Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Pertamina Dukung Skema Gross Split
Wakil Direktur Utama PT Pertamina Ahmad Bambang mendukung skema bagi hasil kotor (gross split) dalam pengelolaan wilayah kerja minyak dan gas. Skema ini meniadakan dana pengembalian operasional kontraktor atau cost recovery. Bambang menilai skema cost recovery membebani negara dalam jangka panjang. Tumpukan cost recovery terutang itu dibebankan ke generasi yang akan datang,” kata dia.
Dengan produksi minyak yang semakin menurun, hasil produksi dikhawatirkan akan habis hanya untuk membayar cost recovery. Konsekuensinya, konsep gross split akan menghilangkan fungsi Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas). Sebab,setelah penandatanganan kontrak pengelolaan wilayah kerja migas, tidak perlu lagi ada pengawasan. “Tapi itu urusan pemerintah.” Skema baru pengelolaan lapangan migas, gross split sebagai pengganti konsep cost recovery, sedang dibahas di Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral.
Perbedaan keduanya terletak pada besaran porsi bagi hasil. Dalam cost recovery, negara dan kontraktor masing-masing menerima 85 persen dan 15 persen. Namun porsi pernerintah akan dikurangi biaya produksi kontraktor sesuai dengan besaran yang mereka klaim. Dalam skema gross split; bagian pemerintah tidak dikurangi biaya produksi kontraktor. Pernerintah tidak perlu lagi menganggarkan cost recovery dalam APBN. Skema bagi hasilnya, kedua belah pihak akan mendapat porsi sarna besar Kepala SKK Migas Amien Sunaryadi, mengatakan skema gross split tidak akan banyak berpengaruh terhadap kinerja lembaganya.
Pasalnya, skema tersebut hanya berlaku untuk kontrak wilayah kerja (WK) baru. Direktur Indonesia Petroleum Association (IPA), Ignatius Tenny Wibowo, mengapresiasi rencana skema kontrak baru tersebut. Menurut Tenny, konsep gross split membuat kontraktor migas lebih luwes mengelola wilayah kerja. Sebab, pemerintah nantinya bakal menyerahkan aktivitas operasi sepenuhnya kepada operator. Birokrasi lebih pendek, jadi eksplorasi bisa lebih berpeluang.
Sebab, kontraktor yang menanggung biayanya, meski nanti eksplorasinya berhasil,” ucap Tenny. Namun, Tenny berharap aturan itu nantinya diterapkan untuk wilayah kerja baru saja. Tujuannya adalah memberi kepastian hukum bagi kontrak migas yang sedang berjalan.
Pertamina Support Scheme Gross Split
Vice President Director of PT Pertamina Ahmad Bambang support schemes for gross proceeds (gross split) in the management of oil and gas working areas. This scheme negates the operational fund returns contractor or cost recovery. Bambang assess the cost recovery scheme to burden the state in the long term. Piles of outstanding cost recovery was charged to the generations to come, "he said.
With declining oil production, production is feared to run out just to pay cost recovery. Consequently, the concept of gross split will eliminate the Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas). Because, after signing the contract management of oil and gas working areas, no need for supervision. "But it matters the government." The new scheme, the management of oil and gas fields, gross split as a substitute for the concept of cost recovery, is being discussed in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.
Difference between the two lies in the amounts of revenue sharing. In cost recovery, states and contractors each received 85 percent and 15 percent. The share of production costs will be reduced governmental contractors in accordance with the amount they claim. In the scheme of gross split; the government's share is not reduced production costs contractors. The government does not need to budget cost recovery in the state budget. Scheme for the result, both parties will receive equal portions Head Amien Sunaryadi SKK Migas, said the scheme gross split will not have much effect on the performance of the institution.
The reason, the scheme applies only to contract work area (WK) new. Director of the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA), Ignatius Tenny Wibowo, appreciate the new contract scheme plan. According to Tenny, the concept of gross split makes oil and gas contractors more flexibility to manage working area. Therefore, the government would later be handed over entirely to the operating activities of the operator. Bureaucracy is shorter, so the exploration could be more likely.
Therefore, contractors are paying for it, although later exploration work, "said Tenny. However, Tenny hope that rule will be applied to the working area recently. The aim is to give legal certainty to the oil and gas contracts that are running.
Koran Tempo, Page-18, Wednesday, Dec,14,2016
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