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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Skema Kontrak Hulu Migas Baru demi Efisiensi

    Efisiensi dan upaya meningkatkan daya saing akan menjadi arah pemerintah untuk menggeliatkan industri hulu migas nasional yang sempat terpukul imbas anjloknya harga minyak dunia. Upaya pembenahan iklim investasi hulu migas juga akan dituangkan dalam perbaruan skema kontrak bagi hasil (PSC) berbasis gross split, yakni pembagian produksi secara progresif tanpa mekanisme pengembalian biaya produksi (cost recovery).

    Terkait dengan kekhawatiran rendahnya serapan tingkat komponen dalam negeri (TKDN), Jonan menjamin kontrak baru itu akan membuat kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) berusaha efisien. “Mereka akan Cari komponen dari dalam negeri yang lebih murah,” jelasnya. Dalam skema PSC gross split, pemerintah memasukkan aspek serapan TKDN yang akan memengaruhi besaran bagi hasil (split).

    Bila investor ingin mendapatkan porsi bagi hasil yang lebih besar, komitmen penyerapan komponen lokal harus diwujudkan. Anggaplah KKKS tidak mau menggunakan local content, maka tidak dapat tambahan split. Kalau serapan 1%-10%, bisa tambah split 2%, serapan 10%-30%, dapat split 5%. Bila berani serap 50%, pemerintah bisa kasih tambahan split 10%,” imbuh.

    Wakil Menteri ESDM Arcandra Tahar. Pemerintah pun akan memasang rambu besaran base split yang menjadi kesepakatan awal antara pemerintah dan investor. Skema PSC gross split efektif berlaku begitu KKKS memenangi lelang kontrak Wilayah kerja (WK) baru. Pemerintah tentunya akan mempertimbangkan jenis lapangan dalam penentuan split. “Misalnya lapangan migas yang dikelola offshore, tambahan split-nya masih nol.

    Begitu laut dalam, bisa tambah 2%-4%. Lalu kita lihat juga Wilayah kerjanya konvensional atau nonkonvensional. Tidak ketinggalan aspek kandungan CO2 (karbon dioksida),” tutur Arcandra. Harga minyak pun menjadi penentu. Saat harga minyak di bawah US$ 50 per barel, KKKS akan mendapat tambahan split. Iika harganya di atas US$80 per barel, porsi pemerintah yang bertambah.


New Oil and Gas Upstream Contract scheme for the sake of efficiency

    Efficiency and efforts to improve competitiveness will be stretched towards the government for the national upstream oil and gas industry was hit the impact of the drop in world oil prices. Effort to revamp the upstream oil and gas investment climate will also be set forth in the contract renewal scheme for the results (PSC) based on gross split, the division of production progressively without a mechanism to recover the production costs (cost recovery).

    Concerns associated with low uptake domestic component level (DCL), Jonan ensure that the new contract will make cooperation contracts (PSC) seeks efficient. "They'll Find the components of domestic cheaper," he explained. In the scheme of gross PSC split, the government has included aspects that would affect the uptake DCL amount of profit sharing (split).

    If investors want to get a share of revenue greater absorption commitment of local components to be realized. Suppose KKKS not want to use local content, it can not be additional split. If the uptake of 1% -10%, can be added split 2%, uptake of 10% -30%, can be split 5%. When you dare to absorb 50%, the government can give an additional split of 10%, "he added.

    Deputy Minister Arcandra Tahar. The government will put up signs for the amount of base split into an initial agreement between the government and investors. Scheme gross PSC PSC split becomes effective so won the tender for contract work Territory (WK) new. The Government will certainly consider the kind of courts in the determination of the split. "For example, offshore oil and gas field run, additional split her still zero.

    So the deep ocean, can add 2% -4%. Then we see also Regional conventional or non-conventional work. Do not miss the aspect of the content of CO2 (carbon dioxide), "said Arcandra. Oil prices also be decisive. When oil prices below $ 50 per barrel, the PSC will get an extra split. Iika prices above US $ 80 per barrel, the government increased the portion.

Media Indonesia, Page-18, Tuesday, Dec,20,2016

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