Friday, December 9, 2016
Perusahaan Migas Minta Kebijakan Fiskal Indonesia Direformasi
Harga minyak dunia yang rendah dalam dua tahun terakhir ini menyebabkan penurunan aktivitas eksplorasi dan eksploitasi industri minyak dan gas bumi (migas). Asosiasi Perusahaan Minyak Indonesia, Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA), menilai reformasi peraturan dan kebijakan fiskal di dalam negeri menjadi salah satu upaya yang dapat membangkitkan kembali industri migas di Indonesia. Diperkirakan, harga minyak mentah dunia pada tahun-tahun mendatang tetap masih rendah. Kondisi ini perlu disikapi serius oleh para pemangku kepentingan dengan melakukan reformasi terhadap aturan terkait di industri migas sehingga menarik investor untuk datang ke Indonesia,” kata Ketua IPA Christina Verchere.
Christina mengatakan, upaya pemerintah menarik banyak investasi masuk ke dalam negeri sudah terlihat. Banyaknya perubahan peraturan terkait
menurutnya menj adi indikasi, tetapi disisi berbeda, masih banyak tantangan dari para pemangku kepentingan lainnya yang memiliki kepentingan berbeda. Christina mengakui, IPA dan Pemerintah Indonesia telah melakukan banyak diskusi dan pertemuan untuk membahas mengenai reformasi peraturan dan kebij akan iiskal sepanjang 2016.
Beberapa hal yang menjadi diskusi antara IPA dan Pemerintah Indonesia selama kurun waktu 2016, di antaranya Revisi PP 79 Tahun 2010 tentang Biaya Operasi yang Dapat Dikembalikan dan Perlakuan Pajak Penghasilan di Bidang Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi. Kemudian, Focus Group Discusion (FGD) terkait tata kelola gas, pengembangan lapangan laut dalam, penyederhanaan perizinan, implementasi Peraturan Menteri ESDM 38 Tahun 2015 tentang Percepatan Pengusahaan Minyak dan Gas Bumi Non-Konvensional, serta masukan untuk draf UU Migas yang baru.
Sebelumnya, Wakil Ketua Umum Kadin Bidang Migas Bobby Gafur Umar mendesak pemerintah dan DPR segera menyelesaikan revisi UU Minyak dan Gas. Ia menilai ketidakpastian landasan hukum membuat iklim bisnis menjadi mati. Bobby menjelaskan, revisi UU Migas sudah digodok sejak 2001. Ia mengatakan, pembahasan terlalu berlarut-larut dan tidak ada kepastian kapan akan selesai. Ia menilai iklim bisnis memerlukan langkah konkret bagaimana langkah pemerintah, maka perlu adanya reformasi kebijakan.
Bobby mengatakan, jika pembahasan revisi UU Migas tak segera diketok palu, aturan yang ada sangat tidak mengakomodasi iklim bisnis yang terus berkembang. Ia menambahkan, perlu ada langkah tegas dari pemerintah agar bisnis bisa terus jalan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi negara membaik. Harus ada langkah reformasi kebijakan agar industri bisa jalan lagi, kata Bobby.
Oil and Gas Company Request lndonesian reformed Fiscal Policy
World oil prices were low in the past two years have led to a decrease in the activity of exploration and exploitation of oil and gas (oil). Association of Oil Companies Indonesia, Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA), assessing the regulatory reform and fiscal policy in the country became one of the efforts to revive the oil and gas industry in Indonesia. It is estimated that, world crude oil prices in the coming years remain still low. This condition needs to be seriously addressed by all stakeholders to reform the related rules in the oil and gas industry so as to attract investors to come to Indonesia, "said Chairman of the IPA Christina Verchere.
Christina said, the government's efforts attract a lot of investment into the country is already visible. The number of regulatory changes relatedsed adi according to indications, but a different hand, there are still many challenges from other stakeholders who have different interests. Christina admits, IPA and the Indonesian Government has done a lot of discussions and meetings to discuss regulatory reform and will kebij iiskal throughout 2016.
Some of the things that became a discussion between the IPA and the Government of Indonesia during the period of 2016, including the revision of Regulation 79 of 2010 on Costs and Operating Refundable Income Tax Treatment in the Field Upstream Oil and Gas. Then, Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on governance gas, deepwater field development, simplification of licensing, implementation of the Regulation of Minister 38 Year 2015 on Accelerating the Exploitation of Oil and Gas of Non-Conventional, as well as inputs for a new draft Oil and Gas Law.
Earlier, Vice Chairman of Kadin Migas Bobby Gafur Umar urged the government and parliament to complete the revision of the Oil and Gas Law. He considered the uncertainty of the legal foundation to make the business climate becomes dead. Bobby explained, the revision of oil and gas law has been brewing since 2001. He said that the discussion was too protracted and it is uncertain when it will be completed. He assesses the business climate requires concrete measures how the government measures, the need for policy reform.
Bobby said, if the deliberations on the Oil and Gas Law does not immediately diketok hammer, the existing rules so do not accommodate evolving business climate. He added that there should be a firm step from the government so that the business can continue the road and improve the country's economic growth. There should be a policy reform measures that the industry could walk again, Bobby said.
Republika, Page-15, Thursday, Dec,8,2016
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