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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Guessing Jonan Step

Energy Sector Policy

Not a few businesses in the energy sector include oil and gas, mining, and electricity are still wondering where the policy direction of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Ignatius Jonan. In fact, the new Jonan Minister's seat just a few months. Former Transport Minister was sworn in as Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources on October 14, 2016.

Not a few who when asked why the President Joko Widodo again raised Jonan as an assistant in the Cabinet Working after detach from the easy chair in the Ministry of Transportation. In fact, Jonan also does not have a background in the energy sector. By lifting back the man was born June 21, 1963 it into the cabinet, Jokowi definitely have a mission and a special duty to him to reorganize the energy sector in the country

Since the inauguration, Jonan focused enough to fix the electricity tariff renewable energy. Although until now the new formula-based electricity prices of new and renewable energy is still in finalization. The new tariff aims to create renewable energy becomes more competitive. Jonan as Chairman of the National Energy Board proposes Hanan, electricity, new and renewable energy 85% of the electricity production costs per area. Suppose, BPP electricity in Sumatra Rp 1,200 per kWh, the renewable energy tariff of Rp 1,020 per kWh. In fact, the electricity tariff for geothermal power plants (PLTP) is currently around US $ 12 cents per kWh, or Rp 1,560 per kWh.

This means more efficient energy tariffs. So far, renewable energy is still relatively expensive so that PLN ask for no subsidies for energy-based environmentally friendly. However, the efficiency of environmentally friendly energy electricity tariff was feared to keep investors interested in getting into renewable energy.

In addition to problems of renewable energy in electricity tariffs, Jonan also make policy delivery or pay in Electricity plants. Simply this, power plants owned by private developers who can not supply in accordance with the capacity that was promised in the beginning it should be fined. As long as there is no sanction for them. In fact, the scheme currently in force take or pay, the entire capacity of the electricity generated from the plant should be paid by PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara, although capacity was not used entirely by the company. Used or not, it must be paid. Take or pay scheme is quite realistic.

For example, when you've ordered ten loaves of bread, then order up and you only buy five loaves, because it turns out it only took five then the seller would have objected. Bread seller has provided accordance with the buyer's order. Even Jonan requested that damaged plants can not distribute the electric power needs in fines.


In the sector of oil and gas, the man who was born in Singapore was again made a breakthrough. Jonan make schema changes contracts from oil and gas into gross revenue share based on gross production (gross split) replace the model of reimbursement (cost recovery). Scheme gross split will force contractors to do efficiency in oil and gas production activities for all of the costs borne by the contractor

In the gas sector, to lower the price of gas for industry, Jonan open import liquefied natural gas (LNG) for private power developers and PLN as the domestic price is still relatively high. In fact, during this time Indonesia became an exporter of LNG. Nearly 50% of LNG exports. LNG export policy of open government will encourage energy efficiency in the Land Ain However, in the long run it is feared Indonesia to become an importer of gas as occurs in crude oil and fuel oil at the moment.

In fact, has not been optimal absorption of larger gas affected infrastructure is not ready. Gas pipeline is still small. Regasification facility, a tool to change the LNG into gas, then only three units namely FSRU Arun, Lampung FSRU, and FSRU Nusantara Regas. In the sector of mineral and coal mining, Jonan it issued a policy that raises the pros and cons are extending export concentrates. In fact, the raw mineral exports of low-grade nickel ore is below 1.7% and bauxite opened.

However, it can be said Jonan apes because it must take a decision on the deadline for downstream mineral which is due on January 11, 2017. Yet the facts on the ground, yet many smelters are built. So special duty Jokowi to Jonan seemed to become energy efficient so the industry more competitive. Moreover, the National Energy Board data said that the elasticity of energy in Indonesia is still on top of the significant energy use today are inefficient.

Energy elasticity is the ratio between the rate of economic growth with the growth of energy consumption. In addition, the national energy intensity is also not efficient. The energy intensity is the amount of energy required to produce a single product. That is, the current energy use in the country have not been efficient. On the other hand, the dependence of fossil energy in the country is still high. Petroleum (46%), coal (26%), natural gas (23%) and renewable energy (5%). Indonesia also became an importer of fuel and crude oil.

Another problem that needs an immediate solution, among others, oil production is still low, gas and electricity infrastructure limitations, high imports of fuel, crude oil, and LPG. Hopefully efficiency measures energy sector can achieve equitable energy management. sustainable, environmentally friendly, as well as the independence and national energy security.


Kebijakan Sektor Energi

Menebak Langkah Jonan

Tidak sedikit pelaku usaha di sektor energi mencakup minyak dan gas bumi, pertambangan, dan kelistrikan yang masih bertanya-tanya ke mana arah kebijakan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) Ignasius Jonan. Padahal, Jonan baru menduduki kursi Menteri ESDM baru beberapa Bulan. Mantan Menteri Perhubungan itu dilantik menjadi Menteri ESDM pada 14 Oktober 2016.

Tidak sedikit pula yang saat itu bertanya kenapa Presiden Joko Widodo kembali mengangkat Jonan sebagai assisten di Kabinet Kerja setelah mencopotnya dari kursi empuk di Kementerian Perhubungan. Padahal, Jonan juga tidak memiliki latar belakang di sektor energi. Dengan mengangkat kembali pria kelahiran 21 Juni 1963 itu ke dalam kabinet, Jokowi pasti memiliki misi dan tugas khusus kepadanya untuk membenahi sektor energi di Tanah Air.

Sejak dilantik, Jonan cukup fokus membenahi tarif listrik energi terbarukan. Meskipun sampai saat ini formula baru harga listrik berbasis energi baru dan terbarukan masih di finalisasi. Tarif baru bertujuan untuk menciptakan energi terbarukan menjadi lebih kompetitif. Jonan sebagai Ketua Hanan Dewan Energi Nasional mengusulkan, tarif listrik energi baru dan terbarukan 85% dari biaya pokok produksi listrik per wilayah. Misalkan, BPP listrik di Sumatra Rp 1.200 per kWh maka tarif energi terbarukan Rp 1.020 per kWh. Padahal, tarif listrik untuk pembangkit listrik tenaga panas bumi (PLTP) saat ini sekitar US$ 12 sen per per kWh atau Rp 1.560 per kWh.

Artinya tarif energi lebih efisien. Selama ini energi terbarukan masih relatif mahal sehingga PLN meminta ada subsidi untuk energi berbasis ramah lingkungan itu. Namun, efisiensi tarif listrik energi ramah lingkungan itu dikhawatirkan justru membuat investor tidak tertarik masuk ke energi terbarukan. 

Selain soal tarif listrik energi terbarukan, Jonan juga membuat kebijakan delivery or pay dalam pembangkit listrik. Sederhananya begini, pembangkit listrik milik pengembang swasta yang tidak dapat menyuplai sesuai dengan kapasitas yang dijanjikan di awal maka patut dikenai denda. Selama   tidak ada sanksi bagi mereka. Padahal, saat ini berlaku skema take or pay, yaitu seluruh kapasitas listrik yang dihasilkan dari pembangkit harus dibayar oleh PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara, meskipun kapasitas itu tidak digunakan seluruhnya oleh perseroan. Dipakai atau tidak, maka harus dibayar. Skema take or pay cukup realistis. 

Contoh, Ketika Anda sudah memesan sepuluh roti, kemudian pesanan sampai dan Anda hanya membeli lima roti saja karena ternyata hanya butuh lima maka si penjual pasti akan keberatan. Penjual roti telah menyediakan Sesuai dengan pesanan pembeli. Bahkan Jonan meminta agar pembangkit rusak yang tidak dapat menyalurkan daya listrik pun perlu di denda.


Di sektor minyak dan gas bumi, pria yang lahir di Singapura itu pun kembali melakukan terobosan. Jonan membuat perubahan skema kontrak bagi hasil minyak dan gas bumi menjadi bagi hasil kotor berdasarkan produksi bruto (gross split) menggantikan model pengembalian biaya (cost recovery). Skema gross split bakal memaksa kontraktor untuk melakukan efisiensi dalam kegiatan produksi migas karena seluruh biaya ditanggung sendiri oleh kontraktor

Di sektor gas, untuk menurunkan harga gas bagi industri, Jonan membuka impor gas alam cair (LNG) bagi pengembang listrik swasta dan PLN karena harga di dalam negeri masih relatif tinggi. Padahal, selama ini Indonesia menjadi eksportir LNG. Hampir 50% LNG di ekspor. Kebijakan pemerintah membuka ekspor LNG akan mendorong efisiensi energi di Tanah Ain Namun, dalam jangka panjang dikhawatirkan Indonesia menjadi importir gas seperti yang terjadi pada minyak mentah dan bahan bakar minyak saat ini.

Padahal, belum terserapnya gas secara optimal lebih besar dipengaruhi infrastruktur yang belum siap. Pipa gas masih sedikit. Fasilitas regasifikasi, alat mengubah LNG menjadi gas, pun hanya tiga unit yaitu FSRU Arun, FSRU lampung, dan FSRU Nusantara Regas.

     Di sektor penambangan mineral dan batu bara, Jonan justru mengeluarkan kebijakan yang menimbulkan pro dan kontra yaitu memperpanjang waktu ekspor konsentrat. Bahkan, ekspor mineral mentah yaitu bijih nikel berkadar rendah di bawah 1,7% dan bauksit dibuka. 

Namun, Jonan bisa dikatakan apes karena harus mengambil keputusan soal tenggat hilirisasi mineral yang sudah jatuh tempo pada 11 Januari 2017. Padahal fakta di lapangan, belum banyak smelter yang di bangun. Jadi tugas khusus Jokowi kepada Jonan sepertinya untuk mengefisiensikan energi sehingga industri lebih berdaya saing. Apalagi, Data Dewan Energi Nasional menyebutkan bahwa elastisitas energi Indonesia masih di atas satu yang berarti penggunaan energi saat ini belum efisien.

Elastisitas energi merupakan perbandingan antara laju pertumbuhan ekonomi dengan pertumbuhan konsumsi energi. Selain itu, intensitas energi nasional juga belum efisien. Intensitas energi merupakan jumlah energi yang dibutuhkan untuk menghasilkan satu produk. Artinya, saat ini penggunaan energi di Tanah Air belum efisien. Di sisi lain, ketergantungan energi fosil di Tanah Air saat ini masih tinggi. Minyak bumi (46%), batu bara (26%), gas bumi (23%), dan energi terbarukan (5%). Indonesia juga menjadi importir BBM dan minyak mentah.

Persoalan lain yang perlu solusi segera antara lain produksi minyak yang masih rendah, keterbatasan infrastruktur gas dan listrik, masih tingginya impor BBM, minyak mentah, dan LPG. Semoga langkah-langkah efisiensi sektor energi bisa mewujudkan pengelolaan energi berkeadilan. berkelanjutan, ramah lingkungan, serta kemandirian dan ketahanan energi nasional.

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Tuesday, Jan, 31, 2017

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