Thursday, December 15, 2016
Presiden Jokowi Akan Wujudkan Kerja Sama Migas dengan Iran
Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) akan mengkonkretkan kerja sama antara Republik Indonesia - Republik Islam Iran oli sektor minyak dan gas (migas) selama kunjungan kenegaraan di Teheran, Iran, pada Rabu (14/12). Presiden Jokowi didampingi Menko Perekonomian Darmin Nasution, Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan, dan Kepala Badan Koordinasi dan Penanaman Modal (BKPM) Thomas Trikasih Lembong akan menggelar pertemuan dengan sejumlah pemimpin perusahaan setingkat Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Iran dan Indonesia untuk mewujudkan kerja sama tersebut. “Kunjungan Presiden bersama jajaran menteri adalah dalam rangka mewujudkan kerja sama di bidang migas.
Di bidang migas inilah yang akan menjadi prioritas kerja sama dengan Iran,” kata Menteri Luar Negeri (Menlu) Retno Marsudi. Menurut Menlu, Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan telah menjajaki pertemuan dengan jajaran pimpinan perusahaan MAPNA Group dan The National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC). MAPNA Group adalah konglomerasi perusahaan industri bergerak di bidang kelistrikan, energi dan transportasi, pabrikan peralatan boiler, turbin uap dan gas, generator listrik dan peralatan terkait lainnya, serta investor.
Sementara itu, NIOC adalah produsen minyak dan gas nomor tiga terbesar di dunia. Impor minyak mentah atau LPG akan dibicarakan serta kerja sama teknis di bidang gas turbin antara MAPNA dan PLN. Ada juga kemungkinan dibuka counter trade (barter) Indonesia-Iran,” kata Jonan. Selama berada di Teheran, Presiden Jokowi akan menyaksikan penandatanganan Nota Kesepahaman (Memorandum of Understanding) di bidang mutual legal assistance, Ekstradisi, Kelistrikan dan Energi Terbarukan.
Kepala Biro Pers, Media dan Informasi Sekretariat Presiden Bey Machmudin menyebutkan pada Hari ke dua kunjungan di Teheran, Iran, Rabu (14/12) Presiden Joko Widodo mengawali rangkaian kunjungan kenegaraannya dengan melakukan pertemuan dengan Presiden Iran Hassan Rouhani, Ketua Parlemen Iran Ali Larijani, dan Supreme Leader (Pemimpin Agung) Iran Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khameinei. Pada pagi hari, bertempat di Istana Jomhouri, Sa’dabad, Presiden Iran Hassan Rouhani akan menyambut Presiden Jokowi yang diawali dengan Upacara Penghormatan.
Dalam kesempatan itu, kedua pemimpin akan melakukan pertemuan bilateral, penandatanganan nota-nota kesepahaman, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pernyataan pers bersama dan diakhiri dengan Jamuan Santap Siang Kenegaraan. Adapun nota-nota kesepahaman yang rencananya akan ditandatangani antara lain MOU mengenai Ekstradisi di pihak Pemerintah Indonesia ditandatangani oleh Menteri Luar Negeri, Mutual Legal Asisstance ditandatangani oleh Menteri Luar Negeri, MOU Kerja sama Kelistrikan ditandatangani oleh Menteri ESDM, MOU Kerja sama Investasi ditandangani oleh Kepala BKPM.
Siang harinya, Presiden Jokowi melakukan pertemuan dengan Ketua Parlemen Iran Ali Larijani di Gedung Parlemen Iran, dan dengan Supreme Leader (Pemimpin Agung) Iran Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khameinei di Kantor Supreme Leader. Sebelum kembali bertolak ke Tanah Air pada malam nanti, Presiden juga akan menghadiri acara Ramah Tamah dan Santap Malam bersama masyarakat Indonesia di Hotel Espinas Palace, Teheran.
President Jokowi Will Realize Oil and Gas Cooperation with Iran
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) will concretize the cooperation between the Republic of Indonesia - The Islamic Republic of Iran oil sector of oil and gas (oil) during a state visit in Tehran, Iran, on Wednesday (14/12). President Jokowi accompanied by Coordinating Minister for Economic Nasution, Minister Ignatius Jonan, and Head of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) Thomas Trikasih Lembong will hold a meeting with the leaders level company Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Iran and Indonesia to achieve such cooperation. "The visit of the President and ministers are to realize the cooperation in the field of oil and gas.
In the field of oil and gas is what will be the priorities of cooperation with Iran, "said Foreign Minister (FM) Retno Marsudi. According to the Minister, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources has been exploring Ignatius Jonan meeting with the senior leaders of the company MAPNA Group and The National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC). MAPNA Group is a conglomerate of companies engaged in the electricity industry, energy and transport, the manufacturer of boilers, steam and gas turbines, electric generators and other related equipment, as well as investors.
Meanwhile, NIOC is a manufacturer of oil and gas in the world's third-largest. Imports of crude oil or LPG will be discussed as well as technical cooperation in the field of gas turbines between MAPNA and the PLN. There is also the possibility of opening the counter trade (barter) Indonesia-Iran, "said Jonan. During his stay in Tehran, President Jokowi will witness the signing of the MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) in the field of mutual legal assistance, Extradition, Electricity and Renewable Energy.
Press Bureau Chief, Media and Information of the Presidential Secretariat Bey Machmudin mentioned on Day two visits in Tehran, Iran, Wednesday (14/12) President Joko Widodo begins the series of his state visit by meeting with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, Iran's Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani, and the Supreme leader (the Supreme leader) Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khameinei. In the morning, at the Palace Jomhouri, Sa'dabad, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani will welcome President Jokowi beginning with Reverence ceremony.
On that occasion, the two leaders will hold a bilateral meeting, a memorandum-signing of a memorandum of understanding, followed by a joint press statement and end with a luncheon State. The memorandum-memorandum of understanding which will be signed among others MOU on Extradition on the part of the Government of Indonesia was signed by Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mutual Legal Assistance signed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the MOU Cooperation Electrical signed by Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, MOU Cooperation Investment signed by the Head of BKPM ,
Later in the day, President Jokowi had a meeting with Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani on Iran's Parliament, and the Supreme Leader (the Supreme Leader) Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khameinei in the Office of the Supreme Leader. Before heading to the country back on tonight, the President will also attend the event warm-hearted and Bite Night with the people of Indonesia at the Hotel Espinas Palace, Tehran.
Investor Daily, Page-9, Thursday, Dec,15,2016
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