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Saturday, December 24, 2016

Pertamina Tak Kabulkan Tuntutan Warga Rahayu

Pencairan Dana Kompensasi Dampak Flare

  Joint Operating Body Pertamina Petrochina East Java (JOB PPEJ) hingga kini belum mampu mengabulkan tuntutan warga, terkait pembayaran dana kompensasi 12 bulan, meski sudah 24 kali menggelar pertemuan guna mencari solusi dari konflik dampak flare buat warga Desa Rahayu, Kecamatan Soko, Kamis (22/12).

Alasannya, JOB Pertamina merasa kesulitan mengeluarkan dana itu karena tidak ada dasar dalam pencairan dana untuk warga tersebut. “Kita tidak bisa mencairkan dana kompensasi, karena saat ini tidak ada dampak dari flare dan itu hasil penelitian sejak 2015” kata, Field Admin Superintendent (PAS) JOB PPEJ, Akbar Pradima.

    Menurut Akbar, untuk mencari solusi itu diantaranya pertemuan dengan perangkat desa, warga, anggota DPRD Tuban, Pemerintah Kabupaten Tuban, dan SKK Migas. Namun, hingga kini belum ada titik temu. “Solusinya bukan untuk membayar kompensasi, tetapi warga diberikan bantuan tali asih selama dua bulan, tetapi warga masih menolak terang Akbar. Ditambahkan Akbar, tuntutan warga belum bisa dipenuhi karena pemberian kompensasi tersebut belum ada aturannya.

    Selain itu, diberikan kompensasi jika flare menimbulkan dampak. “Hasil penelitian tidak menimbulkan dampak. Tetapi warga masih belum bisa menerima, dan terus menuntut untuk diberikan kompensasi.” tambah Akbar menerangkan. Perwakilan SKK Migas Jabanusa, Ali Masyhar, mengatakan, pihaknya tetap akan mencarikan jalan terbaik antara JOB PPEJ dengan warga Desa Rahayu.

    Diharapkan kedua belah pihak dapat menerima jalan keluar tersebut. ”JOB tidak bisa mengeluarkan kompensasi itu jika tidak ada aturan hukumnya. Jika tetap dikeluarkan pasti akan ada masalah hukum dikemudian hari.” tegasnya. Ali Masyhar merasa yakin permasalahan itu bisa terselesaikan pada 2016 ini. Sehingga, persoalan bisa jelas dan tidak ada yang dirugikan. “Kita meminta agar warga tidak menggunakan kata "inti nya" dalam mencari solusi” ungkap Ali Masyhar.


Impact of Flare Compensation Disbursements 

Pertamina not grant Demands Citizens Rahayu

    Joint Operating Body Pertamina Petrochina East Java (JOB PPEJ) has not yet been able to fulfill the demands of citizens, related to the payment of compensation of 12 months, though it was 24 times, held a meeting to seek a solution of the conflict impact flare for residents Rahayu Village, District Soko, Thursday (22 / 12).

    The reason, JOB Pertamina find it difficult to spend it because there is no basis in the disbursement of funds for these residents. "We can not withdraw the funds for compensation, because currently there is no impact of the flare and the results of the study since 2015" Field Admin  Superintendent (FAS) JOB PPEJ, Akbar Pradima, said.

    According to Akbar, to find solutions that include meetings with village officials, residents, board members of House of Representatives Tuban, Tuban regency government, and SKK Migas. However, until now there has been no meeting point. "The solution is not to pay compensation, but residents are given ex-gratia assistance for two months, but residents still refuse bright Akbar. Akbar added, the demands of citizens can not be met due to the provision of such compensation is not no rules.

    In addition, the compensation if the flare impacts. "The results are not having an effect. But residents still can not accept, and continued to demand to be compensated, "added Akbar explained. Representative SKK Migas Jabanusa, Ali Masyhar, said it still will find the best path between JOB PPEJ with Rahayu village residents.

    It is hoped both sides can accept the way out. "JOB could not get the compensation that if there is no rule of law. If you still would have incurred no legal problems in the future. "He said. Ali Masyhar feel confident that the problems could be resolved in 2016. Thus, the issue could be clear and no one harmed. "We ask that residents do not use the word" its essence "in finding solution." Said Ali Masyhar.

Memorandum, Page-7, Friday, Dec,23,2016

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