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Thursday, January 26, 2017

Commissioner Request Refinery die Pressured

The Board of Directors is targeting a reduction by half.

Commissioner of PT Pertamina asked directors of reducing the incidence of unplanned refinery outages, Throughout 2016, according to data from oil and gas companies of the country, happened 35 unplanned outage. This year, the commissioners asked for the number be reduced to a maximum of 18 cases. "The Commissioner has the instruments to suppress directors. So measurable results, "said Commissioner of Pertamina Mr. Abeng

This effort, according to Mr. Abeng, the same as the target of cutting losses of US $ 250 million in 2015 to US $ 90 million in 2016. Mr. Abeng respond to repeated its refinery outages throughout the last two months. Damage most often occurs in Balikpapan refinery or Refinery Unit V: three times in two months. On December 2, the refinery was extinguished completely because the generator was broken. Outages affect the operation of a number of units, such as crude oil refining facilities, crude distillation unit, and a hydrocracking unit. The new refinery is operating normally three weeks later, ie December 25, 2016. After that, the refinery has crashed several times.

On January 15, 2017, the refinery outages total return, also due to damage plants. This time, the cause leaking steam pipe. Some refinery facilities must also be turned off. The units are turned on and the new normal operations on January 21. Damage also occurred in Cilacap (Central Java) and Dumai (Riau). Balikpapan refinery as very strategic because it is the largest supplier of fuel oil a second, after the Cilacap refinery. The plant includes two units and is able to process crude oil by 260 thousand barrels per day. One of the main products are solar / diesel oil could reach 170 thousand barrels per day.

Deputy CEO Ahmad Bambang expressed readiness to meet that target. Must come down every year, said Ahmad, who oversees the Director of Processing and Marketing Director. Ahmad stated Pertamina refineries old age. However, if observed properly, can be a good return. "Polished the old refinery, it could be nice.

Pertamina processing director Toharso explain freeze refinery operations are too often will hurt his directorate. He who occupies that position since its inception in December 2016, argued many activities during the refinery maintenance is not performed optimally. Another problem, according to Ahmad Bambang, many oil refineries rely on plants that also supplies power to the housing. Looking ahead how efforts to reduce and improve so that reliable operation and high efficiency levels.

Alternative solutions, Ahmad said Bambang, Pertamina will cooperate with PT PLN. With the supply of electricity, he hopes the refinery could efficiently. The important thing is there are two types of power resources so that, when the generator fails to operate, the refinery is not extinguished. Members Dito Ganindito DPR Energy Commission, assessing the disturbances in the old refinery is a normal thing, but it should not be too frequent.

Lost US $ 37.5 Million

On January 15, 2017, the operations of Balikpapan refinery halted because of power supply from the power plant outages. As a result of the incident, the refinery lost potential revenues of approximately US $ 37.5 million, or Rp 505.2 billion. After the shutdown, the refinery was able to produce the fuel because it takes time for recovery. During January 15 to 21 Premium refinery's production plummeted 28.5 percent, or only 114 thousand barrels in the seven days. 

Under normal conditions the average premium production in the same period of 160 thousand barrels. Production of solar / diesel oil also experienced the same thing, down 66.4 percent from the normal standard of 898 thousand barrels to 302 thousand barrels. The production of jet fuel decreased most dramatically after a total blackout. During the period of January 15 to 22 the production of aviation fuel dropped 94.8 percent from 95 thousand barrels to 5,000 barrels. The following statistics Balikpapan refinery production on 15 to 21 January 2017 (thousands of barrels per day)


Komisaris Minta Kilang Padam Ditekan

Direksi menargetkan pengurangan hingga separuhnya.

Komisaris PT Pertamina meminta direksi mengurangi kasus pemadaman kilang tak terencana, Sepanjang 2016, menurut data perusahaan minyak dan gas negara itu, terjadi 35 pemadaman tak direncanakan. Tahun ini, komisaris meminta jumlahnya ditekan menjadi maksimum 18 kasus. “Komisaris punya instrumen untuk menekan direksi. Jadi terukur hasilnya," kata Komisaris Utama Pertamina Tanri Abeng

Upaya ini, menurut Tanri Abeng, sama seperti target memotong kerugian dari US$ 250 juta pada 2015 menjadi US$ 90 juta pada 2016. Tanri Abeng menanggapi berulang-nya pemadaman kilang sepanjang dua bulan terakhir. Kerusakan paling sering terjadi di kilang Balikpapan atau Unit Refinery V yakni tiga kali dalam dua bulan. Pada 2 Desember, kilang itu padam total karena pembangkitnya rusak. Pemadaman mempengaruhi pengoperasian sejumlah unit, seperti fasilitas penyulingan minyak mentah, crude distillation unit, dan hydrocracking unit. Kilang baru beroperasi normal tiga pekan kemudian, yakni 25 Desember 2016.  Setelah itu, kilang beberapa kali ngadat.

Pada 15 Januari 2017, kilang kembali padam total, juga akibat kerusakan pembangkit. Kali ini, penyebabnya pipa uap bocor. Beberapa fasilitas kilang pun harus dimatikan. Unit-unit dihidupkan dan baru beroperasi normal kembali pada 21 Januari. Kerusakan juga terjadi di Kilang Cilacap (Jawa Tengah) dan Dumai (Riau). Kilang Balikpapan tergolong sangat strategis karena merupakan penyuplai bahan bakar minyak terbesar kedua, Setelah Kilang Cilacap. Kilang ini meliputi dua unit dan mampu mengolah minyak mentah sebesar 260 ribu barel per hari. Salah satu produk utamanya adalah solar/diesel oil yang bisa mencapai 170 ribu barel per hari. 

Wakil Direktur Utama Pertamina Ahmad Bambang menyatakan siap memenuhi target itu. Harus turun tiap tahun, kata Ahmad, yang membawahi Direktur Pengolahan dan Direktur Pemasaran. Ahmad menyatakan kilang-kilang Pertamina berusia tua. Namun, jika diperhatikan dengan benar, bisa kembali bagus.“Kilang tua dipoles, bisa jadi bagus.

Direktur Pengolahan Pertamina Toharso menjelaskan penyetopan operasional kilang yang terlalu sering akan merugikan direktoratnya. Ia, yang menempati posisi itu sejak awal Desember 2016, berdalih banyak kegiatan perawatan kilang selama ini tak dilakukan optimal. Masalah lain, menurut Ahmad Bambang, banyak kilang Pertamina bergantung pada pembangkit yang juga memasok listrik ke perumahan. Ke depan bagaimana upaya mengurangi dan memperbaiki agar operasi andal dan tingkat efisiensi tinggi.

Solusi alternatifnya, kata Ahmad Bambang, Pertamina akan bekerja sama dengan PT PLN. Dengan pasokan listrik dari PLN, ia berharap kilang bisa efisien. Yang penting ada dua jenis sumber daya listrik sehingga, ketika genset gagal beroperasi, kilang tidak padam. Anggota Komisi Energi DPR Dito Ganindito, menilai gangguan pada kilang tua adalah hal biasa, tapi tidak boleh terlalu sering.

Hilang US$ 37,5 Juta

Pada 15 Januari 2017, kegiatan operasional Kilang Balikpapan terhenti akibat suplai listrik dari pembangkit padam. Akibat kejadian itu, kilang kehilangan potensi pendapatan sekitar US$ 37,5 juta atau Rp 505,2 miliar. Selepas shutdown, kilang tak mampu memproduksi BBM karena butuh waktu untuk pemulihan. Selama 15-21 Januari produksi Premium kilang ini turun drastis 28,5 persen atau hanya 114 ribu barel dalam tujuh hari. 

Dalam kondisi normal rata-rata produksi Premium dalam kurun yang sama sebanyak 160 ribu barel. Produksi solar/diesel oil juga mengalami hal yang sama atau turun 66,4 persen dari standar normal 898 ribu barel menjadi 302 ribu barel. Adapun produksi avtur menurun paling drastis selepas total blackout. Selama kurun 15-22 Januari produksi avtur melorot 94,8 persen dari 95 ribu barel menjadi 5.000 barel. Berikut ini statistik produksi Kilang Balikpapan pada 15-21 Januari 2017 (ribu barel per hari)

Koran Tempo, Page-4, Wednesday, Jan, 25, 2017

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