Saturday, December 24, 2016
Pertamina EP Menduga Kebocoran Pipa Minyak Sabotase
Pertamina EP Asset Field 4 Cepu, Jawa Tengah, menduga kebocoran pipa minyak milik PT Geo Cepu Indonesia (GCI) di Desa Kawengan, Kecamatan Kedawan, Kab Bojonegoro, Jatim, disebabkan unsur sabotase. "Sesuai laporan yang kami terima dari pihak GCI bahwa bocornya pipa minyak diduga ada unsur sabotase,” kata Manajer Pertamina EP Asset 4 Field Cepu, Jawa Tengah, Agus Amperiyanto. Dari foto pipa minyak yang bocor itu, menurut dia, kebocoran pipa distribusi minyak mentah milik PT GCI di trunkline Kawengan, Kee Kedewan, menggambarkan ada bekas digergaji.
Kebocoran pipa diketahui Senin (19/12) sekitar pukul 07.00 WIB. Menurut dia, setelah diketahui ada pipa minyak bocor, personal GCI langsung melakukan penanganan penghentian pemompaan minyak sekaligus melakukan pengangkatan minyak yang tumpah. Terjadinya kebocoran pipa distribusi minyak mentah milik GCI, jelas ada unsur kesengajaan, karena faktor adanya penertiban penambangan sumur minyak tua,” katanya menegaskan.
Sebelumnya, kata dia, Pertamina EP Asset Field, 4 Cepu, telah melakukan pengambilalihan sejumlah sumur minyak yang dikelola warga untuk kemudian dikelola PT GCI berdasarkan Kontrak Sama Operasi (KSO), Pihak GCI juga sudah melaporkan kejadian itu kepada polisi. Camat Kedewan, Bojonegoro Muchtarom menjelaskan kebocoran pipa minyak milik PT GCI itu mengakibatkan sawah warga seluas 2 hektare terkena tumpahan minyak. Di area sawah tersebut terdapat tanaman padi dengan usia sekitar 10 hari. Sampai sekarang ini masih ada petugas di lapangan yang melakukan pembersihan minyak yang tumpah di sawah,” ucapnya.
Dari hasil koordinasi dengan GCI, perbaikan pipa minyak yang bocor membutuhkan waktu sekitar lima hari. Kami juga meminta GCI memberikan kompensasi kepada warga yang sawahnya terkena tumpahan minyak, tetapi masih belum ada jawaban.
Pertamina EP suspect Leaks Oil Pipeline Sabotage
Pertamina EP Cepu Asset Field 4, Central Java, suspected leak oil pipe owned by PT Geo Cepu Indonesia (GCI) in the village of Kawengan, District Kedawan, Regency Bojonegoro, East Java, due to the element of sabotage. "According to the reports we receive from the GCI that leaking oil pipeline allegedly no element of sabotage," said Manager of Pertamina EP Asset 4 Field Cepu, Central Java, Agus Amperiyanto. From the photo oil pipeline leak, according to him, leaking distribution pipes crude PT GCI in trunkline Kawengan, Kee Kedewan, characterize the former sawed.
Pipeline leak is known on Monday (19/12) at around 07.00 pm. According to him, having known no leaking oil pipelines, personal GCI directly handling the cessation of pumping oil at the same time making the appointments oil spill. Leakage of crude oil distribution pipelines belonging to GCI, obviously no intention, because of the presence of old oil wells mining policing, "he asserted.
Previously, he said, Pertamina EP Field Asset, 4 Cepu, has conducted a number of oil well takeover residents managed to then managed by PT GCI under the Contract for Joint Operation (KSO), GCI Party had also reported the incident to the police. Camat Kedewan, Bojonegoro Muchtarom explain leak oil pipeline owned by PT GCI it resulted in a 2-hectare paddy residents affected by the oil spill. The rice fields are in the area of rice plants with the age of about 10 days. Until now there are still officers in the field who do the cleaning up oil spilled in the fields, "he said.
From the results of coordination with GCI, repair leaky oil pipeline takes about five days. We also ask for GCI provides compensation to citizens whose fields affected by the oil spill, but still no answer.
Bhirawa, Page-7,Thursday, Dec,22,2016
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