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Friday, January 6, 2017

Lapindo Clean Well Wunut 16

Sidoarjo residents during this time do not know if in the village of lichen, District Reinforcement, existing gas wells owned by Lapindo Brantas Inc. Gas wells in the village called Wunut wells 16. At present, the gas wells in the work-over (cleaning wells). Information from the citizens, the well location right behind the local village hall. It's been about two weeks of work plans prepared over Lapindo. Start and preparations already heavy equipment to the site.

The workers in the field of engineering work over of the various partners of the company Lapindo already deployed. Ranging from licensing to the residents to the local village chief. Until notification of the District Leadership Forum (Forpimpka) Tulangan has also been done Lapindo. While Viar Manager Lapindo Brantas Inc Arief Setyo Widodo justified when in the village Jiken, Reinforcement, no work-over activities. Work is an advanced program over the previous year.

Jiken gas wells in the village, Reinforcement was called Wunut wells 16. The program is an advanced program yesterday, said the fat man called Yoyo it. Of the 11 wells remained three wells that have not been at work over. Ie wells Wunut 16 (Desa Jiken) is currently starting the process is done. Two other wells, wells Pesawahan Wunut 15 in the village, Porong, and the Well Wunut 7 in the village of Waung, Krembung.

     When asked about the Lapindo gas production, if there is an increase or decline, Yoyo said its production still remained stable as last year. Which is about 5 MMSCFD. Currently, Lapindo manages 30 gas wells scattered in the District Tanggulangin, Krembung, and Porong. However, of the 30 wells, only 14 wells that are still productive. Of the 14 wells of 11 wells were productive in Wunut, Porong district, with a total of 3 MMSCFD gas production. Three wells are in Sub Tanggulangin with gas production reached 5 MMSCFD.


Lapindo Bersihkan Sumur Wunut 16

Warga Sidoarjo selama ini tidak mengetahui jika di Desa liken, Kecamatan Tulangan, sudah ada sumur gas milik Lapindo Brantas Inc. Sumur gas di desa itu disebut sumur Wunut 16. Saat ini, sumur gas tersebut di work over (pembersihan sumur). Informasi dari warga, lokasi sumur tepat dibelakang balai desa setempat. Sudah sekitar dua pekan rencana work over dipersiapkan Lapindo. Mulai dan persiapan alat berat sudah ke lokasi.

Para pekerja teknik dibidang work over dari berbagai mitra perusahaan Lapindo sudah dikerahkan. Mulai dari perizinan ke warga hingga kepala desa setempat. Hingga pemberitahuan dari Forum Pimpinan Kecamatan (Forpimpka) Tulangan juga sudah dilakukan Lapindo. Sementara Viar Manager Lapindo Brantas Inc Arief Setyo Widodo membenarkan bila di Desa Jiken, Tulangan, ada aktifitas work over. Work over tersebut merupakan program lanjutan tahun sebelumnya.

Sumur gas di Desa Jiken, Tulangan itu disebut sumur Wunut 16. Program itu merupakan program lanjutan kemarin, kata pria gendut yang disapa Yoyok. Dari 11 sumur masih tinggal 3 sumur yang belum di work over. Yakni sumur Wunut 16 (Desa Jiken) yang saat ini mulai proses dikerjakan. Dua sumur lainnya, sumur Wunut 15 di Desa Pesawahan, Porong, dan Sumur Wunut 7 di Desa Waung, Krembung.

Ketika ditanya mengenai produksi gas Lapindo, apakah ada peningkatan atau kemerosotan, Yoyok mengatakan produksinya masih stabil tetap seperti tahun kemarin. Yakni sekitar 5 MMSCFD. Saat ini, Lapindo mengelola 30 sumur gas yang tersebar di Kecamatan Tanggulangin, Krembung, dan Porong. Namun, dari 30 sumur itu, hanya 14 sumur yang masih produktif. Dari 14 sumur produktif sebanyak 11 sumur berada di Wunut, Kecamatan Porong, dengan produksi gas total 3 MMSCFD. Tiga sumur lagi berada di Kecamatan Tanggulangin dengan produksi gas mencapai 5 MMSCFD.

Memorandum, Page-4, Friday, Jan, 6, 2017

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