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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Industrial Gas Prices Down

Jokowi Rate Signal Open Taps lmpor

The government will continue the implementation of the reduction in industrial gas prices. Not only for three industrial sectors, namely steel, fertilizers and petrochemicals. Moreover, the government is reviewing all formula for private companies.

Minister of Industry Airlangga Hartanto said, in a policy that has been released, a new gas price reduction facilities can be enjoyed SOEs. "Outside the SOE no one can. This is what we ask about the following after the proposed formulation of the price decline," he said.

Notes only, the decline in gas prices three industrial sectors namely petrochemicals, fertilizers and steel for the state-owned company set up in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources [EMR] No. 40 of 2016 on Natural Gas Price For Specific Industries. This policy into effect 1 Januari 2017

Import Gas

To maintain sufficient gas supply industry, the government is now working on a plan to import gas. According to Airlangga, in the next two weeks, studies and calculations of industrial gas import plan would be completed. Coordinating Minister for maritime Luhut Pandjaitan added, plans for industrial gas imports will be formulated by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and the Minister of Industry. "It would be formulated in two weeks and will be grouped. The President decided to import gas," he said.

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Nasution said, efforts to suppress the price of gas industry is not easy. That's why there needs to be some new options, such as gas imports. But, said Nasution, this option is still studied in depth, especially concerning the origin or source of imported gas and the price. In addition, the determination of industry sectors eligible to use imported gas.

Capital Development

Notes only, in a closed meeting of the decline in industrial gas prices, President Jokowi asked the ministers to accelerate the realization of industrial gas price reduction for seven industry sectors corresponding Presidential Decree No. 40 / 2016. The president also asked his ministers carefully calculate the reduction in industrial gas prices in order to increase competitiveness and to create added value downstream industries. Jokowi said gas should be seen not solely a commodity, but also of development capital in order to strengthen the local industry in the competitive products on the world market.


Harga Gas Industri Turun

Jokowi Beri Sinyal Buka Keran lmpor

Pemerintah akan melanjutkan implementasi penurunan harga gas industri. Tidak hanya diperuntukkan bagi tiga sektor industri, yakni baja, pupuk dan petrokimia. Lebih dari itu, pemerintah mengkaji formula semua untuk perusahaan swasta. 

Menteri Perindustrian Airlangga Hartarto mengatakan, dalam kebijakan yang sudah dirilis, fasilitas penurunan harga gas baru bisa dinikmati perusahaan BUMN. "Di luar BUMN belum ada yang dapat. Ini yang kami minta disusulkan usulan soal formulasi penurunan harganya," katanya.

Notes only, the decline in gas prices three industrial sectors namely petrochemicals, fertilizers and steel for the state-owned company set up in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources [EMR] No. 40 of 2016 on Natural Gas Price For Specific Industries. This policy is valid from January 1, 2017

Impor Gas 

Untuk menjaga ketersediaan pasokan gas industri, kini pemerintah sedang menyusun rencana impor gas. Menurut Airlangga, dalam dua pekan ke depan, kajian dan perhitungan rencana impor gas industri akan rampung. Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman Luhut Pandjaitan menambahkan, rencana impor gas untuk industri akan dirumuskan oleh Menteri ESDM dan Menteri Perindustrian. "Akan dirumuskan dalam dua minggu ini dan akan dikelompokkan. Oleh Presiden diputuskan untuk impor gas," katanya.

Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian Darmin Nasution bilang, upaya menekan harga gas industri memang tidak mudah. Makanya perlu ada beberapa opsi baru, seperti impor gas. Tapi, kata Darmin, opsi ini masih dikaji secara mendalam, terutama menyangkut asal atau sumber gas impor dan harganya. Selain itu, penentuan sektor industri yang berhak menggunakan gas impor.

Modal Pembangunan

Catatan saja, dalam rapat terbatas tentang penurunan harga gas industri, Presiden Jokowi meminta para menterinya mempercepat realisasi penurunan harga gas industri bagi tujuh sektor industri sesuai Peraturan Presiden No. 40/ 2016. Presiden juga meminta para menterinya menghitung cermat penurunan harga gas industri agar daya saing meningkat dan bisa ciptakan nilai tambah pada industri hilir. Jokowi mengatakan gas bumi harus dilihat bukan semata mata komoditas, tapi juga modal pembangunan demi memperkuat industri lokal di tengah persaingan produk di pasar dunia.

Surya, Page-2, Wednesday, Jan, 25, 2017


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