Monday, December 19, 2016
Saka Ngebor 6 Sumur di Texas
PT Saka Energi Indonesia, anak usaha PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN), melanjutkan pengeboran gas di Blok Fasken, Texas, Amerika Serikat bermitra dengan Swift Energy. Presiden Direktur Saka Energi Tumbur Parlindungan mengatakan, kenaikan harga gas serpih atau shale gas menjadi momentum perusahaan untuk meningkatkan kegiatan pengeboran di Blok Fasken. Dia menjelaskan, Saka Energi berencana mengebor enam sumur migas pada tahun depan di Blok Faskenf 6.
Sejak pertengahan 2014, Saka Energi dan Swift Energy membentuk perusahaan patungan yang melakukan kegiatan pengeboran enam sumur. Produksi gas oleh perusahaan patungan itu mencapai 150 MMscfd. Menurutnya, dengan tambahan enam sumur baru pada 2017, produksi ditargetkan naik menjadi sekitar 190 MMscfd hingga 200 MMscfd. Tumbur menyebut, biaya pengeboran untuk setiap sumur migas diperkirakan sebesar US$1,5 juta-US$1,7 juta dengan kedalaman 17.000 kaki. “Seiring dengan peningkatan harga gas, kami telah melakukan enam pengeboran shale gas dan akan dilanjutkan dengan additional '[penambahan] enam well [sumur] di awal 2017,” ujarnya saat.
Pada Lapangan tersebut, Saka menguasai saham partisipasi sebesar 36% dan Swift Energy 64%. Swift bertindak sebagai operator di Lapangan Shale, Blok Fasken. Pada akhir 2014, cadangan shale gas di lapangan migas yang berlokasi di selatan Texas itu mencapai 64 juta barel setara minyak (MMboe). Tumbur berharap agar dengan penambahan kegiatan pengeboran pada 2017, Saka Energi bisa mendapat tambahan produksi gas 72 MMscfd sesuai dengan saham partisipasi yang dimiliki.
Untuk kegiatan di dalam negeri pada 2017, Saka Energi akan fokus pada pengeboran eksplorasi di Blok South Sesulu, Kalimantan Timur yang sebelumnya ditunda karena proses pengadaan. Selain itu, dia menuturkan, perusahaan akan melakukan kegiatan eksplorasi dan pengembangan di Blok Pangkah, Jawa Timur dan Blok Wokam II, Papua yang ketiganya dikuasai Saka 100%. Sesuai dengan program kerja dan anggaran 2017, produksi migas Saka Energi naik dari 35.000 barel setara minyak per han (BOEPD) menjadi sekitar 60.000 BOEPD. Program kerja dan anggaran dari kontraktor migas diserahkan kepada SKK Migas yang berisi tentang rencana kegiatan dan produksi.
Saka Drilling 6 Wells in Texas
PT Saka Energi Indonesia, a subsidiary of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN), continued gas drilling in Block Fasken, Texas, United States partnered with Swift Energy. President Saka Energy Tumbur Parlindungan said the price increases shale gas or shale gas into the company's momentum to increase drilling activities in Block Fasken. He explained, Saka Energy plans to drill six oil wells next year in Block Faskenf 6.
Since mid-2014, Saka Swift Energy and Energy formed a joint venture company which is conducting the drilling of six wells. Gas production by joint ventures that reach 150 MMSCFD. According to him, with the addition of six new wells in 2017, production is targeted to increase to around 190 MMSCFD to 200 MMSCFD. Tumbur calls, the costs of drilling for oil and gas wells each estimated at US $ 1.5 million to US $ 1.7 million with a depth of 17,000 feet. "Along with the increase in gas prices, we have conducted six shale gas drilling and will be followed by additional '[the addition of] six well [wells] in early 2017," he said at the time.
On the field, Saka master the participation shares of 36% and 64% Swift Energy. Swift acted as an operator in Shale Field, Block Fasken. At the end of 2014, reserves of shale gas in oil and gas fields located in south Texas it reached 64 million barrels of oil equivalent (MMboe). Tumbur hoped that with additional drilling activity in 2017, Saka Energy can get extra 72 MMSCFD gas production in accordance with the shares owned participation.
For activities in the country in 2017, Saka Energy will focus on exploration drilling in Block South Sesulu, East Kalimantan, which previously was postponed due to the procurement process. In addition, he said, the company will conduct exploration and development activities in Block Pangkah, East Java and Block Wokam II, Papua third Saka controlled 100%. In accordance with the work program and budget, 2017, Saka Energy oil and gas production rose 35,000 barrels of oil equivalent per han (BOEPD) to about 60,000 BOEPD. The work program and budget from oil and gas contractor submitted to SKK Migas containing about planned activities and production.
Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Monday, Dec,19,2016
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