurance. Pertamina all depends review decisions and provisions of the company, "he said.
Wianda said this during Pertamina CSR funds should be given to the beneficiaries directly. Funding of corporate social responsibility was handed over to communities or cooperatives located around the work area Pertamina. For example, people who are in the ring 1, 2, and 3 work areas of Pertamina. If for stakeholders, to be seen again. Wianda asserted, the postal budget for CSR funds should be the immediate impact to the community.
As for the request of the Ministry, according to him, the review process has been terminated because the demand is already in the recall letter. Spokesman for the Ministry of Energy, Sujatmiko, confirmed that it had canceled CSR demand for health care employees and officials to Pertamina. But he was reluctant to mention the reasons for the cancellation. Already canceled his day Friday, December 23, 2016, he said.
Earlier, Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy said Teguh testifying to Pertamina CSR funding request is only for 15 experts of the Ministry. They are non-civil servants (PNS) and do not have health insurance at all. Reason for request CSR fund, said Teguh, because the Ministry does not allocate a budget for the health experts. The reason, experts are not joining assist the Minister in the beginning of the year when the budget is prepared.
Pertamina Tutup Kasus Permintaan Dana CSR
Kementerian Enérgi recall suratnya tanpa penjelasan
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral menarik surat permintaan dana tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan atau corporate social responsibility (CSR) kepada PT Pertamina. Dengan recall itu, Pertamina langsung menghentikan review permintaan CSR tersebut. “Ada Surat pembatalan Sekjen Kementerian ESDM, ya sudah,” kata juru bicara Pertamina, Wianda Pusponegoro.
Tempo mendapat salinan Surat yang diteken Sekretaris Jenderal Kementerian Energi Teguh Pamudji tentang permintaan Kementerian kepada Pertamina untuk memberikan dana CSR sebagai jaminan kesehatan sejumlah tenaga ahli, pegawai administrator, dan pegawai tinggi Kementerian. Surat bertanggal 8 Desember 2016 itu isinya meminta perusahaan minyak milik negara itu menyediakan jaminan kesehatan untuk 58 pimpinan tinggi utama, 15 tenaga ahli, dan 218 pejabat administrator Kementerian.
Alasannya, ratusan orang itu disebut memerlukan jaminan kesehatan yang lebih baik. Wianda menjelaskan, setelah mendapat surat tersebut, Pertamina langsung mengkaji permintaan itu. Menurut dia, baru kali ini Pertamina mendapat permintaan untuk memenuhi CSR kepada pejabat Kementerian Energi dalam bentuk jaminan kesehatan. Keputusan Pertamina semua tergantung review dan ketentuan perusahaan,” ujar dia.
Wianda mengatakan selama ini dana CSR Pertamina harus diberikan kepada penerima manfaat langsung. Pemberian dana tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan itu diserahkan kepada masyarakat atau koperasi yang berada di sekitar area kerja Pertamina. Misalnya, masyarakat yang berada di ring 1, 2, dan 3 Wilayah kerja Pertamina. Kalau untuk stakeholder, harus dilihat lagi. Wianda menegaskan, pos anggaran untuk dana CSR mesti yang membawa dampak langsung kepada masyarakat.
Adapun tentang permintaan Kementerian, menurut dia, proses review sudah dihentikan karena surat permintaan sudah di recall. Juru bicara Kementerian Energi, Sujatmiko, membenarkan bahwa pihaknya telah membatalkan permintaan CSR untuk jaminan kesehatan pegawai dan pejabat kepada Pertamina. Namun dia enggan menyebut alasan pembatalan itu. Sudah dibatalkan suratnya hari Jumat, 23 Desember 2016, kata dia.
Sebelumnya, Sekretaris Jenderal Kementerian Energi Teguh Pambudi mengatakan permintaan dana CSR kepada Pertamina hanya untuk 15 tenaga ahli Kementerian. Mereka non-Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) dan belum memiliki jaminan kesehatan sama sekali. Alasan permintaan dana CSR, kata Teguh, karena Kementerian tidak mengalokasikan anggaran untuk kesehatan para tenaga ahli tersebut. Pasalnya, tenaga ahli tersebut tidak bergabung membantu Menteri di awal tahun saat anggaran disusun.
Koran Tempo, Page-5, Monday, Dec, 26,2016
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