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Friday, January 6, 2017

Filed Subang Gas Production Exceeds Target

PT Pertamina EP recorded a positive production performance during 2016. One of the field managed by a subsidiary of PT Pertamina, namely Subang Field, until the end of 2016 succeeded in producing gas 230.5 MMSCFD or 101.3% of the target of 227.91 MMSCFD. Meanwhile, oil production amounted to 1,182 barrels per day (bpd), or 90.8% of the target of 1,302 bpd.

Achievement is obtained from a variety of activities such as asset optimization, work over and Well service wells, and drilling activities. Subang Field Manager Armand Mell Hukom mention, one of the activities work over who managed to increase production Subang Field is work over wells Jati Asri 03 (JAS-03) in the region of the village of Bojong middle, District Pusakajaya Subang district, which produces oil by 486 bpd, or 162 % of the target of 300 bpd and 2.84 MMSCFD of gas.

Jati Asri 03 wells (JAS-03) which has a depth of up to 3 .475 meters begun work over activity per December 11, 2016 using PDSI rig LTO-750. The well was successfully produced on December 29, 2016, "said Mel Hukom

He revealed this while the well is being produced using test facility unit (TU). Meanwhile, oil transport using road tank to Early Production facilites (EPF), which is in the JAS-01's location is then piped to the trunkline to the Balongan. "In the future, in accordance with the POD (plan of development) Jati Golf Complex will be built permanent collection station to accommodate the entire production from existing wells. Whereas, for the transportation of oil, it will use the pipeline.

Vice President Legal Relations Pertamina EP D Todi Priyatna added that this success is the result of hard work well as support of various parties, both the external and internal parties, especially the 3 Subang Field Asset team. In 2017, he said, Pertamina EP is targeting total oil and gas production amounted to 264,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd).

The details, the 2017 production target of 85,000 bpd of oil and gas production target of 1,041 MMSCFD. Planned drilling activity in 2017 a total of 61 development wells are scattered throughout the region Pertamina EP. The Company also is targeting a total of 14 exploration wells will be drilled during the year.

Until November 2016 Pertamina EP recorded a net profit of USD 529 million, above the target RKAP which amounted to USD 521 million. Prognosis net profit until the end of December 2016 was estimated at $ 536 million, or 103% above the target.


Produksi Gas Subang Filed Lampaui Target

PT Pertamina EP mencatatkan kinerja produksi yang positif selama tahun 2016. Salah satu lapangan yang dikelola anak usaha PT Pertamina tersebut, yaitu Subang Field, hingga akhir 2016 berhasil memproduksi gas 230,5 mmscfd atau 101,3 % dari target sebesar 227,91 mmscfd. Sementara, produksi minyak tercatat sebesar 1.182 barel per hari (bph) atau 90,8% dari target sebesar 1.302 bph.

Capaian tersebut diperoleh dari berbagai kegiatan seperti optimasi aset, work over and Well service sumur, serta kegiatan pemboran. Subang Field Manager Armand Mell Hukom menyebutkan, Salah satu kegiatan work over yang berhasil menambah produksi Subang Field adalah work over Sumur Jati Asri 03 (JAS-03) di wilayah Desa Bojong tengah, Kecamatan Pusakajaya, Kabupaten Subang, yang menghasilkan minyak sebesar 486 bph, atau 162% dari target sebesar 300 bph dan gas 2,84 mmscfd.

Sumur Jati Asri 03 (JAS-03) yang mempunyai kedalaman sampai 3 .475 meter ini mulai dilakukan kegiatan workover per 11 Desember 2016 menggunakan rig PDSI LTO-750. Sumur ini berhasil diproduksikan pada 29 Desember 2016," ujar Mel Hukom

Dia mengungkapkan, sementara ini sumur tersebut diproduksikan menggunakan fasilitas test unit (TU). Sedangkan, transportasi minyak menggunakan road tank yang ke Early Production Facilités (EPF) yang berada di lokasi JAS-01 untuk selanjutnya dipompa ke trunkline menuju Balongan. “Ke depan, sesuai dengan POD (plan of development) Lapangan Jati Kompleks akan dibangun stasiun pengumpul yang sifatnya permanen untuk menampung seluruh produksi dari sumur-sumur yang ada. Sedangkan, untuk transportasi minyak, semuanya akan menggunakan pipa.

Vice President Legal Relation Pertamina EP D Todi Priyatna menambahkan, keberhasilan ini merupakan hasil dari kerja keras Serta dukungan berbagai pihak, baik pihak eksternal maupun pihak internal, khususnya tim Asset 3 Subang Field. Pada tahun 2017, kata dia, Pertamina EP menargetkan total produksi migas sebesar 264.000 barel setara minyak per hari (boepd).

Rinciannya, target produksi minyak 2017 sebesar 85.000 bph dan target produksi gas sebesar 1.041 mmscfd. Kegiatan pemboran pada 2017 direncanakan sebanyak 61 sumur pengembangan yang tersebar di seluruh wilayah kerja Pertamina EP. Perusahaan juga menargetkan sebanyak 14 sumur eksplorasi akan dibor selama tahun ini.

Hingga November 2016 Pertamina EP mencatat laba bersih USD 529 juta, di atas target RKAP yang sebesar USD 521 juta. Prognosis laba bersih hingga akhir Desember 2016 pun diperkirakan mencapai USD 536 juta atau 103% di atas target.

Koran Sindo, Page-8, Friday, Jan, 6, 2017

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