Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Pertamina "is" Not Dairy Cattle
Request for funding corporate social responsibility (CSR) or corporate social responsibility PT Pertamina by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources to fund some health officials regrettable. Demand was by no means the exploitation of state-owned enterprises (SOEs).
Through a letter dated December 8, 2016, the Ministry of Energy requested oil company red plate gives CSR funds for health insurance 58 high leadership primary, 15 experts and 218 officials administrator. The Ministry argues they do not allocate the budget to the health experts, who joins assist the Minister in the early years when the budget is prepared. The demand is very awkward. Supposedly, the Ministry of Energy to understand that CSR funds of state enterprises can not be allocated arbitrarily.
Everything must be decided by a general meeting of shareholders, in this case by the Ministry of SOEs. The Ministry of Energy can not arbitrarily suppress PT Pertamina to disburse the aid. Moreover, state-owned companies use CSR funds are already regulated in Law Number 40 Year 2007 regarding Limited Liability Company.
Article 74 paragraph 1 of the law mentioned, the company engaged in natural resource Mandatory implement CSR. If not, they will be penalized. CSR funds could be spent on infrastructure or educational facilities and places of worship in the company operates.
Rules also clearly set up two classes of beneficiaries of CSR, namely the stakeholders in the company-the board of directors, managers, members of staff, and administration as well as stakeholders outside the company, ie customers, suppliers, local communities, and local governments.
Beyond that there is no other institution that may enjoy the CSR funds. Abundant funds administered SOEs, around Rp 1,400 trillion, is often used as a field extortion for personal or group interests. SOE also seemed to be a dairy cow. In an age of SOE Minister Dahlan Iskan, a practice that has become a tradition that seeks to be eroded.
Dahlan grouping them frequently intervenes and squeeze SOEs, including those close to power, the Internal Ministry, state, members of the House of Representatives (DPR), community leaders, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), local governments, law enforcement agencies, unscrupulous media , crony directors of state enterprises and foreign intervention.
The intention of the Ministry of Energy this time is tantamount to a group called Dahlan it. They intend to use the funds CSR PT Pertamina's interests outside which is set by law. It's not procedure. If this request is approved, it would be a bad precedent for other state enterprises.
Luckily, after the fuss in the media, the Ministry of Energy withdraw the request letter on Friday 23 Des 2016. The letter, signed by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy, Pamudji True, it was not known to the Minister Ignatius Jonan. So as not to repeat itself, the Minister Jonan need to take action in the form of reprimand. If necessary, to impose sanctions on those who do this dirty practice. Internal control of the Ministry of Energy also needs to be addressed and tightened.
Pertamina Bukan Sapi Perah
Permintaan dana corporate social responsibility (CSR) atau tanggung jawab sosial perusahaan PT Pertamina oleh Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral untuk dana kesehatan beberapa pejabatnya patut disesalkan. Permintaan itu tak ubahnya pemerasan terhadap badan usaha milik negara (BUMN).
Melalui Surat bertanggal 8 Desember 2016, Kementerian Energi meminta perusahaan minyak pelat merah itu memberikan dana CSR untuk jaminan kesehatan 58 pimpinan tinggi utama, 15 tenaga ahli, dan 218 pejabat administrator.
Kementerian beralasan mereka tidak mengalokasikan anggaran untuk kesehatan para tenaga ahli tersebut, yang bergabung membantu Menteri pada awal tahun saat anggaran disusun. Permintaan tersebut amat janggal. Semestinya, Kementerian Energi paham bahwa dana CSR perusahaan negara tidak bisa dialokasikan secara sembarangan.
Semuanya harus diputuskan melalui rapat umum pemegang saham, dalam hal ini oleh Kementerian BUMN. Kementerian Energi tak bisa seenaknya menekan PT Pertamina menggelontorkan dana bantuan tersebut. Lagi pula, penggunaan dana CSR perusahaan BUMN sudah diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 40 Tahun 2007 tentang Perseroan Terbatas.
Dalam Pasal 74 ayat 1 undang-undang itu disebutkan, perseroan yang bergerak di bidang sumber daya alam Wajib melaksanakan CSR. Jika tidak, mereka akan dijatuhi sanksi. Dana CSR bisa dikeluarkan untuk pembangunan infrastruktur atau sarana pendidikan dan ibadah di tempat perusahaan beroperasi.
Aturan itu juga dengan jelas mengatur dua golongan penerima dana CSR, yaitu pemangku kepentingan dalam perusahaan-jajaran direksi, manajer, anggota staf, dan administrasi serta pemangku kepentingan di luar perusahaan, yakni konsumen, pemasok, masyarakat sekitar, dan pemerintah daerah.
Di luar itu tak ada lembaga lain yang boleh menikmati dana CSR. Dana berlimpah yang dikelola BUMN, sekitar Rp 1.400 triliun, sering dijadikan ladang pemerasan untuk kepentingan pribadi ataupun kelompok. BUMN pun seakan menjadi Sapi perah. Di zaman Menteri BUMN Dahlan Iskan, praktek yang sudah menjadi tradisi itu berupaya dikikis.
Dahlan mengelompokkan mereka yang sering mengintervensi dan memeras BUMN, antara lain orang-orang dekat kekuasaan, kalangan internal Kementerian, BUMN, anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR), tokoh masyarakat, lembaga swadaya masyarakat (LSM), pemerintah daerah, penegak hukum, oknum media, kroni direksi BUMN dan intervensi luar negeri.
Niat Kementerian Energi kali ini sama saja dengan kelompok yang disebut Dahlan itu. Mereka bermaksud memanfaatkan dana CSR PT Pertamina untuk kepentingan di luar yang sudah diatur undang-undang. Hal ini menyalahi prosedur. Jika permintaan ini disetujui, hal itu akan menjadi preseden buruk bagi BUMN lain.
Beruntung, setelah diributkan di media, Kementerian Energi menarik kembali surat permintaan tersebut pada Jumat tanggal 23 Des 2016. Surat yang ditanda tangani Sekretaris Jenderal Kementerian Energi, Teguh Pamudji, itu sempat tidak diketahui Menteri Ignasius Jonan. Agar tak terulang, Menteri Jonan perlu mengambil tindakan berupa teguran keras. Bila perlu, memberikan sanksi kepada mereka yang melakukan praktek kotor ini. Pengawasan internal Kementerian Energi pun perlu dibenahi dan diperketat.
Koran Tempo, Page-11, Tuesday, Dec, 27,2016
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