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Thursday, December 15, 2016

Pertamina-PGN sebagai Penyangga Ketahanan Energi

Diusulkan, Pertamina, PGN, dan SKK Migas digabungkan.

    PT Pertamina dan PT PGN didorong untuk menjadi tulang punggung ketahanan energi nasional. Anggota Komisi Energi Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, Harry Purnorno, berharap revisi Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2001 tentang Minyak dan Gas Bumi memberi keberpihakan yang lebih kepada kedua perusahaan negara tersebut. Peran Pertamina dan PGN untuk menjaga ketahanan energi ini mutlak.

    Keduanya memiliki posisi sentral, khususnya di sektor migas. Untuk mewujudkan ketahanan energi, menurut Harry, negara harus memiliki cadangan energi-terutama migas yang mencukupi semua kebutuhan energi nasional. Kita belum memiliki ketahanan migas yang cukup, hanya untuk sekitar 30 hari. Hampir 60 persen kebutuhan migas juga impor. Menurut lembaga penelitian kebijakan publik di sektor migas, Agora Initiative, cadangan minyak bumi mengalami penurunan dalam 15 tahun terakhir Pada 2001, cadangan minyak mencapai 5,1 miliar barel.

    Pada 2015, tinggal 3,6 miliar barel. Produksi minyak bumi sepanjang 2001-2015 pun turun 50 persen. Harry menegaskan, Pertamina dan PGN harus berperan sentral dalam menjaga ketahanan energi. Sebagai badan usaha milik negara (BUMN), keduanya mendapat penugasan untuk menyangga kebutuhan energi nasional. Pemain swasta hanya pelengkap, bukan pemegang peran utama. Saat ini, revisi Undang-Undang Migas sedang dibahas di Komisi Energi DPR. Menurut Harry, proses politik ini tidak mudah dilalui.

    Banyak pertimbangan yang semuanya harus di kaji mendalam Ia menyebutkan, hal yang menjadi perdebatan Dewan, salah satunya, adalah bentuk kelembagaan. Harry berharap Pertamina, PGN, dan Satuan Kerja Khusus Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi disatukan. Masalahnya, hal itu tidak mudah disetujui. Kami belum sepaham. Masih trauma, kalau Pertamina diberi kewenangan terlalu besar, akan terulang hal yang dulu. Kurtubi, mengatakan revisi UU Migas masih dalam tahap pembahasan pasal per pasal.

    Kuasa Pertambangan di tangan Pertamina. SKK Migas dihapus dan di gabung dengan Pertamina. Tapi ini belum disetujui. Menurut Harry, setelah Komisi Energi sepakat dengan draf awal, hasilnya akan dikirimkan ke Badan Legislatif DPR. Di sana akan diharmonisasi, keterkaitannya dengan undang-undang lain. Karena itu, masih butuh waktu lama.

    Harry mencontohkan terkait dengan rencana permerintah membentuk perusahaan induk (holding), salah satunya di sektor migas. “Kalau 'bicara kelembagaan, pasti ada kaitannya dengan undang-undang di sektor BUMN. Belum lagi undang-undang mengenai pajak, terkait gross split. Kurtubi, berharap, pada Januari mendatang, draf revisi UU Migas oleh Komisi Energi bisa difinalisasi.

Ia ingin revisi tersebut tidak mengulang kesalahan UU Migas saat ini, yang memiliki konsep“tiga kaki”. Saat ini, Pertamina diperlakukan sama seperti perusahaan migas lain. Hak pengusahaan Pertamina pun dipindahkan kepada Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral sebagai regulator dan SKK Migas sebagai pelaksana business right di sektor hulu migas.


Pertamina-PGN as Buffer Energy Security

Proposed, Pertamina, PGN, and SKK Migas combined.

    PT Pertamina and PT PGN encouraged to be the backbone of the national energy security. Energy Commission member House of Representatives, Harry Purnorno, hoping the revision of Law No. 22 of 2001 on Oil and Gas gives alignments over the two companies of the country. The role of Pertamina and PGN to maintain energy security is absolute.

    Both have a central position, particularly in the oil and gas sector. To realize energy security, according to Harry, the state must have a reserve of energy-particularly oil and gas which met all the needs of national energy. We do not yet have sufficient oil resistance, only for about 30 days. Nearly 60 percent of oil and gas is also imported. According to the research institute of public policy in the oil and gas sector, Agora Initiative, the petroleum reserves has decreased in the last 15 years In 2001, reserves reached 5.1 billion barrels of oil.

    In 2015, just 3.6 billion barrels. Production of petroleum throughout 2001-2015 was down 50 percent. Harry insists, Pertamina and PGN must be a central role in maintaining energy security. As a state-owned enterprise (SOE), both received the assignment to support the national energy needs. Private players only complementary, not holding a major role. At present, the revision of oil and gas law is being discussed in the House of Representatives Energy Commission. According to Harry, the political process is not easy to pass.

    Many considerations that everything should be in-depth review of He mentioned things that the Council debate, one of which, is the institutional form. Harry hopes Pertamina, PGN, and the Special Unit for Upstream Oil and Gas together. Unfortunately, that was not easily approved. We do not agree. Still traumatized, if Pertamina is authorized too big, it will be repeated once. Kurtubi, said the revision of oil and gas law is still under discussion article by article.

    Mining Authority in the hands of Pertamina. SKK Migas removed and join with Pertamina. But this has not been approved. According to Harry, after the Energy Commission agreed with the initial draft, the results will be sent to the Legislature of the House of Representatives. There will be harmonized, its association with other legislation. Having said that, it still took a long time.

    Harry pointed out issues relating to the permerintah formed holding company (holding), one of them in the oil and gas sector. "If 'institutional talk, certainly nothing to do with legislation in the state-owned sector. Not to mention the laws regarding tax-related gross split. Kurtubi, hoping, in January, the revised draft oil and gas law by the Energy Commission can be finalized.

    He wanted the revision is not to repeat the mistake this time oil and gas law, which has the concept of "three legs". Currently, Pertamina is treated the same as other oil and gas companies. Pertamina concession was transferred to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources as a regulator and SKK Migas as implementers of business right in the upstream oil and gas sector.

Koran Tempo, Page-16, Thursday, Dec,15,2016

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