Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Risau Skema Baru
Pasalnya, melalui skema gross split, kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) akan memiliki keleluasaan dalam menentukan teknologi yang dianggap paling efisien. Sementara itu, kemampuan industri dalam negeri dalam menyediakan kebutuhan hulu migas secara ekonomis masih diragukan. Alhasil, kurangnya daya saing tersebut bisa menekan industri dalam negeri.
Wakil Ketua Umum Kamar Dagang dan Industri Indonesia Bidang Energi dan Migas Bobby Gafur Umar mengatakan saat ini belum ada sosialisasi yang menjelaskan rencana tersebut kepada para pelaku usaha, khususnya yang bergerak di industri penunjang hulu migas. Hal tersebut akhirnya menimbulkan kekhawatiran.
Kadin, menurutnya, mendukung rencana pemerintah untuk menerapkan skema gross split dengan syarat ada pengawasan yang ketat dari regulator. Di Indonesia TKDN [tingkat kandungan dalam negeri] masih sulit karena keekonomiannya belum bisa dibandingkan dengan negara-negara, besar. Contohnya pipa dari dalam negeri bisa jauh lebih mahal dibandingkan China, belum lagi kena pajak sana-sini," jelasnya.
Oleh karena itu, dia menekankan pentingnya keterlibatan pemerintah untuk memastikan industri penunjang hulu migas dalam negeri tidak terpukul. Fierlie Ganinduto, Ketua Komite Tetap Hubungan Kelembagaan dan Regulasi Sektor Energi Migas Kadin, menambahkan berdasarkan diskusi yang telah dilakukan pihaknya dengan Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar, ada beberapa ketentuan yang dianggap mampu mendorong peningkatan TKDN.
Menurutnya, variabel penentu besaran split tersebut memang bertujuan untuk merangsang peningkatan TKDN. Namun, peran pemerintah dalam pengawasan tetap harus ada supaya implementasi di lapangan sesuai dengan kontrak. “Perlu benang merah bagaimana cara pengawasannya ini lebih penting dari sanksi yang sifatnya post audit,” katanya.
Ketua Dewan Pimpinan Bidang Industri Gabungan Usaha Penunjang Energi dan Migas Willem Siahaya mengatakan skema gross split memungkinkan KKKS untuk mencari subkontraktor yang paling efisien. ,Sangat mungkin sub-kontraktor yang dipilih bukan berasal dari dalam negeri. “Kalau kita lepas saja pada KKKS, hancur kita.” Pemerintah menargetkan Peraturan Menteri ESDM mengenai gross split dapat terbit pada Januari 2017.
Skema gross split dinilai dapat mempercepat proses kontrak kerja sama migas dengan kontraktor sehingga sektor hulu minyak dan gas akan lebih atraktif dan akhirnya akan menaikkan produksi minyak. Selain itu skema baru juga menjadi solusi untuk menekan dana yang dialokasikan setiap tahun dalam APBN untuk penggantian biaya operasi hulu migas (cost recovely). Arcandra mengatakan mekanisme gmss split sedang dibahas secara detail, khususnya terkait bagi hasil antara pemerintah dan KKKS.
Yang jelas, dia menjamin mekanisme tersebut akan tetap mengutamakan kepentingan negara, termasuk TKDN. Setelah aturannya ada, setiap kontrak baru akan pakai gross split. Kepala Biro Komunikasi, Iayanan Informasi Publik, dan Kerja Sama Kementerian ESDM Sujatmiko mengatakan kementerian telah menyampaikan rencana perubahan mekanisme bagi hasil tersebut kepada Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA).
Direktur Riset Hulu Migas Asia Pasifik Wood Mackenzie Andrew Harwood mengatakan penerapan kontrak bagi hasil gross split belum tentu memacu investasi hulu. Pasalnya, dia memperkirakan pada 2017 belum ada peningkatan investasi yang cukup signifikan karena masih terdapat permasalahan seperti ketidakpastian usaha dan kebijakan yang membuat pelaku usaha memilih ulang plioritas investasi. Untuk itu Harwood masih menanti pola gross split seperti apa yang akan diterapkan.
Bila penerapan tersebut tak membuat pelaku usaha bisa mendapat pengembalian investasi yang cukup, kemungkinan perubahan tersebut tak akan berpengaruh terhadap iklim investasi. Sebaliknya, bila penerapan gross split bisa mengurangi hambatan administrasi pengajuan anggaran dan persetujuan kontrak, kemungkinan hal itu bisa membantu pelaku usaha. “Kendala utama di lndonesia bukan hanya terkait aspek fiskal, melainkan panjangnya proses birokrasi,” ujarnya Anggota Komisi VII DPR Satya Yudha meminta agar pemerintah mengkaji lebih lanjut sebelum skema baru diterapkan.
Worried New Scheme
Because, through a gross scheme split, cooperation contracts (PSC) will have the flexibility to determine the most efficient technology. Meanwhile, the ability of the domestic industry in providing the needs of upstream oil and gas economically questionable. As a result, the lack of competitiveness could suppress domestic industry.
Vice Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Energy and Oil and Gas Field Bobby Gafur Umar said that there is currently no employees to explain the plan to the entrepreneurs, especially those engaged in supporting upstream oil and gas industry. This ultimately raises concerns.
Chamber of Commerce, he said, supports the government's plan to implement the scheme on condition that there is gross split strict supervision of the regulator. In Indonesia DCL [local content] is still difficult because of its economic value can not be compared with other countries, great. Examples of domestic pipe can be much more expensive than in China, not to mention taxable here and there, "he explained.
Therefore, he stressed the importance of government involvement to ensure the supporting upstream oil and gas industry in the country is not hit. Fierlie Ganinduto, Chairman of the Standing Committee of Institutional Relations and Regulation of Oil and Gas Energy Sector Chamber of Commerce, added that based on discussions that have done it with the Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar, there are some provisions that are considered able to encourage increased DCL.
According to him, the determinant variable quantity split is intended to stimulate an increase in DCL. However, the government's role in supervision should still be there so that implementation on the ground in accordance with the contract. "It should be a common thread how this oversight is more important than the sanctions that are post audit," he said.
Chairman of the Executive Board of the Joint Industry Sector Supporting Business of Energy and Oil and Gas Willem Siahaya said gross split scheme allows PSC to seek the most efficient subcontractors. , It may be sub-contractors who have not come from within the country. "If we take off alone on a PSC, ruined us." The government expects gross Regulation of Minister of the split can be issued in January 2017.
Scheme gross split votes can accelerate the process of oil and gas cooperation contract with the contractor so that the upstream oil and gas sector will be more attractive and ultimately to increase oil production. Besides the new scheme is also a solution to suppress the funds allocated every year in the state budget for the replacement of upstream oil and gas operating costs (cost recovely). Arcandra said GMSS split mechanism was discussed in detail, particularly related to profit sharing between the government and PSC.
Clearly, he guaranteed that the mechanism will keep the interests of the state, including the DCL. Once the rules are there, every new contract will be made gross split. Head of Communications, Public focal and Cooperation of the Ministry of Energy Sujatmiko said the ministry has submitted the plan to change the mechanism for the results to the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA).
Gas Upstream Research Director Asia Pacific Wood Mackenzie Andrew Harwood said that the implementation of production sharing contracts gross split is not necessarily spur investment upstream. The reason, he estimates that in 2017 there has been no significant increase in investment because still there are problems such as uncertainty for businesses and policies that make businesses reselect plioritas investment. Harwood is still waiting for the gross pattern split as to what would be applied.
If the application does not make businesses can get enough return on investment, it is likely these changes will not affect the investment climate. Conversely, if the application of the gross split could reduce administrative barriers budget submission and approval of the contract, the possibility it could help business. "The main obstacle in Indonesia is not only related to fiscal aspects, but the long bureaucratic process," said House Commission VII member Satya Yudha asked the government to examine further before new schemes are applied.
Bisnis Indonesia, Page-1, Wednesday, Dec,14,2016
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