Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Skema Gross Split Bisa Nihilkan TKDN
Skema gross split sliding scale, yakni pembagian gross produksi secara progresif sesuai dengan kumulatif produksi setiap tahun tanpa mekanisme pengembalian cost recovery yang akan digulirkan Kementerian ESDM pada 17 Januari 2017, dikhawatirkan akan menutup peluang industri penunjang hulu migas nasional untuk bersaing dengan perusahaan asal luar negeri. Kalau peraturan ini ditandatangani, negara tidak ada lagi punya wewenang mengatur kontraktor tersebut,” kata Wakil Ketua Umum Kamar Dagang dan Industri (Kadin) Indonesia Bidang Migas Bobby Gafur.
Salah satu hal yang paling ditakutkan untuk skema yang berlaku bagi kontrak migas baru itu ialah tidak berjalannya aturan mengenai tingkat kandungan dalam negeri (TKDN) yang masih rendah di industri hulu migas nasional. Ketua Komite Tetap Hubungan Kelembagaan dan Regulasi Sektor Energi dan Migas Kadin Firlie Ganinduto meminta pemerintah untuk melakukan pengawasan ketat dan memberikan sanksi tegas kepada kontraktor migas yang tidak melaksanakan kewajiban.
Gross Split Scheme Could Eliminate DCL
Scheme gross split sliding scale, the division of the gross production progressively in accordance with the cumulative production every year without a mechanism to recover the cost recovery which will roll the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources on January 17, 2017, it is feared will close the opportunity of supporting industries upstream oil and gas nationwide to compete with companies from abroad. If this legislation is signed, the state no longer had the authority to regulate these contractors, "said Deputy Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Indonesia Oil and Gas Sector Bobby Gafur.
One of the most feared things for schemes that apply to new oil and gas contract that was not the passage of rules on local content (DCL) is still low in the upstream oil and gas industry nationwide. Chairman of the Standing Committee of Institutional Relations and Regulation of Energy and Gas Sector Kadin Firlie Ganinduto asked the government to conduct strict supervision and give strict punishment to the oil and gas contractors who do not carry out obligations.
Media Indonesia, Page-17, Wednesday, Dec,14,2016
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