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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Three Missed Gas Project


    Production of three oil and gas blocks shifted backward in the next year than this year because of the production facility is not ready. Based on data from Special Unit of Upstream Oil and Gas (SKK Migas), in 2016, targeted 13 oil and gas production facilities can operate, but until the end of the year there were only ten projects were realized. 

     Head of Public Relations SKK Migas Taslim Z. Yunus said the three projects namely Matindok retreat in Central Sulawesi, Wasambo in South Sulawesi, and Simenggaris in North Borneo.

    He said the project Matindok operated by PT Pertamina Exploration and Production (EP) retreated due to change of work done by contractors. According to him, these changes require considerable time in making decisions because of concerns the additional funds. Indeed, the production facilities are often delayed because of change orders [job change]. It concerns the additional funds, if additional funds rather timidly.

    Meanwhile, Wasambo project that has been operated by Energy Equity Epic Sengkang retreated operating schedules. This was due to the immature state of downstream activities related to liquefied natural gas / LNG That will be supplied from the block. Project Simenggaris (JOB Pertamina-Medco E&P Simenggaris) experience delays in operation due to the immature state of the production facility. Matindok project will produce 65 MMSCFD of gas and 500 barrels of oil per day (bpd).

    Wasambo projected to produce 80 MMSCFD gas and initially targeted operations in the third quarter / 2016 and supply gas to South Sumatra LNG. As a result of the delay, the SS LNG will be supplied from Bontang during Wasambo not produce gas. Meanwhile, gas production from Simenggaris projected at 30 MMSCFD.

    Several projects have already been produced throughout 2016 is Banyu Urip Train B operated by ExxonMobil Cepu Ltd. with a capacity of 185,000 bpd, Bukit Tua ORF with Petronas Carigali operator Ketapang 2 Ltd. with a production capacity of 20,000 bpd of oil and gas of 50 MMSCFD.

    In addition, the project operator Donggi with Pertamina EP has also produced 250 bpd of oil and gas of 60 MMSCFD. Project Pondok Makmur producing 4,000 bpd of oil and 42 MMSCFD gas. ConocoPhillips project Grisik Ltd namely Compression Paddle-2 has been producing 160 MMSCFD gas. IDD project with operator Chevron Indonesia Bangka Co. Rapak gas producing 4,000 bpd and 115 MMSCFD gas.


Tiga Proyek Migas Meleset

    Produksi tiga blok minyak dan gas bumi bergeser mundur pada tahun depan dari target tahun ini karena fasilitas produksi belum siap. Berdasarkan data Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas), pada 2016 ditargetkan 13 fasilitas produksi migas bisa beroperasi, tetapi hingga akhir tahun hanya ada sepuluh proyek yang terealisasi. 

     Kepala Bagian Hubungan Masyarakat SKK Migas Taslim Z. Yunus mengatakan, ketiga proyek yang mundur tersebut yakni Matindok di Sulawesi Tengah, Wasambo di Sulawesi Selatan, dan Simenggaris di Kalimantan Utara.

    Dia menyebutkan, proyek Matindok yang dioperasikan oleh PT Pertamina Eksplorasi dan Produksi (EP) mundur karena ada perubahan pekerjaan yang dilakukan oleh kontraktor. Menurutnya, perubahan tersebut memerlukan waktu yang cukup lama dalam pengambilan keputusan lantaran menyangkut tambahan dana. Memang fasilitas produksi seringkali tertunda karena change order [perubahan pekerjaan]. Itu menyangkut tambahan dana, kalau tambahan dana agak takut-takut.

    Sementara itu, proyek Wasambo yang di operasikan oleh Energy Equity Epic Sengkang mundur jadwal pengoperasian. Hal itu disebabkan belum siapnya kegiatan hilir terkait dengan gas alam cair/LNG Yang akan dipasok dari blok tersebut. Proyek Simenggaris (JOB Pertamina-Medco E&P Simenggaris) mengalami keterlambatan operasi karena belum siapnya fasilitas produksi. Proyek Matindok akan memproduksi gas 65 MMscfd dan minyak 500 barel per hari (bph).

    Wasambo diproyeksi menghasilkan gas 80 MMscfd dan awalnya ditarget beroperasi pada kuartal III/2016 dan memasok gas ke South Sumatra LNG. Akibat keterlambatan, SS LNG akan mendapat pasokan dari Bontang selama Wasambo belum menghasilkan gas. Sementara itu, produksi gas dari Simenggaris diproyeksi sebesar 30 MMscfd.

    Beberapa proyek yang telah berproduksi sepanjang 2016 adalah Banyu Urip Train B yang dioperasikan ExxonMobil Cepu Ltd. dengan kapasitas 185.000 bph, Bukit Tua ORF dengan operator Petronas Carigali Ketapang 2 Ltd. dengan kapasitas produksi minyak 20.000 bph dan gas 50 MMscfd.

    Selain itu, proyek Donggi dengan operator Pertamina EP juga telah memproduksi minyak 250 bph dan gas 60 MMscfd. Proyek Pondok Makmur memproduksi minyak 4.000 bph dan gas 42 MMscfd. Proyek milik ConocoPhillips Grisik Ltd yaitu Dayung Compression-2 telah memproduksi gas 160 MMscfd. proyek IDD Bangka dengan operator Chevron Indonesia Co. Rapak memproduksi gas 4.000 bpd dan gas 115 MMscfd.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Wednesday, Dec,28,2016


  1. I didn't knew about this. After reading this I came to know about this. Thanks for sharing and let other know about it.

  2. thank you for coming Mr. Rodney A. Olsen. Have a nice day.



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