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Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Eight Companies Enjoy Cheap Gas

Two industrial sector will follow

Eight manufacturing companies get cheap gas from January 2017. They are PT Kaltim Parna Industri, PT Kaltim Methanol Industri, PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (Pupuk Kaltim), PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek, PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang (Pusri), PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda (PIM ), PT PKG (PG), and PT Krakatau Steel Tbk (KS).

The companies are engaged in the petrochemical industry, fertilizers, and steel. Cheap gas for the three industries it regulated ESDM 40/2016 which is the technical rules of Presidential Decree (Decree) No. 40 of 2016 on Natural Gas Pricing. Perpres a follow-up of the gas price reduction plan in Economic Policy Package III which was released in October 2015.

The initial stage, the new cheap gas can be enjoyed SOE. However, the Ministry of Industry (Ministry of Industry) is fighting a decline in gas prices can be obtained private as well as ceramics and glass industries. These two sectors have entered the industry a priority deserving decline in gas prices in the Presidential Decree No. 40 of 2016, in addition to fertilizer, petrochemical, oleochemical, steel, and rubber gloves.

Based ESDM 40/2016, the three companies have been getting cheap gas prices with the old pricing scheme, so it does not need to be lowered again. They are Kaltim Parna Industri amounting to US $ 4.04 per million metric British thermal unit (mmbtu) at the factory door, Kaltim Methanol Industri US $ 3.11 per mmbtu, and Pupuk Kaltim US $ 2.85 to 4.04 per mmbtu from five suppliers.
Meanwhile, five gas companies get a price reduction. The price of gas to Pupuk Kujang of PT Pertamina EP down from US $ 6.62 to US $ 6 per mmbtu, fertilizer Sriwidjaja down from US $ 6,546,73 to $ 6 to 6.48 per mmbtu, PKG of US $ 6 21 to US $ 6 per mmbtu, and Krakatau Steel from US $ 7.35 to US $ 6 per mmbtu. This corresponds to the government's target intend to lower gas prices from an average of US $ 8 per mmbtu to US $ 6 per mmbtu.

On the other hand, Assosiaciation of Industrial Aromatics, Olefin and Plastic Indonesia (Inaplas) asking price of gas as raw material (feedstock) petrochemical set at US $ 3 per mmbtu. This would trigger additional investment of US $ 5 billion. Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Indonesia Upstream and Petrochemicals Sector Achmad Widjaja rate, a gas price of US $ 6 per mmbtu ideal for industrial needs. During this time, the price of gas sold to the industry average is quite high, amounting to US $ 8 per mmbtu.

If the price of gas has reached US $ 6 per mmbtu, industry competitiveness will be lifted. The positive impact of the decline in gas prices is to save production costs by 30%. Some of the industries that benefited from the decline in gas prices is the fertilizer, ceramics, glass and textiles, "he said. She also hoped that Pertamina and PT PGN PF can work together and establish a holding in the oil and gas sector. The goal is that the coordination of oil and gas in Indonesia could be elisien and smoothly.

Secretary General of Indonesian Fertilizer Producers Association (APPI) Dadang Heru Kodri said, for the price of gas purchased fertilizer industry reached US $ 8 per mmbtu and quite a burden. A gas price of US $ 6 per mmbtu can improve the competitiveness of the fertilizer industry. Contributions gas in the fertilizer industry reached 80%, so if the price is lowered, it will save the cost of production. On the other hand, gas prices apply from January 2017. The gas supply from PT Krakatau Steel Pertamina EP

"The price of gas down from US $ 7.35 per mmbtu to US $ 6 per MMBTU in Krakatau Steel factory. Invoice price will be mailed next month. But, if the price of HRC (hot rolled coil) reached US $ 557 per ton, the gas price increase of US $ 0.15 per mmbtu, "he said.

Director of Krakatau Steel Sukandar said, KS actually expect the gas price cut to US $ 3 per mmbtu. if it is met, the company is ready to operate again the sponge iron plant (sponge iron). This facility was closed in 2014 because of high gas prices and the slump in world steel prices. The sponge iron is the raw material billet and slab.

Krakatau Steel is building a new steel plant with blast furnace (Blast Furnace / BF). The plan, Krakatau Steel will revive billet and slab plant with a capacity of 2.5 million tons per year, after BF operation next March. As a result, imports of slab and billet can be trimmed. Foreign exchange could save around US $ 1 billion, assuming the slab and billet prices reached US $ 400 per ton.

Vice Chairman Inaplas Budi Susanto Sadiman asserted, the petrochemical industry is ready to add an investment of US $ 5 billion, if the price of gas for raw materials was at US $ 3 per mmbtu. The petrochemical industry targeting two locations, ie in the Masela Block (Maluku) and Bintuni (West Papua). "If the price of gas for feedstock US $ 6 per mmbtu, do not enter. But if US $ 3 per mmbtu, the investment could be executed, "said Budi.

According to him, the gas will be processed into methanol, then processed again into olefin products, namely propylene and ethylene. Furthermore, the two products were processed into plastic resins polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP), plastic raw materials. The government, he said, had invited Inaplas to work on petrochemical project in the Masela. There are several interested companies, including PT Chandra Asn Petrochemical (CAP) Tbk. However, they are asking for gas price of US $ 3 per mmbtu and the government is willing to work on projects of gas to methanol conversion, because the investment is huge.

The methanol to olefin can tilled petrochemical companies. He said, from the Masela project, PP and PE industry capacity could increase 850 thousand tons per year. This amount could cut imports of plastic raw materials. The project Bintuni, additional capacity could reach 500 thousand tons. Last year, the need for plastic raw materials nationwide reached 4.5 million tons. Of that number, 2.3 million tons are supplied from the national industry, while the rest of the imports.

He predicts the demand of plastic raw materials reach 7-8 million tons per year in 2020. Therefore, the capacity of the petrochemical industry must immediately added. If the price of gas Masela and Bintuni already decided, the petrochemical industry will immediately conduct a feasibility study. Construction of the plant could be completed in two years, "he said. In addition to gas, he asserted, the petrochemical industry looking for alternative raw material for another, namely coal. The flow of production as gas, in which coal is converted into methanol, then processed again to olefins. The petrochemical industry China could use the technology to realize the project.

"The raw material alternative is necessary, because the oil could be depleted by 2040. In addition, during this time, the petrochemical industry to import more naphtha (oil derivatives) to produce olefins," he said.

Sector Supplement

On the other hand, the Minister of Industry (Industry) Airlangga Hartanto said the government was reviewing the decline in gas prices for industrial ceramics and glass. However, he was not sure when the discussion is finished. Both sectors are included in the priority sectors in Presidential Decree No. 40 of 2016. There are seven sectors which received a reduction in gas prices, the fertilizer, petrochemical, oleochemical, steel, ceramics, glass, and rubber gloves.

Chairman of the Association of Sheet and Safety Glass (AKLP) Justin Gunawan asserted, flat glass industry requested assurance decline in gas prices. This will have a significant effect on the production cost. If the production costs down, this industry can compete with the regional glass industry. "We have a new rival, namely Malaysia, because Chinese companies have a new factory there. This is potentially a serious rival in the regional market, "said Justin

Chairman of the Forum of Industrial Gas Users Achmad Safiun asked the Ministry of Industry all out fight for cheaper energy prices for industries other than steel, petrochemicals, and fertilizers. Therefore, the main problem of the industry today is the high price of energy. Safiun asserted, employment will be minimal, if the industry stopped moving. Industries can move, if it's supported energy total. Today the industry is not excited, "said Safiun.

Last year, the industry's contribution to gross domestic product (GDP) of about 19%. Safiun projecting these contributions could decline again, if there is no change in energy policy. If the global economy is not moving, Saiun rate, the government should be able to move the domestic economy to ensure the industry continues to move. He emphasized that the revenue from the industry is much larger than in gas revenues. It noted, revenues from gas only Rp 80 trillion, while assuming the industry's contribution to GDP is 19%, revenue from VAT reached Rp 287 trillion industry.

Director General of Metal, Machinery, Transportation Equipment and Electronics Industry Ministry I Gusti Putu Suryawiryawan said it still prioritize the decline in gas prices could be felt industry-wide. In the first phase, a new gas price reduction applied to SOEs.

"To move the massive economic need through the industry. It was all agreed. That has not been agreed for the energy industry. Very funny industry requested so driving, but instead given high energy prices. It is our mission so that the energy can be cheap.


Dua Sektor Industri Bakal Menyusul

Delapan Perusahaan Nikmati Gas Murah

Delapan perusahaan manufaktur mendapatkan gas murah mulai Januari 2017. Mereka adalah PT Kaltim Parna Industri, PT Kaltim Methanol Industri, PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur (Pupuk Kaltim), PT Pupuk Kujang Cikampek, PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang (Pusri), PT Pupuk Iskandar Muda (PIM), PT Petrokimia Gresik (PG), dan PT Krakatau Steel Tbk (KS).

Perusahaan-perusahaan itu bergerak di bidang industri petrokimia, pupuk, dan baja. Gas murah untuk tiga industri itu diatur Peraturan Menteri ESDM 40/2016 yang merupakan aturan teknis Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) No 40 Tahun 2016 tentang Penetapan Harga Gas Bumi. Perpres itu merupakan tindak lanjut dari rencana penurunan harga gas dalam Paket Kebijakan Ekonomi III yang dirilis pada Oktober 2015.

Tahap awal, gas murah baru bisa dinikmati BUMN. Namun, Kementerian Perindustrian (Kemenperin) tengah memperjuangkan penurunan harga gas bisa didapat swasta serta industri keramik dan kaca. Dua sektor ini masuk industri prioritas yang layak menerima penurunan harga gas dalam Peraturan Presiden Nomor 40 Tahun 2016, selain pupuk, petrokimia, oleokimia, baja, dan sarung tangan karet. 

Berdasarkan Permen ESDM 40/2016, tiga perusahaan telah mendapatkan harga gas murah dengan skema harga lama, sehingga tidak perlu diturunkan lagi. Mereka adalah Kaltim Parna Industri sebesar US$ 4,04 per million metric british thermal unit (mmbtu) di pintu pabrik, Kaltim Methanol Industri US$ 3,11 per mmbtu, dan Pupuk Kaltim US$ 2,85-4,04 per mmbtu dari lima pemasok.
Sementara itu, lima perusahaan mendapatkan penurunan harga gas. Harga gas untuk Pupuk Kujang dari PT Pertamina EP turun dari US$ 6,62 menjadi US$ 6 per mmbtu, Pupuk Sriwidjaja turun dari US$ 6,546,73 menjadi US$ 6-6,48 per mmbtu, Petrokimia Gresik dari US$ 6,21 menjadi US$ 6 per mmbtu, dan Krakatau Steel dari US$ 7,35 menjadi US$ 6 per mmbtu. Ini sesuai dengan target pemerintah yang berniat  menurunkan harga gas dari rata-rata US$ 8 Per mmbtu menjadi US$ 6 per mmbtu.

Di sisi lain, Asosiasi Industri Aromatik, Olefin, dan Plastik Indonesia (Inaplas) meminta harga gas Sebagai bahan baku (feedstock) petrokimia dipatok US$ 3 per mmbtu. Hal ini bakal memicu tambahan investasi US$ 5 miliar. Wakil Ketua Komite Tetap Kamar Dagang dan Industri (Kadin) Indonesia Bidang Industri Hulu dan Petrokimia Achmad Widjaja menilai, harga gas sebesar US$ 6 per mmbtu ideal untuk kebutuhan industri. Selama ini, harga gas yang dijual ke industri rata-rata cukup tinggi, sebesar US$ 8 per mmbtu. 

Jika harga gas sudah mencapai US$ 6 per mmbtu, daya saing industri akan terangkat. Dampak positif dari penurunan harga gas adalah menghemat biaya produksi hingga 30%. Beberapa industri yang diuntungkan dari penurunan harga gas adalah pupuk, keramik, kaca dan tekstil,” ujar dia.  Dia juga berharap PF Pertamina dan PT PGN bisa bersinergi dan membentuk holding di sektor migas. Tujuannya agar koordinasi migas di Indonesia bisa lebih elisien dan lancar. 

Sekjen Asosiasi Produsen Pupuk Indonesia (APPI) Dadang Heru Kodri mengatakan, selama ini harga gas yang dibeli industri pupuk mencapai US$ 8 per mmbtu dan cukup menjadi beban. Harga gas sebesar US$ 6 per mmbtu bisa meningkatkan daya saing industri pupuk. Kontribusi gas di industri pupuk mencapai 80%, sehingga jika harganya diturunkan, akan menghemat biaya produksi. Di pihak lain, harga gas baru berlaku mulai januari 2017. Pasokan gas Krakatau Steel berasal dari PT Pertamina EP

“Harga gas turun dari US$ 7,35 per mmbtu menjadi US$ 6 per mmbtu di pabrik Krakatau Steel . Invoice harga baru akan dikirim bulan depan. Tapi, jika harga HRC (hot rolled coil) mencapai US$ 557 per ton, harga gas bertambah US$ 0,15 per mmbtu,” kata dia.

Direktur Utama Krakatau Steel Sukandar menuturkan, KS sebenarnya berharap harga gas dipangkas menjadi US$ 3 per mmbtu. jika hal itu dipenuhi, perseroan siap mengoperasikan lagi pabrik besi spons (sponge iron). Fasilitas ini ditutup pada 2014 karena mahalnya harga gas dan anjloknya harga baja dunia. Besi spons adalah bahan baku billet dan slab. 

Krakatau Steel sedang membangun pabrik besi baru dengan sistem tanur tinggi (Blast Furnace/ BF). Rencananya, Krakatau Steel akan menghidupkan lagi pabrik billet dan slab berkapasitas 2,5 juta ton per tahun, setelah BF beroperasi Maret mendatang. Alhasil, impor slab dan billet bisa dipangkas. Devisa yang bisa dihemat sekitar US$ 1 miliar, dengan asumsi harga slab dan billet mencapai US$ 400 per ton.

Wakil Ketua Inaplas Budi Susanto Sadiman menegaskan, industri petrokimia siap menambah investasi sebesar US$ 5 miliar, jika harga gas untuk bahan baku berada di level US$ 3 per mmbtu. Industri petrokimia membidik dua lokasi, yakni di Blok Masela (Maluku) dan Bintuni (Papua Barat). “Kalau harga gas untuk bahan baku US$ 6 per mmbtu, tidak masuk. Tapi kalau US$ 3 per mmbtu, investasi bisa dieksekusi," ujar Budi.

Menurut dia, gas nantinya diolah menjadi metanol, kemudian diproses lagi menjadi produk olefin, yakni propilena dan etilena. Selanjutnya, dua produk itu diolah menjadi resin plastik polietilena (PE) dan polipropilena (PP), bahan baku plastik. Pemerintah, kata dia, sudah mengundang Inaplas untuk menggarap proyek petrokimia di Masela. Ada beberapa perusahaan yang tertarik, di antaranya PT Chandra Asn Petrochemical (CAP) Tbk. Namun, mereka meminta harga gas US$ 3 per mmbtu dan pemerintah mau menggarap proyek konversi gas ke metanol, karena investasinya besar. 

Adapun dari metanol ke olefin bisa digarap perusahaan petrokimia. Dia menuturkan, dari proyek Masela, kapasitas industri PP dan PE bisa bertambah 850 ribu ton per tahun. Jumlah ini bisa memangkas impor bahan baku plastik. Adapun dari proyek Bintuni, tambahan kapasitas bisa mencapai 500 ribu ton. Tahun lalu, kebutuhan bahan baku plastik nasional mencapai 4,5 juta ton. Dari jumlah itu, sebanyak 2,3 juta ton dipasok dari industri nasional, sedangkan sisanya dari impor.

Dia memprediksi kebutuhan bahan baku plastik mencapai 7-8 juta ton per tahun pada 2020. Oleh sebab itu, kapasitas industri petrokimia harus segera ditambah. Kalau harga gas Masela dan Bintuni sudah diputuskan, industri petrokimia akan langsung melakukan studi kelayakan. Pembangunan pabrik bisa selesai dalam dua tahun," ujar dia. Selain gas, dia menegaskan, industri petrokimia mencari alternatif bahan baku lain, yakni batubara. Alur produksinya sama seperti gas, di mana batubara diubah menjadi metanol, kemudian diproses lagi menjadi olefin. Industri petrokimia bisa menggunakan teknologi Tiongkok untuk merealisasikan proyek itu. 

“Bahan baku alternatif sangat diperlukan, karena minyak bisa habis pada 2040. Selain itu, selama ini, industri petrokimia lebih banyak mengimpor nafta (produk turunan minyak) untuk memproduksi olefin,” papar dia. 

Tambahan Sektor 

Di sisi lain, Menteri Perindustrian (Menperin) Airlangga Hartarto menyatakan, pemerintah tengah mengkaji penurunan harga gas untuk industri keramik dan kaca. Namun, dia belum bisa memastikan kapan pembahasan tersebut selesai. Kedua sektor ini termasuk dalam sektor prioritas dalam Perpres Nomor 40 Tahun 2016. Ada tujuh sektor yang menerima penurunan harga gas, yakni pupuk, petrokimia, oleokimia, baja, keramik, kaca, dan sarung tangan karet. 

Ketua Asosiasi Kaca Lembaran dan Pengaman (AKLP) Yustinus Gunawan menegaskan, industri kaca lembaran meminta kepastian penurunan harga gas. Hal ini akan berpengaruh signiFikan terhadap biaya produksi. Jika biaya produksi turun, industri ini bisa bersaing dengan industri kaca regional. “Kami punya saingan baru, yaitu Malaysia, karena perusahaan Tiongkok memiliki pabrik baru di sana. Ini yang berpotensi menjadi saingan berat di pasar regional,” kata Yustinus

Ketua Forum Industri Pengguna Gas Bumi Achmad Safiun meminta Kementerian Perindustrian all out memperjuangkan harga energi murah untuk industri lain di luar baja, petrokimia, dan pupuk. Sebab, permasalahan utama industri saat ini adalah mahalnya harga energi. Safiun menegaskan, penyerapan tenaga kerja akan minim, jika industri berhenti bergerak. lndustri bisa bergerak, kalau energi murah didukung total. Saat ini industri tidak bergairah,” kata Safiun.

Tahun lalu, kontribusi industri terhadap produk domestik bruto (PDB) sekitar 19%. Safiun memproyeksikan kontribusi tersebut bisa menurun lagi, jika tidak ada perubahan kebijakan energi. Jika ekonomi global belum bergerak, Saiun menilai, pemerintah harus bisa menggerakan ekonomi domestik untuk memastikan industri terus bergerak. Dia menegaskan, pendapatan dari industri jauh lebih besar ketimbang pendapatan gas. Pihaknya mencatat, pemasukan dari gas hanya Rp 80 triliun, sedangkan dengan asumsi kontribusi industri terhadap PDB 19%, pemasukan dari PPN industri mencapai Rp 287 triliun. 

Direktur Jenderal Industri Logam, Mesin, Alat Transportasi dan Elektronika Kemenperin I Gusti Putu Suryawiryawan mengatakan, pihaknya tetap memprioritaskan penurunan harga gas bisa dirasakan industri secara luas. Pada tahap pertama, penurunan harga gas baru diberlakukan untuk BUMN.

“Untuk menggerakkan ekonomi secara masif harus lewat industri. Memang itu semua sepakat. Yang belum disepakati energi untuk industri. Sangat lucu industri diminta jadi penggerak, tapi malah dikasih harga energi mahal. Ini yang menjadi misi kami agar energi bisa murah.

Investor Daily, Page-1, Tuesday, Jan, 17, 2017

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