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Thursday, January 26, 2017

Government Open Opportunities Imports Gas Industries

Minister of Industry Airlangga Hartanto allow the import of gas because not all industry sectors to feel the energy of falling commodity prices. Of the seven areas of the industry, said Airlangga, there are four that have not felt the decline in gas prices. However, Airlangga continued, mechanism or gas import regulations are still to be discussed. Similarly, the country of origin of imported gas. "To be sure, the import volume of gas is determined by the needs of the industrial sector or region, he said at the Presidential Palace

Airlangga denied that gas imports referred aimed at accelerating the price declines. "To ensure the supply to the industry," he said. When opening the meeting is limited regarding industrial gas prices, President Joko Widodo said that until now only three sectors feel the price decline. Three sectors that are fertilizer, steel, and petrochemicals. The decline in gas prices for oleochemicals, glass, ceramics and rubber gloves have not been accommodated. Jokowi also request a report from the Minister of Industry and Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources regarding the implementation of the Presidential Decree Number 40 Year 2016 Pricing Gas.

Jokowi also said that the gas price should be concrete impact not only on increasing the competitiveness of the product, but also the creation of added value for the downstream industries. "I asked about the price of gas it really counted," said Jokowi. "Is there any constraints on the field, especially on the seven industry defined as the decline in gas prices."

In a meeting on October 4, President Jokowi said the gas industry is a capital development that can strengthen national industry. At that time, Jokowi asked that industrial gas prices could be below US $ 6 per million metric British thermal unit (MMBTU). In fact, the price is still US $ 11 per MMBTU.


Pemerintah Buka Peluang Impor Gas Industri

Menteri Perindustrian Airlangga Hartanto mengizinkan impor gas karena belum semua sektor industri merasakan penurunan harga komoditas energi tersebut. Dari tujuh bidang industri, kata Airlangga, masih ada empat yang belum merasakan penurunan harga gas. Namun, Airlangga melanjutkan, mekanisme atau regulasi impor gas tersebut masih akan dibahas. Demikian pula dengan negara asal gas impor. “Yang pasti, volume impor gas ditentukan berdasarkan kebutuhan sektor industri atau wilayah, kata dia di Istana Kepresidenan

Airlangga membantah jika impor gas disebut bertujuan mempercepat penurunan harga. “Untuk menjamin suplai kepada industri,” katanya. Saat membuka rapat terbatas mengenai harga gas industri, Presiden Joko Widodo mengatakan hingga kini baru tiga sektor yang merasakan penurunan harga. Tiga sektor itu adalah pupuk, baja, dan petrokimia. Adapun penurunan harga gas untuk oleochemical, kaca, keramik, dan sarung tangan karet belum terakomodasi. Jokowi pun meminta laporan dari Menteri Perindustrian serta Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral mengenai pelaksanaan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 40 Tahun 2016 tentang Penetapan Harga Gas Bumi.

Jokowi juga mengatakan harga gas mesti berdampak konkret bukan hanya pada peningkatan daya saing produk, tapi juga penciptaan nilai tambah bagi industri hilir. “Saya minta soal harga gas ini betul-betul dihitung,” kata Jokowi. “Apakah ada kendala-kendala di lapangan, terutama pada tujuh bidang industri yang ditetapkan sebagai pengguna penurunan harga gas.”

Dalam rapat pada 4 Oktober lalu, Presiden Jokowi mengatakan gas bumi merupakan modal pembangunan yang bisa memperkuat industri nasional. Saat itu, Jokowi meminta agar harga gas industri bisa di bawah US$ 6 per million metric British thermal unit (MMBTU). Kenyataannya, harga masih US$ 11 per MMBTU.

Koran Tempo, Page-17, Wednesday, Jan, 25, 2017

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