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Thursday, December 15, 2016

Pertamina Pacu Infrastruktur Energi

    PT Pertamina terus menambah infrastruktur dan fasilitas gas, khususnya terminal Liqufied Natural Gas (LNG) dan unit penyimpanan dan regasifikasi terapung (FSRU). Perusahaan energi pelat merah itu juga berperan penting dalam pengembangan dan pemakaian energi baru terbarukan (EBT) di Indonesia. “Kami siap menanamkan investasi di bisnis hulu EBT sebesar US$1,5 miliar hingga 2019, di luar panas bumi.

    Kami juga tengah membangun FSRU Cilacap berkapasitas 200 mmscfd,” ujar Direktur Gas Pertamina Yenni Andayani. Hal itu bertujuan mengganti bahan bakar minyak (BBM) agar tetap sesuai target 2018. Di sektor transportasi, Pertamina menyediakan 56 unit SPBG termasuk mobile refueling unit (MRU) di Jabodetabek, Palembang, Semarang, dan Balikpapan. Dirjen EBT dan Konservasi Energi Kementerian ESDM Dadan Kusdiana meminta Pertamina untuk menjadi pemakai (offtaker) produk EBT dan menjadi pengembang panas bumi. “Itu akan memicu badan usaha lain mengembangkan EBT.

    Direktur Pemasaran Pertamina M Iskandar menyatakan sejumlah strategi dilakukan seperti pemerataan satu harga BBM di Indonesia Timur dan perbatasan, serta kerja sama dengan berbagai pihak untuk membangun kilang baru agar target produksi minyak 2 juta barel per hari di 2023 tercapai. “Terobosan dalam menyikapi perubahan perilaku pasar yang sangat dinamis, seperti meluncurkan produk alternatif seperti pertalite, pertamax turbo, dan bright gas 5,5 kg,” kata dia.

    Di sisi lain, anak usaha Pertamina, yakni PT Pertamina EP, ,tercatat sebagai perusahaan berkinerja terbaik 2016 dalam aktivitas eksplorasi. Pertamina EP juga menjuarai ajang ASEAN Risk Management 2016 yang diikuti 23 perusahaan. Penghargaan SKK Migas di kategori survei darat terbaik, pengeboran eksplorasi terbaik, dan peringkat kedua pengeboran eksploitasi terbaik memacu kami bekerja lebih keras mencari sumber migas baru,” ujar Exploration and New Discovery Project Director Pertamina EP Nanang Abdul Manaf, kemarin. Direktur Pengembangan Pertamina EP Herutama Trikoranto menambahkan, di ajang ASEAN Risk Management Award yang kali pertama diikuti, Pertamina EP jadi juara 1 kategori risk technology dan juara 3 kategori risk champion.


Pertamina Energy Infrastructure Accelerates

    PT Pertamina continues to add infrastructure and gas facilities, particularly terminals Liqufied Natural Gas (LNG) units and floating storage and regasification (FSRU). The state-owned energy companies also play an important role in the development and use of new renewable energy (EBT) in Indonesia. "We are ready to invest in the upstream business EBT amounted to US $ 1.5 billion by 2019, out of the heat of the earth.

    We are also building capacity of 200 MMSCFD Cilacap FSRU, "said Director of Pertamina Gas Yenni Andayani. It aims to replace fuel oil (BBM) to stay on target in 2018. In the transportation sector, Pertamina provide 56 units SPBGs including mobile refueling unit (MRU) in Greater Jakarta, Palembang, Semarang and Balikpapan. EBT Director General of the Ministry of Energy and Energy Conservation Dadan Kusdiana asked the company to become users (taker) EBT products and become a developer of geothermal. "It will lead to other business entities to develop renewable energy.

    Marketing Director of Pertamina M Iskandar said several strategies to do as equalization of the price of fuel in East Indonesia and the border, and cooperation with various parties to build new refineries that oil production target of 2 million barrels per day in 2023 reached. "The breakthrough in addressing behavior change very dynamic market, such as the launch alternative products such as pertalite, pertamax turbo, and a bright 5.5 kg of gas," he said.

    On the other hand, a subsidiary of Pertamina, PT Pertamina EP, recorded as the best performing companies in 2016 in exploration activity. Pertamina EP also won the event ASEAN Risk Management in 2016 followed by 23 companies. SKK Migas Award in the category of best land surveys, exploratory drilling is the best and second best exploitation drilling spur us to work harder looking for new sources of oil and gas, "said New Discovery Exploration and Project Director of Pertamina EP Nana Abdul Manaf, yesterday. Development Director of Pertamina EP Herutama Trikoranto added, in the event of ASEAN Risk Management Award is the first time that followed, Pertamina EP champion 1 risk technology category and 3rd place risk category champion.

Media Indonesia, Page-19, Thursday, Dec,15,2016

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