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Friday, December 16, 2016

Skema Gross Split Merugikan Kontraktor Kecil

    Skema bagi hasil bruto (gross split) yang akan diterapkan pemerintah bakal membuat kontraktor kecil babak belur Pasalnya, mereka hanya menguasai wilayah migas kecil dengan produksi yang tidak signifikan. “Apalagi yang tidak lengkap rantai bisnisnya,” ujar Ketua Umum Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia (IATMI) Alfi Rusin. Alfi mengatakan kerugian bakal dialami kontraktor saat harga minyak seperti sekarang. Sebab, kontraktor hanya menyedot migas skala kecil dengan biaya pengeboran sarna dengan kontraktor lain.

    Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) mencatat terdapat 75 kontraktor dengan minyak siap jual (lifting) di bawah 11 ribu barel per hari. Semua perusahaan ini hanya menyumbang lifting sebesar 120 ribu barel per hari atau hanya separuh dari produksi Chevron Pacific Indonesia di Blok Rokan, Riau. Adapun untuk produksi gas, kontraktor ini hanya menyumbang lifting sebesar 1.299 mmscfd. Menurut Alfi, skema baru bakal sangat menguntungkan Pertamina.

    Sebab, Pertamina memiliki banyak anak usaha di industri penunjang migas seperti jasa pengeboran ataupun survei. Selama ini, perseroan tidak selalu bisa menunjuk langsung anak usahanya lantaran melarang skema tersebut pada proyek bernilai besar. Karena itulah, Alfi memprediksi, skema ini berpeluang membuat Pertamina lebih efisien. Sistem gross split juga dianggap Alfi berbahaya bagi ketahanan energi nasional.

    Musababnya, saat harga minyak rendah, kontraktor bakal mengerern aktivitas produksi yang tidak menguntungkan. Dalam sistem saat ini, penyedotan minyak masih bisa berjalan karena biaya kontraktor diganti cost recovery. Dia meminta pemerintah memberikan insentif lebih kepada kontraktor supaya aktivitas migas tetap berjalan sekalipun harga lesu. “Karena niatnya untuk menjadi lebih baik." Sebelumnya, anggota Dewan Energi Nasional, Andang Bachtiar, memperkirakan skema gross split bakal mengerem laju eksplorasi.

    Sebab, dalam sistem gross split, kontraktor menginginkan aktivitas yang keuntungannya sudah jelas. Sampai November, pengeboran eksplorasi hanya 39 sumun Padahal, target kontraktor mencapai 67 sumur. SKK Migas memprediksi hanya 43 sumur yang dibor di akhir 2016. Wakil Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Arcandra Tahar berjanji memberikan insentif bagi kontraktor dalam sistem gross split. Pemanis diberikan melalui tambahan bagian hasil minyak. Hal ini juga berlaku bagi kontraktor yang memakai komponen produk lokal. Namun, kata dia, sekarang besaran bagi hasil dalam skema baru belum disepakati.


Gross schemes Split Adverse Small Contractors

    Scheme for gross proceeds (gross split) to be implemented by the government will make a small contractor battered reason, they only controlled a small region with oil and gas production is not significant. "Moreover incomplete business chain," said Chairman of the Indonesian Association of Petroleum Engineering (IATMI) Alfi Rusin. Alfi said the losses would be experienced by the contractor when the oil price as it is now. Therefore, contractors just suck small-scale oil and gas drilling at a cost equal to the other contractors.

    Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) noted that there are 75 contractors with oil ready for sale (lifting) under 11 thousand barrels per day. All of these companies only accounted for lifting of 120 thousand barrels per day, or only half of the production of Chevron Pacific Indonesia in Rokan Block, Riau. As for gas production, the contractor is only accounted for lifting at 1,299 MMSCFD. According Alfi, the new scheme will be very profitable for Pertamina.

    Therefore, Pertamina has many subsidiaries in the supporting industries such as oil and gas drilling services or surveys. During this time, the company can not always be pointed directly prohibit its subsidiary because these schemes the projects of great value. Therefore, Alfi predicts, is likely to make the scheme more efficient Pertamina. The system is also considered gross split Alfi dangerous for national energy security.

    Cause, when oil prices are low, the contractor will put the brakes on production activities that are not profitable. In the current system, the siphoning of oil is still able to walk because of the cost of the contractor replaced cost recovery. He asked the government to provide more incentives to the contractor so that oil and gas activity is still running despite sluggish price. "Because of its intention to become better." Earlier, members of the National Energy Board, Andang Bachtiar, estimated gross scheme split would slow the rate of exploration.

    Because, in the gross system is split, the contractor wanted activity whose benefits are clear. As of November, only 39 exploration drilling sumun In fact, the target of achieving 67 wells contractor. SKK Migas predicts only 43 wells drilled in late 2016. Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar promised to provide incentives for contractors in the gross system split. Sweeteners provided through additional parts of oil products. This also applies to contractors who use local produce components. However, he said, now the amount of profit sharing in the new scheme has not been agreed upon.

Koran Tempo, Page-13, Friday, Dec,16,2016

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