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Thursday, January 12, 2017

Jokowi: East Natuna Must be Profitable for RI

Gross Split Scheme

President Joko Widodo called for the development of East Natuna Block in Riau Islands waters more profitable Indonesia.

Oil and gas blocks that have the potential of 222 trillion cubic feet of gas / tcf it is currently managed by a consortium of PT Pertamina, ExxonMobil, and Thailand's PTT EP.

Coordinating Minister for maritime Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said, the President said the East Natuna Block to be more profitable for Indonesia. Profit sharing that Indonesia can be 0%, Exxon can be 100%. We setop it, switch to Pertamina. Pertamina is now negotiating a B to B with Exxon. Although Indonesia gets, the President of the Republic has always wanted a larger, "said Luhut limited after meeting with President Joko Widodo at the Presidential Palace on Wednesday (11/1).

The closed meeting also discussed a number of projects in preparation for the visit of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe this weekend. The President also discussed the development of the East Natuna. Luhut asserted that the government wants to resolve the problems that occurred in the past, one of the East Natuna Block.

Until now, the contractor and the government has not agreed to the profit-sharing scheme that East Natuna block development it can not be started. However, the government ensures the East Natuna production sharing contracts will use the gross scheme split (for gross proceeds) without any cost recovery scheme.

Through the split gross scheme, the government and the contractor immediately divide their share at the beginning of the contract. Part contractor already covers the cost of production. The government will get the results and taxes from upstream activities without the operating costs and investment incurred contractors to produce oil and gas.


Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources said I Gusti Nyoman Wiiatmaja, in accordance with the directives of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignatius Jonan, the entire contract of the new working areas and work areas that are out of contract will implement a gross revenue share split. That is, the East Natuna Block is not expected to be signed after the technical and market studies completed by the end of 2017 will use the new scheme.

All new contracts will resort gross split. If the PSC [scheme for the production of oil and gas] bam gross definitely split, he said. Wiratmaja admit, initially the government wants oil development on the East Natuna done first before the gas.

However, there are still points in the relevant contract terms and conditions (terms and conditions / T & C), which has not been agreed between the government and a consortium led by Pertamina. T & C completed later this year, the end of 2017. At first we wanted the first oil. Apparently there are still many things to be discussed, so it can not be started at this time.

East Natuna Block has a carbon dioxide content of 72% and thus require separation technology and injection of carbon dioxide in order to produce efficiently. Meanwhile, there is the potential for oil production by 15,000 barrels per day [bpd). Oil and gas fields with difficult conditions such as East Natuna offshore and carbon dioxide content is high enough, the government will provide 68% revenue share for the contractor and the government 32%. That figure is considered better than having to bear the cost recovery of upstream activities that can not be controlled.

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources previously said Ignatius Jonan, national oil production still depends on the field who are already old and thus require greater cost. It causes over the years, the production costs (cost recovery) continue to rise, but oil and gas lifting of stagnation and even tends to fall.

Data from the Ministry of Energy, oil production costs and some contractors in the country in 2015 was around US $ 1.75 to US $ 37.99 per barrel. Jonan affirmed, with costs of oil production gap wide enough that the contractor should be able to compete more efficiently in producing oil and gas. Jonan admit, from about 85 working areas which are operating and become a mainstay of the national production, only 35 contracts that will last until 2025 and turned into a production-sharing


Jokowi : East Natuna Harus Untungkan RI

Presiden Joko Widodo meminta agar pengembangan Blok East Natuna di perairan Kepulauan Riau lebih banyak menguntungkan Indonesia.

Blok minyak dan gas bumi yang memiliki potensi gas 222 triliun kaki kubik/tcf itu saat ini dikelola oleh konsorsium PT Pertamina, ExxonMobil, dan PTT EP Thailand.

Menteri Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan mengatakan, Presiden menegaskan Blok East Natuna harus lebih banyak memberikan keuntungan bagi Indonesia. Pembagian keuntungan itu Indonesia dapat 0%, Exxon dapat 100%. Kami setop itu, alihkan ke Pertamina. Pertamina sekarang negosiasi B to B dengan Exxon. Meski Indonesia kebagian, Presiden selalu ingin Republik lebih besar," kata Luhut usai rapat terbatas dengan Presiden Joko Widodo di Istana Merdeka, Rabu (11/1).

Rapat terbatas itu juga membahas sejumlah proyek untuk persiapan kunjungan Perdana Menteri Jepang Shinzo Abe akhir pekan ini. Presiden juga membahas pengembangan East Natuna. Luhut menegaskan, pemerintah ingin menyelesaikan masalah yang terjadi di masa lalu, salah satunya Blok East Natuna.

Hingga saat ini, kontraktor dan pemerintah belum sepakat dengan skema bagi hasil East Natuna sehingga pengembangan blok itu belum dapat dimulai. Namun, pemerintah memastikan kontrak bagi hasil East Natuna akan menggunakan skema gross split (bagi hasil kotor) tanpa ada skema cost recovery.

Melalui skema gross split, pemerintah dan kontraktor langsung membagi bagiannya masing-masing pada awal kontrak. Bagian kontraktor sudah mencakup biaya produksi. Pemerintah akan mendapatkan bagi hasil dan pajak dari kegiatan hulu tanpa menanggung biaya operasi dan investasi yang dikeluarkan kontraktor untuk menghasilkan minyak dan gas.


Dirjen Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM I Gusti Nyoman Wiiatmaja mengatakan, sesuai dengan arahan Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan, seluruh kontrak dari wilayah kerja baru dan wilayah kerja yang habis masa kontraknya akan menerapkan bagi hasil gross split. Artinya, Blok East Natuna yang diperkirakan baru bisa ditandatangani setelah kajian teknis dan pasar selesai pada akhir 2017 bakal menggunakan skema baru tersebut.

Semua kontrak baru nanti pakai gross split. Kalau PSC [skema bagi hasil produksi migas] bam pasti gross split, ujarnya. Wiratmaja mengakui, awalnya pemerintah menginginkan pengembangan minyak dari East Natuna dilakukan lebih dahulu sebelum gas. 

Namun, masih terdapat poin dalam kontrak terkait syarat dan ketentuan (term and condition/ T&C) yang belum disepakati antara pemerintah dengan konsorsium yang dipimpin Pertamina tersebut. T&C akhir tahun ini selesai, akhir 2017. Tadinya kita ingin yang minyak dulu. Ternyata masih banyak hal yang harus dibahas, jadi belum bisa dimulai saat ini.

Blok East Natuna memiliki kandungan karbon dioksida 72% sehingga membutuhkan teknologi pemisahan dan injeksi karbon dioksida agar dapat memproduksi secara efisien. Sementara itu, untuk minyak terdapat potensi produksi sebesar 15.000 barel per hari [bph). Lapangan migas dengan kondisi sulit seperti East Natuna yang lepas pantai dan kandungan karbon dioksida cukup tinggi, pemerintah akan memberikan bagi hasil 68% bagi kontraktor, sedangkan pemerintah 32%. Angka itu dianggap lebih baik daripada harus menanggung biaya cost recovery dari kegiatan usaha hulu yang tak bisa dikontrol. 

Menteri ESDM Ignasius Jonan sebelumnya mengatakan, produksi minyak nasional masih bergantung pada lapangan yang sudah berusia tua sehingga membutuhkan biaya lebih besar. Hal itu yang menyebabkan selama ini, biaya produksi (cost recovery) terus naik, tetapi lifting migas stagnasi bahkan cenderung turun.

Dari data Kementerian ESDM, biaya produksi minyak dan beberapa kontraktor di Tanah Air pada 2015 berkisar US$ 1,75-US$ 37,99 per barel. Jonan menegaskan, dengan gap biaya produksi minyak yang cukup lebar itu, kontraktor seharusnya dapat bersaing agar lebih efisien dalam menghasilkan migas. Jonan mengakui, dari sekitar 85 wilayah kerja yang kini beroperasi dan menjadi andalan produksi nasional, hanya 35 kontrak yang akan berakhir hingga 2025 dan berganti menjadi bagi hasil produksi

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Thursday, Jan,12, 2017

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