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Thursday, January 26, 2017

Industry Need Certainty Realization Decrease

Vice-Chairman of the Committee on Hulu and Petrochemical Industry at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) Indonesia Achmad Widjaja said that the industry needs the assurance related to the realization of the decline in gas prices has not yet been completed. Of the seven industry groups are entitled to a reduction in gas prices, "a new three groups who have got a price reduction, namely fertilizers, steel, and petrochemicals." We need certainty. Because, with not realization of a decrease in gas prices, the budget planning gas prices still on about 10 US dollars per MMBTU (million metric british thermal unit). The sales volume unchanged, while production costs are also fixed. Consequently, there was a loss of profits because the price of gas can not be lowered.

Achmad estimates, the slow realization of the decline in gas prices Bagl seven industry groups lies in the calculation of state revenue due to a decrease in gas prices lowered. However, according to him, the government should not worry excessively due to the decline in prices could cause a double effect to the downstream sector. Industry more passionate and tax payments will also increase. "Moreover, increased state revenue through tax amnesty program. However, I believe that the realization of the price reduction could happen in the first quarter of this year, "said Achmad.

Meanwhile, Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja can not explain the cause of the slow realization of price reduction. He is not authorized to explain it. Based on Presidential Regulation (Perpes) No. 40 of 2016 on Natural Gas Pricing, seven industry sectors are entitled to reduced prices, namely fertilizers, steel, petrochemicals, oleochemicals, glass, ceramics, and rubber gloves. 

     On average, the price was lowered to less than 6 dollars per MMBTU Referring to the Presidential Decree, the price reduction is effective as of January 1, 2016. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources've simulated the decline in gas prices on the upstream side to reduce a portion of state revenues. In addition, the efficiency will also be applied to chart the transport of gas, both for distribution and transmission.

If the components of non-tax revenues (non-tax) is removed, the state could potentially lose revenue of Rp 7 trillion per year. If non-tax revenues and the Income Tax (VAT) is removed, the potential for the missing parts of the country reached Rp 16.5 trillion per year. A number of the states, the actual decline in the price of gas in the country is not easy to implement because of the field conditions different gas sources and affect the cost of natural gas production.

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On Tuesday, President Joko Widodo to charge actual decline in prices of natural gas for industry in a limited cabinet meeting at the Presidential Office. In a meeting attended by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources and the Minister of Industry Ignatius Jonan Airlangga Hartanto, the President asked to recalculate the price of gas for industry. Cabinet Secretary Pramono Agung Wibowo said the sale of natural gas for industry with the lowest price of US $ 4 per MMBTU However, the average price of gas for the industry amounted to 6 US dollars per MMBTU

The figure is considered not in accordance with the expectations of the President "Therefore, the government gives space to the industry to be able to import gas directly at a lower price. The government will control the import directly. lmpor only given to certain industrial groups and are not allowed through intermediaries, "said Pramono.


Industri Perlu Kepastian Realisasi Penurunan

Wakil Ketua Komite Industri Hulu dan Petrokimia pada Kamar Dagang dan Industri (Kadin) Indonesia Achmad Widjaja mengatakan bahwa industri butuh kepastian terkait realisasi penurunan harga gas yang hingga kini belum tuntas. Dari tujuh kelompok industri yang berhak mendapat penurunan harga gas, "baru tiga kelompok yang sudah mendapat penurunan harga, yaitu pupuk, baja, dan petrokimia. ”Kami perlu kepastian. Sebab, dengan belum terealisasinya penurunan harga gas ini, perencanaan anggaran harga gas masih di sekitar 10 dollar AS per MMBTU (million metric british thermal unit). Volume penjualan tidak berubah, sedangkan ongkos produksi juga tetap. Akibatnya, terjadi kehilangan keuntungan lantaran harga gas belum dapat diturunkan.

Achmad memperkirakan, lambannya realisasi penurunan harga gas bagl tujuh kelompok industri tersebut terletak pada perhitungan penurunan penerimaan negara akibat harga gas diturunkan. Namun, menurut dia, sebaiknya pemerintah tidak perlu cemas berlebihan karena penurunan harga bisa menimbulkan efek ganda hingga ke sektor hilir. Industri makin bergairah dan pembayaran pajak juga bakal bertambah. ”Apalagi, pendapatan negara bertambah lewat program pengampunan pajak. Namun, saya percaya bahwa realisasi penurunan harga bisa terjadi pada kuartal pertama tahun ini,” kata Achmad.

Sementara itu, Direktur Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi pada Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) I Gusti Nyoman Wiratmaja belum dapat menjelaskan penyebab lambannya realisasi penurunan harga. Ia merasa tidak berwenang untuk menjelaskan hal tersebut. Berdasarkan Peraturan Presiden (Perpes) Nomor 40 Tahun 2016 tentang Penetapan Harga Gas Bumi, ada tujuh sektor industri yang berhak mendapat penurunan harga, yaitu pupuk, baja, petrokimia, oleokimia, kaca, keramik, dan sarung tangan karet. 

     Secara rata-rata, harga diturunkan menjadi kurang dari 6 dollar AS per MMBTU Mengacu pada Peraturan Presiden itu, penurunan harga berlaku efektif per 1 Januari 2016. Kementerian ESDM pernah membuat simulasi penurunan harga gas di bagian hulu dengan mengurangi bagian penerimaan negara. Selain itu, efisiensi juga akan diterapkan untuk bagan pengangkutan gas, baik untuk distribusi maupun transmisi. 

Apabila komponen penerimaan negara bukan pajak (PNBP) dihapus, negara berpotensi kehilangan pendapatan Rp 7 triliun per tahun. Jika PNBP dan Pajak Penghasilan (PPh) dihapus, potensi bagian negara yang hilang mencapai Rp 16,5 triliun per tahun. Sejumlah kalangan menyatakan, realisasi penurunan harga gas di dalam negeri tidak mudah diterapkan lantaran kondisi lapangan sumber gas berbeda-beda dan berpengaruh terhadap biaya produksi gas bumi. 

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Pada Selasa, Presiden Joko Widodo menagih realisasi penurunan harga gas bumi untuk industri dalam rapat terbatas di Kantor Presiden. Dalam rapat yang dihadiri Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan dan Menteri Perindustrian Airlangga Hartarto itu, Presiden meminta menghitung kembali harga gas untuk industri. Sekretaris Kabinet Pramono Anung Wibowo menyebutkan, gas bumi untuk industri dijual dengan harga paling rendah 4 dollar AS per MMBTU Namun, rata-rata harga gas untuk industri sebesar 6 dollar AS per MMBTU

Angka tersebut dinilai belum sesuai dengan harapan Presiden ”Karena itu, pemerintah memberikan ruang kepada industri untuk bisa mengimpor gas secara langsung dengan harga yang lebih rendah. Pemerintah akan mengontrol langsung impor tersebut. lmpor hanya diberikan kepada kelompok industri tertentu dan tidak diperbolehkan dilakukan melalui perantara,” kata Pramono.

Kompas, Page-19, Thursday, Jan, 26, 2017

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