Thursday, December 15, 2016
Revisi UU Migas Rumuskan Pengganti SKK Migas
Proses revisi Undang-Undang Migas di DPR masih terkendala. Ini karena belum ada kesepakatan tata kelola sektor hulu migas, terutama dalaru menentukan badan pengganti Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) guna memenuhi amanat keputusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Komisi VII DPR mengusahakan agar peran SKK Migas sebagai pengelola sektor Hulu migas bisa dikembalikan lagi ke Pertamina, tapi jangan sampai mengulang kesalahan di masa lalu.
Yang belum disepakati di Komisi VII adalah bentuk kelembagaan hulu migas. Fraksi Gerindra dan Nasdem sebetulnya sudah sepakat, SKK Migas sebaiknya disatukan dengan Pertamina, tapi dengan beberapa modifikasi, kata Harry Purnomo, anggota Komisi VII. Harry menekankan, posis Pertamina sangat menentukan dalam mewujudkan ketahanan energi, dalam hal ini mengamankan pasokan migas untuk masyarakat. Sedangkan, peran perusahaan migas swasta nasional selama ini hanyalah sebagai pelengkap.
Karena itu, sangat penting mendorong Pertamina bisa kembali menguasai produksi migas nasional melalui penguasaan sektor hulu. Anggota Komisi VII DPR Kurtubi mengatakan, sikap DPR terhadap revisi UU Migas adalah kuasa penguasaan migas harus dikembalikan kepada Pertamina (sebagai regulator migas) dan SKK Migas harus dibubarkan karena tidak sesuai dengan semangat UUD 1945.
Revised Oil and Gas Law Define Substitute SKK Migas
The revision process oil and gas law in parliament is still constrained. This is because there is no agreement governance upstream oil and gas, especially dalaru determine body replacement Unit Special Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) in order to fulfill the mandate of the Constitutional Court decision of House Commission VII to it that the role of SKK Migas as a manager of the upstream sector of oil and gas could be restored again to Pertamina, but not to repeat the mistakes of the past.
Which has not been agreed with Commission VII is an institutional form of upstream oil and gas. Gerindra and Nasdem fraction has actually been agreed, SKK Migas should be merged with Pertamina, but with some modifications, said Harry Purnomo, a member of Commission VII. Harry stressed, Pertamina posis very important in realizing energy security, in this case a secure supply of gas to the public. Meanwhile, the role of national private oil and gas company for this was just a natural.
Therefore, it is important to encourage Pertamina could regain control of the national oil and gas production through the mastery of the upstream sector. House Commission VII member Kurtubi said, the attitude of the House towards the revision of oil and gas law is the power of control of oil and gas should be returned to the Pertamina (as a regulator of oil and gas) and SKK Migas should be dissolved because it does not fit with the spirit of the 1945 Constitution.
Kontan, Page-14,Thursday, Dec,15,2016
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