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Friday, January 13, 2017

Government Offer Scheme Gross Split

Oil and Gas Auction in 2017

The government will auction the oil and gas blocks that are not in demand in the auction period last year. Auction resetting is done by offering a gross scheme split in the contract of cooperation. Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja said it still sees the development of oil and gas blocks auction is still ongoing. The reason, new to the auction through direct deals are already winners, while the regular auction is still ongoing. However, it intends to auction the oil and gas blocks that are not in demand. "We see that now baseball behavior. Later we can auction again, "he said.

At the auction, the institute will offer the use of cooperation contracts (production sharing contract / PSC) with a gross scheme split. The government will determine the revenue share basis for this scheme, where the results can be changed in accordance with proper incentives received by the company migas.Nanti its existing base. After the base, there are factors (the cause) to rise, there are factors fell yes, said Wiratmaja. Related to oil and gas blocks auction period in 2016, he stated, has been assigned one winner for auction through direct deals. However, he was reluctant to specify who the winner of this auction companies and oil and gas blocks which are obtained.

In fact, the government offered seven oil and gas blocks through auction these direct deals. Demand is not enough after our evaluation, but which might qualify for one company alone. Earlier, the Director of Upstream Oil and Gas Directorate General of the Ministry of Energy Tunggal said, initially there are four companies participating in bidding directly. However, companies that continue to offer stage only for three oil and gas blocks. Namely Block Ebuny, Onin, and West Kaimana, "he said.

Conventional oil and gas block auction is open government last July. For the auction through direct deals, revenue participation document has indeed been closed on August 31 last. The third addition to the block, other blocks offered by the Bloc West Hill, Batu Gajah Two, Kasongan Sampit, and Powerful. As for regular auctions, there are seven blocks offered by the South Block CPR Oti, Suremana I, Manakarra Mamuju, South East Mandar, North Arguni, and Kasuri II.

Entry of auction participation documents these schemes have been closed on 14 November. However, single block claimed not to mention anywhere that attractive to investors. Now they evaluate financial capability, still processes. If the technical evaluation has been. Regular auction of oil and gas blocks anticipated to be completed in January 2017 were evaluated.

Single recognized, although many companies are interested in participating in the regular auction oil and gas blocks, not all of them then follow up by buying the bidding documents. However, he dismissed it because investors are still waiting for the matter of gross split. Investors decided to resign may be because they do not meet the financial aspects. The government instead of doing nothing to attract investors to invest in oil and gas projects

At times even this auction, the government has changed the scheme to be a model of open bid auctions split. With this concept, investors can bid the amount of profit sharing with the government according to a count of the project economics. Bidders are also free offers signature bonus. Furthermore, the government chose the best deals with certain restrictions to the owner estimate has been determined.



Pemerintah Tawarkan Skema Gross Split

Pemerintah akan melelang ulang blok migas yang tidak diminati pada periode lelang tahun lalu. Lelang ulang dilakukan dengan menawarkan skema gross split dalam kontrak kerja samanya. Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja mengatakan, pihaknya masih melihat perkembangan lelang blok migas yang saat ini masih berlangsung. Pasalnya, baru untuk lelang melalui penawaran langsung saja yang sudah ada pemenangnya, sementara lelang reguler masih berlangsung. Tetapi, pihaknya berniat akan melelang ulang blok migas yang tidak diminati. “Kami lihat yang sekarang enggak laku. Nanti bisa kami lelang lagi,” kata dia.

Pada lelang ulang ini, pihaknya akan menawarkan penggunaan kontrak kerja sama (production sharing contract/ PSC) dengan skema gross split. Pemerintah nantinya akan menentukan bagi hasil dasar untuk skema ini, di mana bagi hasil dapat berubah sesuai insentif yang layak diterima perusahaan migas.Nanti ada base-nya. Setelah base , ada faktor (yang menyebabkan) naik, ada faktor turun ya, kata Wiratmaja. Terkait lelang blok migas periode 2016, dia menyatakan, telah ditetapkan satu pemenang untuk lelang melalui penawaran langsung. Namun, dia masih enggan merinci siapa perusahaan pemenang lelang ini dan blok migas mana yang diperolehnya.

Padahal, pemerintah menawarkan tujuh blok migas melalui lelang penawaran langsung ini. Peminatnya tidak cukup banyak setelah kami evaluasi, tetapi yang lolos mungkin satu perusahaan saja. Sebelumnya, Direktur Pembinaan Hulu Ditjen Migas Kementerian ESDM Tunggal mengatakan, awalnya ada empat perusahaan yang mengikuti lelang penawaran langsung. Tetapi, perusahaan yang melanjutkan sampai tahap penawaran hanya untuk tiga blok migas. Yakni Blok Ebuny, Onin, dan West Kaimana,” kata dia.

Lelang blok migas konvensional ini dibuka pemerintah pada Juli lalu. Untuk lelang melalui penawaran langsung, pemasukan dokumen partisipasi memang telah ditutup pada 31 Agustus lalu. Selain ketiga blok tadi, blok lain yang ditawarkan yakni Blok Bukit Barat, Batu Gajah Dua, Kasongan Sampit, dan Ampuh. Sementara untuk lelang reguler terdapat tujuh blok yang ditawarkan yaitu Blok South CPR Oti, Suremana I, Manakarra Mamuju, South East Mandar,
North Arguni, dan Kasuri II. 

Pemasukan dokumen partisipasi lelang skema ini telah ditutup pada 14 November. Namun, Tunggal mengaku belum bisa menyebutkan blok mana saja yang diminati investor. Sekarang masih evaluasi kemampuan keuangan, masih proses. Kalau evaluasi teknis sudah. Lelang reguler blok migas diperkirakan akan selesai dievaluasi pada Januari 2017. 

Diakui Tunggal, meski banyak perusahaan yang berminat mengikuti lelang reguler blok migas, tidak semuanya kemudian menindaklanjuti dengan membeli dokumen lelang. Namun, dia menampik hal ini lantaran investor masih menunggu kepastian soal gross split. Investor memutuskan mundur bisa saja karena tidak memenuhi aspek keuangan. Pemerintah bukannya tidak melakukan apapun untuk menarik investor menanamkan modalnya dalam proyek migas

Pada lelang kali inipun, pemerintah telah mengubah skema lelang menjadi model open bid split. Dengan konsep ini, investor dapat menawar besaran bagi hasil dengan pemerintah sesuai hitungan keekonomian proyek. Peserta lelang juga bebas memberikan penawaran bonus tanda tangan. Selanjutnya, Pemerintah memilih penawaran terbaik dengan batasan tertentu terhadap owner estimate yang telah ditetapkan.

Investor Daily, Page- 9,  Friday, Jan, 13, 2017

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