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Thursday, January 26, 2017

Import Direct access Gas Industries

The government allowed the industry directly import gas in an effort to ensure the gas supply for the industry in the country as well as boosting competitiveness in an era of global competition. "It has been allowed to do the import of gas, will be discussed how its mechanism," said Industry Minister Airlangga Hartanto after a limited cabinet meeting on gas prices for industry-led President Jokowi at the Presidential Office.

In the closed meeting, discussed primarily on the regulation of imported gas at a time when there are certain sectors that are allowed to import gas directly or on a per territory. He promised imports would ensure the availability of gas for the industry. Not decrease, but rather ensuring supplies to the industry.

Airlangga said, from some sectors that have not ter-new gas price of accommodation, three of which are already allowed to import gas, the steel industry, the petrochemical and fertilizer. It's because it uses a formula, each of which must detail. Company per the company, "he said. After the meeting, Cabinet Secretary Pramono Agung said the President wants the industry more competitive and competitive then given a room for the industry to be able to import gas directly at lower prices. Because in the Middle East lower gas prices, but not the creation of open space, middlemen or intermediaries.

During this time the price of gas in Indonesia average of around US $ 6 per mmbtu (million British thermal unit) and the President has issued Presidential Regulation No. 40 Year 2016 concerning the pricing of natural gas that gas prices in the country could be under US $ 6 per mmbtu , Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Textile Association Benny Sutrisno states that gas price reduction is very urgent for the business world. Currently gradual decline in gas prices is only enjoyed by the fertilizer industry, steel, and petrochemicals. "Other industries such as textiles and food and beverages still waiting," he said


Industri Diizinkan Impor Langsung Gas

Pemerintah mengizinkan industri secara langsung melakukan impor gas sebagai upaya untuk menjamin pasokan gas bagi dunia industri di Tanah Air sekaligus mendongkrak daya saing di era kompetisi global. “Sudah diizinkan dilakukan impor gas,  nanti akan dibahas bagaimana mekanisme-nya,” kata Menteri Perindustrian Airlangga Hartarto setelah rapat terbatas tentang harga gas untuk industri yang dipimpin Presiden Jokowi di Kantor Presiden.

Dalam rapat terbatas tersebut, dibahas terutama mengenai regulasi impor gas di saat ada sektor-sektor tertentu yang diperbolehkan melakukan impor gas secara langsung ataupun secara per wilayah. Dia berjanji impor akan menjamin ketersediaan gas bagi industri. Bukan menurunkan, melainkan menjamin suplai kepada industri.

Airlangga mengatakan, dari beberapa sektor yang belum ter-akomodasi harga gas baru, tiga yang sudah diizinkan untuk melakukan impor gas, yakni industri baja, petrokimia, dan pupuk. Ini kan karena menggunakan formula, masing-masing harus detail. Perusahaan per perusahaan. Setelah rapat tersebut, Sekretaris Kabinet Pramono Anung mengatakan Presiden ingin industri lebih kompetitif dan berdaya saing maka diberikan ruang untuk industri agar bisa impor gas secara langsung dengan harga yang lebih rendah. Karena di Timur Tengah harga gas lebih rendah, tapi tidak dibuka ruang terciptanya middleman atau perantara. 

Selama ini harga gas di Indonesia rata-rata berkisar US$ 6 per mmbtu (million British thermal unit) dan Presiden telah menerbitkan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 40 Tahun 2016 tentang penetapan harga gas bumi agar harga gas di Tanah Air bisa di bawah US$ 6 per mmbtu. Ketua Dewan Pembina Asosiasi Pertekstilan Benny Sutrisno menyatakan penurunan harga gas itu sangat urgent bagi dunia usaha. Saat ini penurunan harga gas secara bertahap hanya dinikmati industri pupuk, baja, dan petrokimia. “Industri lain seperti tekstil dan makanan minuman masih menunggu,” kata dia 

Media Indonesia, Page-17, Wednesday, Jan, 25, 2017

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