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Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Immediately Pertamina Cilacap Refinery Construction-Balikpapan

Pertamina start licensor's elections refinery project development master plan (RDMP) Cilacap and new grass root refinery (NGRR) Tuban. Both projects are expected to be on stream by the end of 2021. Processing and Petrochemicals Director of Pertamina megaproject Hardadi Rachmat said the election process licensor determining the timing of execution of the next process, the front end engineering design (FEED) and construction (EPC).

Thirty companies compete to be licensor in Tuban NGRR project. While the licensor on the project RDMP Cilacap contested 15 companies. Pertamina President Director Dwi Soetjipto added, licensor for RDMP Cilacap election expected to be completed by the end of the first quarter of 2017. While the Tuban NGRR completed by the end of the second quarter of 2017.

RDMP Cilacap scheduled to make the construction process (groundbreaking) in the fourth quarter 2017, while NGRR Tuban began groundbreaking of the first quarter. While RDMP Balikpapan will be implemented in the first quarter of 2017.


Pertamina Segera Konstruksi Kilang Cilacap-Balikpapan

Pertamina memulai pelaksanaan pemilihan licensor untuk proyek refinery development master plan (RDMP) Cilacap dan new grass root refinery (NGRR) Tuban. Kedua proyek diharapkan on stream pada akhir 2021. Direktur Megaproyek Pengolahan dan Petrokimia Pertamina Rachmad Hardadi menyatakan, proses pemilihan licensor menentukan ketepatan waktu pelaksanaan proses selanjutnya, yakni front end engineering design (FEED) dan konstruksi (EPC). 

Tiga puluh perusahaan bersaing menjadi licensor di proyek NGRR Tuban. Sedangkan licensor pada proyek RDMP Cilacap diperebutkan 15 perusahaan. Dirut Pertamina Dwi Soetjipto menambahkan, pemilihan licensor untuk RDMP Cilacap ditargetkan tuntas pada akhir kuartal I 2017. Sedangkan NGRR Tuban selesai pada akhir kuartal II 2017.

RDMP Cilacap dijadwalkan melakukan proses konstruksi (groundbreaking) pada kuartal IV 2017, sedangkan NGRR Tuban mulai groundbreaking satu kuartal lebih dulu. Sedangkan RDMP Balikpapan akan dilaksanakan pada kuartal pertama 2017.

Jawa Pos, Page-6, Tuesday, Jan, 31, 2017

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