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Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Gross Split Effective Bussinessman Hesitate

Oil and Gas Contract

Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) ensure, Regulation of Minister of contract revenue share split gross scheme published on January 18. EMR hope, this scheme makes investors interested. In the final draft ministerial decree, the government set a base Split.

First: split before tax: on oil commodities 70% government and 30% for the contractor. Down from the previous 85% and 15% of government contractors. Gas, before tax 65% government, 35% of contractors. Previously 70% government, 30% of contractors. Director of Engineering and Mineral Resources Ministry of Oil and Gas Environmental Siswanto Djoko said, the decline in government revenue share for the contractor bears all the cost of oil and gas production. Previously we bear the cost, said Joko.

Second, if the basic split in cutting taxes. Oil to 57% government and 43% contractors. Government gas being 52% and 48% contractors. Part contractors will increase again if the non-conventional projects and the deep sea. If during the exploration, discovered non-conventional field with the content of CBM gas or shale plus up to 16%. If the deep sea to over 1,000 additional meters can be split up to 16% as well

According to him, the internal rate of return (IRR) contractor gross scheme split approximately 16%, similar to the IRR cost recovery. But in gross split contractor can save on licensing costs, "he said. Only the Executive Director of the Indonesian Petroleum Association (IPA) Marjolijn Wajong gross claimed not to know the details of the split. We have not been explained by numbers. He asked the government to conduct a study before rule it out.

Chairman of the Division of Energy and Oil and Gas Chamber Bobby Gafur Umar said, the condition of each oil and gas field is different, exploration costs are also different. For investors upstream oil and gas, there is the economic value versus risk and legal certainty, he said. Executive Director Pri Agung Reforminer Rakhmanto say, gross excess bureaucracy and administration split just fast. Whatever the form of the contract, state revenues will be the same


Gross Split Berlaku Pengusaha Ragu

Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) memastikan, Peraturan Menteri ESDM tentang kontrak bagi hasil skema gross split terbit 18 Januari. ESDM berharap, skema ini membuat investor tertarik. Dalam draf final peraturan menteri itu, pemerintah menetapkan Split dasar. 

Pertama: split sebelum pajak: untuk komoditas minyak 70% pemerintah, dan 30% untuk kontraktor. Turun dari sebelumnya 85% pemerintah dan 15% kontraktor. Gas, sebelum pajak 65% pemerintah, 35% kontraktor. Sebelumnya 70% pemerintah, 30% kontraktor. Direktur Teknik dan Lingkungan Migas Kementerian ESDM Djoko Siswanto bilang, turunnya bagi hasil pemerintah karena kontraktor menanggung semua biaya produksi migas. Sebelumnya kita menanggung biaya, kata Joko.

Kedua, split dasar jika di potong pajak. Minyak menjadi 57% pemerintah dan kontraktor 43%. Sedang gas pemerintah 52% dan kontraktor 48%. Bagian kontraktor akan bertambah lagi jika mengerjakan proyek non-konvensional dan laut dalam. Jika saat eksplorasi, ditemukan lapangan non-konvensional dengan kandungan CBM atau shale gas ditambah sampai 16%. Jika di laut dalam hingga di atas 1.000 meter dapat tambahan split sampai 16% juga

Menurutnya, internal rate of return (IRR) kontraktor skema gross split sekitar 16%, hampir sama dengan IRR cost recovery. Tapi di gross split kontraktor bisa menghemat biaya perizinan,” kata dia. Hanya Direktur Eksekutif Indonesia Petroleum Association (IPA) Marjolijn Wajong mengaku belum mengetahui rincian gross split. Kami belum pernah diterangkan dengan angka itu. Ia minta pemerintah melakukan studi sebelum aturan itu keluar.

Ketua Umun Bidang Energi dan Migas Kadin Bobby Gafur Umar bilang, kondisi tiap lapangan migas beda, biaya eksplorasi juga beda. Bagi investor hulu migas, ada nilai keekonomian versus risiko dan kepastian hukum, ujarnya. Direktur Eksekutif Reforminer Pri Agung Rakhmanto bilang, kelebihan gross split hanya birokrasi dan administrasi yang cepat. Apapun bentuk kontraknya, penerimaan negara akan sama

Kontan, Page-1, Tuesday, Jan, 17, 2017

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