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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Five Steps Prepare Pertamina Refinery Operations Increase

PT Pertamina launched five priority measures to improve the operational performance of the company's refineries. The move is expected to enhance the resilience of supply and a drop in imports of fuel oil (BBM). Pertamina processing director Toharso reveal five corrective measures include five aspects, namely the Health, Safety, Security and Environment (HSSE), Reliability, Efficiency, Optimization and improvement of Organization and Human Resources Development. "The five aspects are very important to enhance the resilience of the supply of fuel," said Toharso.

Toharso said aspects of HSSE main focus is no occurrence of workplace accidents that could lead to a fatality. In addition to fatalities, Pertamina will be as active as possible to prevent pollution due to refinery operations. Meanwhile, Reliability refineries focused on achieving zero unplanned shutdown. 

     He cited one of the efforts to achieve it, is done in a manner consistent and disciplined in refinery maintenance schedule either partial or generalized. We will also increase the effectiveness of inspections so that it can be seen in a timely fashion before the appliance is damaged. In principle, if we could press the number lost operating time, the better the performance and production of the refinery can be targeted and ultimately more reliable fuel supply nationwide.

The third aspect is efficiency through a few steps to the main focus of reducing losses by up to 50 percent working under realization in 2016. In addition to reducing the losses will also conduct the procurement of materials and equipment centrally refineries so as to lower the cost. The fourth aspect of optimization focused on improving the yield valuable product to 79 percent from the current 74 percent. In addition, Pertamina is also targeting a decrease in operating costs of up to only US $ 3 per barrel.


Pertamina Siapkan Lima Langkah Tingkatkan Operasi Kilang

PT Pertamina mencanangkan lima langkah prioritas untuk memperbaiki kinerja operasional kilang perusahaan. Langkah ini diharapkan meningkatkan ketahanan pasokan dan penurunan impor bahan bakar minyak (BBM). Direktur Pengolahan Pertamina Toharso mengungkapkan lima langkah perbaikan tersebut mencakup lima aspek, yaitu Health, Safety, Security, and Environment (HSSE), Keandalan, Efisiensi, Optimasi dan perbaikan Organisasi dan Pengembangan SDM. "Kelima aspek tersebut sangat penting untuk meningkatkan ketahanan pasokan BBM,” kata Toharso.

Toharso menuturkan dari aspek HSSE fokus utama adalah tidak ada kejadian kecelakaan kerja yang dapat menimbulkan fatality. Selain fatality, Pertamina akan seaktif mungkin untuk mencegah terjadinya pencemaran akibat operasi kilang. Adapun, Keandalan kilang difokuskan pada upaya mencapai zero unplanned shutdown. 

     Dia mencontohkan salah satu upaya untuk mencapainya, dilakukan dengan cara konsisten dan disiplin pada jadwal pemeliharaan kilang baik yang bersifat parsial maupun menyeluruh. Kami juga akan meningkatkan efektivitas inspeksi sehingga dapat diketahui secara lebih dini sebelum alat rusak. Pada prinsipnya apabila kita bisa tekan angka kehilangan waktu operasi, kinerja kilang semakin baik dan produksi bisa sesuai target dan pada akhirnya pasokan BBM nasional semakin andal.

Aspek ketiga adalah efisiensi melalui beberapa langkah dengan fokus utamanya mengurangi working losses hingga 50 persen dibawah realisasi tahun 2016. Selain mengurangi losses juga akan melakukan pengadaan bahan maupun peralatan kilang secara terpusat sehingga dapat menurunkan biaya. Aspek keempat optimasi yang fokus pada upaya peningkatan yield valuable product menjadi 79 persen dari saat ini sekitar 74 persen. Selain itu, Pertamina juga menargetkan penurunan biaya operasi hingga menjadi hanya US$ 3 per barel.

Investor Daily, Page-9, Wednesday, Jan, 25, 2017

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