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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Impor BBM Plus 4.2 Million Barrels

PT Pertamina increased imports of fuel oil (BBM) 4.2 million barrels consists of 1.2 million barrels of diesel and 3 million barrels Premium and Pertamax to replace the incoming supply Balongan refinery maintenance schedule (turn around). Senior Vice President of Integrated Supply Chain Pertamina Daniel S. Purba said, care Balongan refinery with a capacity of 125,000 barrels per day (bpd) from January 23 to February 23, 2017. Therefore, the company must seek additional supply of diesel, Premium and Pertamax.

He explained that Pertamina is no longer importing diesel. However, to cover the supply of Balongan refinery, the company had to import 1.2 million barrels of diesel fuel. Meanwhile, imports Premium and Pertamax 3 million barrels. Daniel added that the impact of treatment refineries located in Indramayu, West Java, Company must maintain a balance stocks of fuel oil from 19 days to a range of 20-24 days.

During this time, Balongan refinery produces more Premium and Pertamax. Meanwhile, import additional diesel fuel is also influenced by rising demand in the country due to the improved performance of the mining sector following the strengthening of the price of coal. "That we balikin more stock. So there is no plan to import, suddenly we have to import, "he said.

It causes fuel imports in 2017 up from its original projection of 8 million barrels per month to 11 million barrels per month. According to him, and the target fuel imports 8 million barrels per month in 2017 consists of Premium and Pertamax each of 4 million barrels per month. Daniel insists, despite fuel oil consumption this year is projected to rise 5%, imports will remain intact because domestic refinery capacity also rose.

The national oil refining capacity will be increased from 830,000 bpd to 900,000 bpd this year, assuming some refinery maintenance schedule. "Imports will be 50:50 or less, so if we are 8 million barrels per month, 4 million barrels per month PERTAMAX, 4 million barrels per month Premium," he said.

Pertamina processing director Toharso added, all refineries have a different maintenance schedule. The Company, he said, had anticipated the cessation of its refinery operations due to various factors such as routine maintenance and others that fuel supply is maintained


Impor BBM Ditambah 4,2 Juta Barel

PT Pertamina  menambah impor bahan bakar minyak (BBM) 4,2 juta barel terdiri dari 1,2 juta barel solar dan 3 juta barel Premium dan Pertamax untuk menggantikan pasokan Kilang Balongan yang masuk jadwal perawatan (turn around). Senior Vice President Integrated Supply Chain Pertamina Daniel S. Purba mengatakan, perawatan Kilang Balongan yang berkapasitas 125.000 barel per hari (bph) mulai 23 Januari-23 Februari 2017. Oleh karena itu, perseroan harus mencari tambahan suplai solar, Premium, dan Pertamax. 

Dia menjelaskan, Pertamina sudah tidak lagi mengimpor solar. Namun, untuk menutupi pasokan dari Kilang Balongan, perseroan harus impor solar 1,2 juta barel. Sementara itu, impor Premium dan Pertamax 3 juta barel. Daniel menambahkan, dampak dari perawatan kilang minyak yang berlokasi di Indramayu, Jawa Barat itu, perseroan harus menjaga keseimbangan stok bahan bakar minyak dari 19 hari menjadi kisaran 20-24 hari.

Selama ini, Kilang Balongan menghasilkan lebih banyak Premium dan Pertamax. Sementara itu, tambahan impor solar juga dipengaruhi naiknya permintaan di dalam negeri akibat meningkatnya kinerja sektor pertambangan menyusul penguatan harga batu bara. “Itu kita balikin lagi stoknya. Jadi memang tidak ada rencana impor, mendadak kita harus impor,” katanya.

Hal itu menyebabkan impor BBM pada 2017 naik dari proyeksi semula 8 juta barel per bulan menjadi 11 juta barel per bulan. Menurutnya, dan target impor BBM 8 juta barel per bulan pada 2017 terdiri dari Premium dan Pertamax masing-masing 4 juta barel per bulan. Daniel menegaskan, kendati konsumsi bahan bakar minyak pada tahun ini diproyeksi naik 5%, impor akan tetap terjaga karena kapasitas kilang dalam negeri juga naik.

Kapasitas kilang minyak nasional akan dinaikan dari 830.000 bph menjadi 900.000 bph pada tahun ini dengan asumsi beberapa jadwal perawatan kilang. “Impor akan jadi 50:50 kurang lebih, jadi kalau kita 8 juta barel per bulan, 4 juta barel per bulan Pertamax, 4 juta barel per bulan Premium,” katanya.

Direktur Pengolahan Pertamina Toharso menambahkan, semua kilang minyak memiliki jadwal perawatan berbeda-beda. Perseroan, katanya, telah mengantisipasi berhentinya operasi kilang karena berbagai faktor seperti perawatan rutin dan lainnya agar pasokan bahan bakar tetap terjaga

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Wednesday, Jan, 25, 2017

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