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Thursday, December 15, 2016

Skema Baru Bagi Hasil Migas Disosialisasikan

    Pemerintah akan melakukan sosialisasi terkait perubahan sistem bagi hasil minyak dan gas bumi (production sharing contract /PSC) menjadi gross split. Perubahan sistem bagi hasil ini akan berlaku mulai tahun depan. "Dalam waktu dekat Kementerian ESDM akan melakukan sosialisasi terkait skema gross split ini kepada seluruh pihak, khususnya pelaku usaha industri hulu migas,” ujar Menteri
Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Ignasius Jonan.

    Menurut Jonan, sosialisasi tersebut untuk menjelaskan bahwa penerapan skema gross split bertujuan menciptakan kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) beserta bisnis penunjangnya menjadi entitas bisnis global dan menciptakan daya saing tinggi di dalam negeri. Kementerian ESDM juga menyebut penggantian sistem bagi hasil guna meningkatkan efisiensi KKKS dengan menghilangkan cost recovery Serta meningkatkan pendapatan negara dengan tidak meninggalkan fungsi kontrol SKK Migas.

    Pada pelaksanaan nanti, skema gross split didasarkan pada kondisi cadangan migas, lokasi, hingga pemakaian teknologinya. Fungsi SKK Migas tetap penting. SKK Migas berperan melaksanakan pengelolaan kegiatan usaha hulu minyak dan gas bumi berdasarkan kontrak kerja sama,” kata dia. Dia melanjutkan, SKK Migas nanti tetap akan menjalan fungsi pengawasan dan pengendalian. Instrurnen pengawasan dan pengendalian yang digunakan SKK Migas seperti plan of developrnent, work program and budget, authorization for expenditure, audit ketaatan terhadap regulasi dan lain-lain tetap dijalankan.

    Terkait pokok-pokok gross split ini telah disampaikan kepada 20 KKKS terbesar, SKK Migas, dan pengurus asosiasi perminyakan Indonesia. Secara umum mereka memaharni upaya pemerintah meningkatkan iklim investasi hulu migas karena sistem gross split tidak rumit dan memangkas birokrasi dengan tetap mengedepankan prinsip keadilan dan kepentingan nasional," katanya. Disamping itu, ujardia,pada skema gross split juga akan diatur terkait penggunaan komponen lokal.

    Pemerintah akan menetapkan syarat ketat dalam menggunakan tingkat komponen dalam negeri (TKDN) pada wilayah kerja migas. ”Penggunaan tenaga kerja nasional khususnya di wilayah kerja menjadi prioritas,” tandasnya. Direktur Riset Hulu Migas Asia-Pasifik Wood Mackenzie Andrew Harwood mengatakan, skema gross split belurn tentu mampu menggairahkan industri hulu migas. Pihaknya memperkirakan tahun depan belum ada peningkatan signifikan investasi hulu migas karena permasalahan utama masih seputar ketidakpastian usaha dan kebijakan.

    Dia menambahkan, masih menunggu pola seperti apa yang akan diberlakukan pemerintah terkait perubahan skema tersebut. Jika penerapan tersebut tidak membuat kontraktor dapat mengembalikan investasi sesuai yang diharapkan, kemungkinan tidak berpengaruh terhadap iklim investasi hulu migas. Sebaliknya, ujar dia, apabila skema gross split dapat mengurangi hambatan adrninistrasi terkait pengajuan anggaran dan persetujuan kontrak kemungkinan hal itu dapat membantu meningkatkan investasi di Indonesia.


New Scheme of Oil and Gas Production Sharing Socialized

    The Government will disseminate the related system changes from oil and natural gas (production sharing contract / PSC) to gross split. This revenue sharing system changes will take effect from next year. "In the near future the Ministry of Energy will conduct socialization related to the scheme's gross split to all parties, particularly businesses upstream oil and gas industry," said Minister
Energy and Mineral Resources Ignatius Jonan.

    According Jonan, socialization to explain that the application of the scheme aimed at creating a split gross cooperation contract (PSC) and its supporting business into a global business entity and create high competitiveness in the country. Mineral Resources Ministry also called the replacement system for results to improve efficiency by eliminating the cost recovery KKKS well as increase state revenue by not leaving the control function SKK Migas.

    In the later implementation of the scheme based on the gross split state oil and gas reserves, the location, to the use of technology. SKK Migas functions remain important. SKK Migas role managing the upstream activities of oil and gas under the contract of cooperation, "he said. He continued, SKK Migas'll still be running the functions of supervision and control. Instrurnen supervision and control that is used as plan of SKK Migas developrnent, work program and budget, authorization for expenditure, audit compliance with the regulations and others keep running.

    Related gross split points have been submitted to the PSC's 20 largest, SKK Migas, and the caretaker associations Indonesian oil. Generally they comprehend the government's efforts to improve investment climate for oil and gas upstream gross split system is uncomplicated and cut the bureaucracy by promoting the principles of justice and national interest, "he said. In addition, ujardia, the scheme will also be arranged gross split related to the use of local components.

    The government will set strict requirements to use domestic component level (DCL) on oil and gas working areas. "The use of the national labor force, especially in the working area to be a priority," he said. Gas Upstream Research Director Asia-Pacific Wood Mackenzie Andrew Harwood said gross scheme split belurn certainly able to stimulate upstream oil and gas industry. It expects next year has been no significant increase in oil and gas upstream investment as the main problem is still uncertainty surrounding the business and policy.

    He added, still waiting for a pattern as to what will be imposed by the government related to changes in the scheme. If the application does not make the contractor can recover the investment as expected, is unlikely to affect the upstream oil and gas investment climate. Instead, he said, if the gross scheme split reduces drag associated adrninistrasi budget submission and approval of the contract is a chance it could help increase investment in Indonesia.

Koran Sindo, Page-19,Thursday, Dec,15,2016

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