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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

BKPM Claims Electricity and Gas Permit complete in Three Hours

Businessmen waiting for the realization in the field about three-hour licensing

Service is quick so the promise of the Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM). Unmitigated, services investment license of the power sector and eight oil and gas sector was promised only three hours finished. Embedding a ESDM3J name, the service is officially running on Monday (30/1) at One Stop Services (OSS) Center BKPM, Jakarta. EMR Minister Ignatius Jonan expect, these services can support the EMR sector investment target this year of about US $ 43 billion US dollars or equivalent to Rp 568 trillion. "We are optimistic that 2017 investment target is reached," said Jonan, Monday (30/1).

Of the total investment target in 2017, investments in oil and gas sector is predicted to reach US $ 22 billion. As an illustration, in 2016, the realization of investments in the ESDM sector reached Rp 347.85 trillion, equivalent to US $ 34 26.758 billion. Head of BKPM Thomas Trikasih Lembong added service launch three hours EMR sector investment is part of a series of innovative development of the government to improve services to investors. This service is provided to new investors as well who have invested and would like to expand its business in Indonesia.

Thomas calls this service is the result of synergy and support of the Ministry of Energy in an effort to improve service in the OSS Center. This service can process 9 license types, one type of electrical activity permit, and 8 kinds of oil and gas activities. According to him, the EMR sector's contribution is important to support the achievement of the realization of investment during 2017 is expected to reach Rp 678.8 trillion. "In the last five years the composition of the investment of ESDM sector reached 21% of the total investment into Indonesia," he said.

Chairman Harlan Electrical Manufacturers Association of Indonesian Private (APLSI) Arthur Simatupang rate, the League licensing hours was positive to improve the investment climate in Indonesia. "Hopefully that can actually be in the field,". Board of Director Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Sammy Hamzah stated, if it permits accelerated will help businesses. Only, this need proof. Fabby Tumiwa Electricity Observers remind, in principle, investors expect the licensing process is not only fast but also transparent


BKPM Klaim Izin Listrik dan Migas Beres Tiga Jam

Pengusaha menunggu realisasi di lapangan soal pemberian izin tiga jam tersebut

Layanan cepat jadi janji Badan Koordinasi Penanaman Modal (BKPM) dan Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM). Tak tanggung-tanggung, layanan izin investasi satu sektor listrik dan delapan sektor minyak dan gas bumi dijanjikan hanya tiga jam kelar. Menyematkan nama ESDM3J, layanan ini resmi berjalan Senin (30/1) lalu di Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (PTSP) Pusat BKPM, di Jakarta. Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan berharap, layanan ini bisa mendukung target investasi sektor ESDM tahun ini sekitar US$ 43 miliar dollar AS atau setara Rp 568 triliun. “Kami optimistis target investasi 2017 tercapai," kata Jonan, Senin (30/1). 

Dari total target investasi 2017 itu, investasi sektor migas diprediksi mencapai US$ 22 miliar. Sebagai gambaran pada 2016, realisasi investasi di sektor ESDM mencapai Rp 347,85 triliun atau setara dengan US$ 34 26,758 miliar. Kepala BKPM Thomas Trikasih Lembong menambahkan, peluncuran layanan investasi tiga jam sektor ESDM ini menjadi bagian dari rangkaian pengembangan inovasi pemerintah untuk meningkatkan layanan ke investor. Layanan ini diberikan kepada investor baru maupun yang telah ber-investasi dan ingin ekspansi usaha di Indonesia.

Thomas menyebut layanan ini merupakan hasil sinergi dan dukungan dari Kementerian ESDM dalam upaya memperbaiki layanan di PTSP Pusat. Layanan ini bisa memproses 9 jenis perizinan, 1 jenis izin kegiatan listrik, dan 8 jenis kegiatan migas. Menurutnya, kontribusi sektor ESDM menjadi penting untuk mendukung pencapaian target realisasi investasi sepanjang 2017 yang ditargetkan mencapai Rp 678,8 triliun. "Dalam lima tahun terakhir komposisi investasi dari sektor ESDM mencapai 21% dari total investasi yang masuk ke Indonesia," katanya.

Ketua Harlan Asosiasi Produsen Listrik Swasta Indonesia (APLSI) Arthur Simatupang menilai, perizinan Liga jam itu positif untuk memperbaiki iklim investasi di Indonesia. "Semoga betul-betul bisa terjadi di lapangan,". Board of Director Indonesia Petroleum Association (IPA) Sammy Hamzah menyatakan, jika izin dipercepat akan membantu pelaku bisnis. Hanya, ini butuh bukti. Fabby Tumiwa Pengamat Ketenagalistrikan mengingatkan, pada prinsipnya investor berharap proses perizinan tidak hanya cepat tapi juga transparan

Kontan, Page-14, Tuesday, Jan, 31, 2017

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