Thursday, December 8, 2016
PSC East Natuna Diteken Awal 2017
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) memasang target kontrak bagi hasil (production sharing contract/PSC) Blok East Natuna diteken pada awal 2017 nanti. Sedianya kontrak itu ditandatangani pada 14 November 2016. Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar mengatakan PSC sudah disodorkan ke konsorsium East Natuna yakni PT Pertamina, ExxonMobil dan PTTEP Thailand.
Kontrak yang ditawarkan itu dengan bagi hasil pemerintah sebesar 40 persen. Arcandra menuturkan ada beberap ketentuan dalam kontrak tersebut yang dirasa belum menguntungkan. Salah satunya terkait bagi hasil (split). Hanya saja dia enggan membeberkan seperti apa pembahasan split tersebut. “Salah satu masalahnya split,” ujarnya. Percepatan pengembangan Blok East Natuna dilakukan guna menjaga kedaulatan Indonesia. Pasalnya ada upaya dari negara lain yang menarik garis batas wilayahnya melewati batas Nusantara.
Dengan diteken PSC maka kegiatan eksplorasi bisa segera dilakukan. Cadangan minyak di Blok East Natuna diperkirakan sekitar 46 juta barel. Sementara cadangan gasnya 42 triliun kaki kubik. Di tempat yang sama, Senior Vice President of Upstream Business Development Pertamina Danie S. Tampubolon menuturkan terdapat dua struktur di Blok East Natuna. Struktur AP mengandung minyak dan gas sedangkan struktur AL hanya mengandung gas. Dia bilang potensi gas di Natuna memang besar namun memiliki kandungan CO2 hingga 71 persen.
Ada sejumlah teknik untuk memisahkan CO2 tersebut. Namun CO2 tidak bisa dibuang ke atmosfer lantaran bisa menyebabkan hujan asam. Bisa saja CO2 di injeksi ke area itu kembali. Tapi kontraktor memerlukan tambahan insentif dari pemerintah untuk penyimpanan CO2 ini,” ujarnya. Anggota Komisi VII Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) Satya Yudha meminta pemerintah segera menyelesaikan PSC Blok East Natuna. Pasalnya Blok ini sudah ditemukan sejak tahun 70-an namun belum digarap hingga saat ini.
Dia mengungkapkan pembahasan mengenai East Natuna sudah sejak jaman Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie menjabat sebagai Menteri Riset dan Teknologi. Kita sudah beberapa kali kehilangan momentum pengembangan East Natuna. Kami sudah mendorong eksekutif tapi tetap saja kehilangan momentum,” ujarnya. Satya menuturkan untuk skema bagi hasil lebih baik menerapkan sliding scale. Namun dia menegaskan skema ini berlaku untuk semua Blok Migas bukan hanya untuk East Natuna. Dia bilang skema ini mampu menghadapi fluktuasi harga minyak dunia. “Mengurangi bagian negara saat harga minyak rendah akan tetapi bagian negara akan bertambah ketika harga minyak meningkat,” ujarnya
East Natuna PSC Signed Early 2017
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) set a target of production sharing contracts (production sharing contract / PSC) East Natuna Block was signed in early 2017. Originally, the contract was signed on November 14, 2016. Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar said the PSC has been presented to the East Natuna consortium of PT Pertamina, ExxonMobil and PTTEP of Thailand.
Contracts are offered with the results of government by 40 percent. Arcandra said that there are several provisions in the contract are deemed not profitable. One of them is related to the profit sharing (split). Only she was reluctant to reveal what the split discussions. "One of the problems split," he said. Accelerating the development of East Natuna Block is done in order to maintain the sovereignty of Indonesia. Because there are efforts of other countries to draw a line over the edge region of the archipelago.
With the PSC signed exploration activities can be done immediately. Oil reserves in the East Natuna Block is estimated at about 46 million barrels. While gas reserves, 42 trillion cubic feet. In the same place, the Senior Vice President of Upstream Business Development Pertamina Danie S. Tampubolon said that there are two structures in East Natuna Block. AP structure contains oil and gas while the structure of the AL just gassy. He says in the Natuna gas potential is huge, but has a CO2 content of up to 71 percent.
There are a number of techniques to separate the CO2. However, CO2 can not be discharged into the atmosphere because it can cause acid rain. It could be CO2 injection into the back area. But contractors require additional government incentives for CO2 storage, "he said. Member of Commission VII of the House of Representatives (DPR) Satya Yudha asked the government to resolve the East Natuna Block PSC. Because these blocks have been found since the 70s but has not been taken until now.
He expressed the discussion of East Natuna has been since the days Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie served as Minister of Research and Technology. We've been several times to lose the momentum of development of the East Natuna. We already encourage executives but still lose the momentum, "he said. Satya said to scheme for better results apply a sliding scale. But he insisted the scheme is applicable to all oil and gas blocks not only for the East Natuna. He says the scheme is able to deal with fluctuations in world oil prices. "Reducing parts of the state when oil prices are low but the state's share will increase when oil prices rise," he said
Investor Daily, Page-9,Wednesday, Dec,7,2016
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