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Friday, December 9, 2016

Skema Kontrak Baru Ancam Eksplorasi Migas

Dikhawatirkan berisiko menahan laju eksplorasi minyak dan gas.

    Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral sedang mematangkan skema Bagi Hasil minyak dan gas bumi baru, yang bernama gross split production sharing contract. Menurut anggota Dewan Energi Nasional, Andang Bachtiar, skema baru itu justru berisiko menahan laju eksplorasi migas.
Ia menilai rencana pemerintah meningkatkan kegiatan eksplorasi dalam lima tahun ke depan akan sulit terlaksana. Karena kontraktor akan mengutamakan efisiensi biaya dan menggenjot produksi untuk revenue.

    Ia menjelaskan, dalam sistem gross split, kontraktor hanya mengejar aktivitas yang dipastikan memberi keuntungan. Sebab, sistem ini meniadakan penggantian biaya operasi (cost recovery). Padahal eksplorasi migas adalah kegiatan berisiko tinggi dan berbiaya sangat mahal. Sampai November Ialu, kegiatan pengeboran eksplorasi masih lesu, yakni baru 39 sumur: Padahal, dalam rencana kerja dan anggaran kontraktor ditargetkan sebanyak 67 sumur. Kepala Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) Amien Sunaryadi memprediksi realisasi pengeboran hanya mencapai 43 sumur, hingga akhir 2016.

    Andang menambahkan, gross split juga mengancam rencana pengurasan minyak (enhanced oil recovery) dan penggalian sumur-sumur baru di lapangan marginal. Sebab, upaya tersebut berbiaya besar, dengan angka pengembalian investasi yang tidak memadai. Risiko ini, ujar Andang, bakal bertentangan dengan Rencana Umum Energi Nasional. Cetak biru energi itu mengamanatkan peningkatan produksi melalui teknik pengurasan minyak hingga 2,5 miliar barel, yang saat ini masih tersimpan di perut bumi.

    Kontrol negara atas pengelolaan reservoir jadi berkurang atau bisa hilang sama sekali, yang berujung melesetnya rencana produksi migas. Risiko gross split juga dikhawatirkan oleh anggota Komisi VII Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, Dito Ganinduto. Menurut dia, skema bagi hasil baru mengganjal peningkatan penggunaan produk dalam negeri dan pengembangan tenaga migas lokal, Sebab, pemerintah tidak bisa mengontrol aktivitas migas yang dikerjakan kontraktor. Jangan cuma mempertimbangkan aspek ekonominya.

    Sebaliknya, Direktur Indonesia Petroleum Association (IPA) Ignatius Tenny Wibowo mengapresiasi rencana skema kontrak baru. Menurut Tenny, konsep gross split membuat kontraktor migas lebih luwes mengelola wilayah kerja. Sebab, pemerintah nantinya bakal menyerahkan aktivitas operasi sepenuhnya kepada operator. Tenny memprediksi beberapa prosedur bakal dipangkas dalam sistem baru. Birokrasi lebih pendek, jadi eksplorasi bisa lebih berpeluang.

    Karena kontraktor yang menanggung biayanya, walaupun nanti eksplorasinya berhasil. Tapi,Tenny berharap, aturan itu diterapkan untuk wilayah kerja baru saja. Tujuannya memberi kepastian hukum bagi kontrak yang sedang berjalan. Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi, I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja menjelaskan, skema gross split secara tidak Iangsung memaksa kontraktor berhemat. Sebab, kontraktor tidak memperoleh bagian apa pun selain hasil minyak yang sudah disepakati dalam kontrak.


New Contract Scheme Threatens Oil and Gas Exploration

It is feared curb risky exploration for oil and gas.

    Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is finalizing the scheme Sharing new oil and natural gas, which is called gross split production sharing contract. According to members of the National Energy Board, Andang Bachtiar, a new scheme was actually risky halt oil and gas exploration. He considered the government's plan to increase exploration activities in the next five years will be difficult. Because the contractor will prioritize cost efficiency and boost production to revenue.

    He explained, in a gross system split, contractors only pursue activities that ensured profitable. Therefore, this system negates recovering operating costs (cost recovery). Though oil and gas exploration is a high risk activity and cost-prohibitive. As of November Ialu, exploration drilling activity is still sluggish, which is only 39 wells: In fact, in the work plan and budget as much as 67 wells targeted contractors. Head of the Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas) Amien Sunaryadi predict realization only reached 43 wells drilling, until the end of 2016.

    Andang added, gross split also threatens oil depletion plan (enhanced oil recovery) and digging new wells in marginal fields. Therefore, the efforts are costly, with rates of return on investment is inadequate. These risks, said Andang, would be contrary to the General Plan of National Energy. Energy blueprint that mandates the increased production through the technique of recovering oil to 2.5 billion barrels, which is still stored in the bowels of the earth.

    State control over the management of the reservoir can be reduced or disappear altogether, which led slipping of oil and gas production plans. Risk gross split is also feared by members of the House of Representatives Commission VII, Dito Ganinduto. According to him, a new profit-sharing scheme prop increased use of domestic products and the development of local oil and gas power, because the government can not control the oil and gas activities carried out by contractors. Do not just consider the economic aspect.

    Instead, the Director of the Indonesia Petroleum Association (IPA) Ignatius Tenny Wibowo appreciate the new contract scheme plan. According to Tenny, the concept of gross split makes oil and gas contractors more flexibility to manage working area. Therefore, the government would later be handed over entirely to the operating activities of the operator. Tenny predict some procedures will be trimmed in the new system. Bureaucracy is shorter, so the exploration could be more likely.

    Because contractors are paying for it, although later on exploration success. But, Tenny hope, the rule was applied to the working area recently. The goal is to give legal certainty to the ongoing contract. Director General of Oil and Gas, I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja explained, split gross scheme is indirectly forcing contractors skimp. Therefore, the contractor did not obtain anything other than a portion of oil revenues has been agreed in the contract.

Koran Tempo, Page-17, Thursday, Dec,8,2016

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