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Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Pertamina Ready to Buy 35% Stake in Repsol in Menzel

     PT Pertamina continues to conduct oil and gas field acquisitions overseas. After the acquisition of four oil and gas fields in Iran and the planned acquisition of two oil and gas fields in Russia, the latest news circulated. Pertamina plans to acquire Repsol shares at Menzel Lejmat North (MLN) field, Algeria.

     Vice President Director of Pertamina Ahmad Bambang revealed, there is a chance Pertamina increase share ownership or participating interest in oil and gas field in Algeria.

    This is because Repsol intends to sell its stake in the oil and gas field.

"Repsol is willing to sell, we are negotiating the field now." Repsol's finance is at a loss, so it's selling, it's negotiating, "he said.

    With the purchase of Repsol shares Pertamina has a whole or 100% stake in one of the MLN Field. Currently Pertamina's stake in MLN is 65% and Repsol 35%.

    For a flashback, Pertamina purchased 65% of the shares in MLN, 3.37% Ourhoud (OHD) and 16.9% EMK Field from ConocoPhillips Algeria Limited (COPAL) with a total acquisition value of US $ 1.75 billion or approximately Rp 17.5 trillion.

    The capacity of oil production facilities in this MLN field reaches 50 million barrels per day (mbopd) and an oil storage tank of 120 thousand barrels of oil. Another asset in Algeria is on the OHD field. Pertamina has a stake of about 3.37%. The rest are Sonatrach 36.15%, Cepsa 39.75%, Anadarko 9, 18% ENI 4.59%, Maersk 4.59%, and Talisman 2.10%.

    Then Pertamina also has a stake in EMK Field at 16.9%. The rest is held by Sonatrach 37.74%, Anadarko 18.3%, Talisman 9.10%, ENI 9.065%, and Maersk 9.05%. Capacity of production facilities 2x65 million barrels per day (mbbpd). Total of three oil fields capable of providing oil production to Pertamina of 41,000 barrels per day.

    Arief Budiman, Finance Director of Pertamina, added that Pertamina's investment in next year is between US $ 5 billion -1133; 6 Billion. The plan, the investment fund will be used for upstream investment of 60% -70%. The amount of such investment is outside the fund for the acquisition of oil and gas fields abroad. One of the oil and gas field acquisition budgets that has not been calculated in the investment budget next year is the acquisition of Repsol MLN's stake in Algeria.

    Energy observer Komaidi Notonegoro said Pertamina's acquisition pattern such as Petronas, which gets a lot of production from abroad, gets 65% to 70% from abroad.

"Pertamina seems to be headed there. Our production reserves are declining. If Pertamina glances out there is nothing wrong, "he said.

    He said, financially, Pertamina is certainly ready. The turnover of money in Pertamina is almost Rp 1,000 trillion. But with the acquisition plan abroad of course there are other costs that are efficient, so that can be allocated to it.

"The choice is that. The others walked as usual. There are funding out like bonds and other funding, "he said.

     Issuing an international bond is an effort to keep the downstream sector unencumbered. Another way is the arrangement of the portfolio, eg selling more 12 kg of LPG.


Pertamina Siap Beli  35% Saham Repsol di Menzel

     PT Pertamina terus melakukan aksi akuisisi lapangan-lapangan migas di luar negeri. Setelah melakukan akuisisi empat lapangan migas di Iran dan rencana akuisisi dua lapangan migas di Rusia, kabar terbaru beredar. Pertamina berencana melakukan akuisisi saham Repsol di lapangan Menzel Lejmat North (MLN), Aljazair. 

     Wakil Direktur Utama Pertamina Ahmad Bambang mengungkapkan, ada peluang Pertamina menambah kepemilikan saham atau participating interest di lapangan migas di Aljazair.

    Hal ini karena Repsol berniat menjual kepemilikan sahamnya di lapangan migas tersebut. 

"Repsol mau jual, kami sedang negosiasi lapangan yang sekarang. Keuangan Repsol sedang rugi, jadi mau jual, sedang negosiasi," katanya. 

    Dengan pembelian saham Repsol tersebut menjadikan Pertamina memiliki keseluruhan atau 100% saham di salah satu Lapangan MLN tersebut. Saat ini saham Pertamina di MLN sebesar 65% dan Repsol 35%.

    Sekadar kilas balik, Pertamina membeli 65% saham di MLN, 3,37% Ourhoud (OHD) dan 16,9% Lapangan EMK dari ConocoPhillips Algeria Limited (COPAL) dengan nilai total akuisisi US$ 1,75 miliar atau sekitar Rp 17,5 triliun.

    Kapasitas fasilitas produksi minyak di lapangan MLN ini mencapai 50 juta barel per hari (mbopd) dan tangki penyimpanan minyak sebesar 120 thousand barrels of oil. Aset lain di Aljazair ada di lapangan OHD. Pertamina memiliki saham sekitar 3,37%. Sisanya Sonatrach 36,15%, Cepsa 39,75%, Anadarko 9, 18% ENI 4,59%, Maersk 4,59%, dan Talisman 2,10%.

    Lalu Pertamina juga memiliki saham di Lapangan EMK sebesar l6,9%. Sisanya dipegang Sonatrach 37,74%, Anadarko 18,3%, Talisman 9,10%, ENI 9,065%, dan Maersk 9,05%. Kapasitas fasilitas produksi 2x65 juta barel per hari (mbbpd). Total dari tiga lapangan minyak yang mampu memberikan produksi minyak ke Pertamina sebanyak 41.000 barel per hari. 

    Arief Budiman, Direktur Keuangan Pertamina, menambahkan, investasi Pertamina di tahun depan antara US$ 5 Miliar -1133; 6 Miliar. Rencananya, dana investasi itu akan digunakan untuk investasi hulu 60%-70%.  Jumlah investasi tersebut di luar dana untuk akuisisi lapangan-lapangan migas di luar negeri. Salah satu anggaran akuisisi lapangan migas yang belum dihitung dalam anggaran investasi tahun depan adalah akuisisi saham Repsol Lapangan MLN di Aljazair tersebut. 

    Pengamat Energi Komaidi Notonegoro mengatakan, pola akuisisi Pertamina seperti Petronas, yang banyak mendapat produksi dari luar negeri, yang mendapatkan bagian 65% sampai 70% dari luar negeri. 

Pertamina sepertinya mengarah ke sana. Cadangan produksi kita menurun. Kalau Pertamina melirik ke luar tidak ada salahnya," kata dia.

    Dia mengatakan, secara keuangan, Pertamina tentu saja siap. Perputaran uang di Pertamina hampir Rp 1.000 triliun. Namun dengan rencana akuisisi keluar negeri tentu saja ada biaya-biaya lain yang diefisienkan, sehingga bisa dialokasikan ke sana. 

“Pilihannya itu. Yang lain berjalan seperti biasanya. Ada pendanaan keluar seperti bond dan pendanaan lain," ujar dia. 

     Mengeluarkan bond internasional adalah upaya agar sektor hilir tidak terbebani. Cara lain adalah penataan portofolio, misal menjual lebih banyak elpiji 12 kg.

Kontan, Page-14, Wednesday, Dec,14,2016

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