Three community of old wells filing management cooperation was fate hung. Until yesterday (10/1), there is no certainty of Pertamina. In fact, the three associations have put forward in the first half of last year.
In fact, it was reported earlier, Pertamina EP Cepu Field Asset 4 this year will do a lot of reactivation of old wells in the area of mining. Reactivation to increase oil production target. This year, Pertamina EP Cepu Field Asset 4 is targeting oil production of up to 1,830 barrels per day (bpd). Increase over the 2016 average oil production of 1,600 barrels per day.
Chairman of the Society Sumber Rejeki Palapi said filing management of old wells in the district long enough Sambong delivered. However, today there is still no certainty as to the status of cooperation with Pertamina. Palapi wanted an assurance from Pertamina EP Cepu Field Asset 4 if there had been a change in the rules or it was given a letter of rejection of cooperation so that there is clarity.
There is no clarity of this, said Palapi, he and members of the association was hanged. As a result, until now the community has not been able to do production. Besides Society Source fortune, the other two namely the Society of Men Mataram District of Kedungtuban and the Society of the District Energy Sources Randublatung.
Responding to this, the Legal and Relations Manager of Pertamina EP Cepu Field Asset 4 Aryono Dwi Sigit said, has met with the community and deliver verbally concerned was still waiting for the process. He added that no reply from the central Pertamina Pertamina EP Asset forwarded to 4 which ensures the process is quite long, because it needs to be an evaluation of the internal.
Menagih Kepastian Kerja Sama
Tiga paguyuban sumur tua yang mengajukan kerja sama pengelolaan merasa nasibnya digantung. Hingga kemarin (10/1), belum ada kepastian dari Pertamina. Padahal, tiga paguyuban sudah mengajukan pada semester pertama tahun lalu.Padahal, diberitakan sebelumnya, Pertamina EP Asset 4 Field Cepu tahun ini akan banyak melakukan reaktivasi sumur tua di wilayah penambangannya. Reaktivasi untuk menambah target produksi minyak. Tahun ini Pertamina EP Asset 4 Field Cepu menargetkan produksi minyak hingga 1.830 barel per hari (bph). Naik dibandingkan 2016 produksi minyak rata-rata 1.600 barel per hari.
Ketua Paguyuban Sumber Rejeki Palapi mengatakan pengajuan pengelolaan sumur tua di Kecamatan Sambong sudah cukup lama disampaikan. Tetapi, saat ini masih belum ada kepastian untuk status kerja sama dengan Pertamina. Palapi menginginkan ada kepastian dari Pertamina EP Asset 4 Field Cepu jika memang sudah ada perubahan aturan atau pihaknya diberi surat penolakan kerja sama biar ada kejelasan.
Belum ada kejelasan ini, tutur Palapi, dia beserta anggota paguyuban merasa digantung. Akibatnya, sampai saat ini paguyuban belum bisa melakukan produksi. Selain Paguyuban Sumber Rejeki, dua lainnya yakni Paguyuban Putra Mataram Kecamatan Kedungtuban dan Paguyuban Sumber Energi Kecamatan Randublatung.
Menanggapi hal tersebut, Legal and Relations Manager Pertamina EP Asset 4 Field Cepu Sigit Dwi Aryono mengatakan, telah menemui paguyuban dan menyampaikan secara lisan terkait masih menunggu prosesnya. Dia menambahkan, ada jawaban dari Pertamina pusat yang ditembuskan ke Pertamina EP Asset 4 yang memastikan prosesnya cukup lama, karena perlu evaluasi dari internal.
Radar Bojonegoro , Page- 30, Wednesday, Jan, 11, 2017
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