Currently, Indonesia is still a surplus of natural gas. Nearly 50% of gas is exported. The surplus does not mean abundant production, but the industry in the country that have not been able to absorb all the gas production. In fact, many oil and gas contractor who suspended production because it has not found a buyer of gas. In contrast to petroleum, gas buyer must have already received assurance before it is produced. Gas that has been produced can not be stored in tanks in advance. Gas and oil and gas fields must obviously be absorbed by anyone with certainty the volume and duration.
Data from the Ministry of Energy, there are cargoes of liquefied natural gas (LNG) project, which has not been absorbed in 2017 as much as 63 cargoes, 60 cargoes in 2018. However, in 2019, Indonesia is expected to be a deficit of gas. Based on data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Indonesia will supply shortage 27 LNG cargo in 2019. The cooperation contract (PSC) should be offered first to the domestic buyers. If there are no buyers in the country, the new PSC can get a recommendation from the Ministry of Energy to be sold abroad.
Actually, the premium buyers like Japan and South Korea is ready to absorb gas from Indonesia. However, the contractor must ensure that there is no domestic buyers who are interested. Some examples of such Kasuri block in Papua who can not be developed because of the gas that will be produced has not found a buyer. Similarly, the Field-Tiung Jambaran Blue, which until now has not got a buyer because the price is not appropriate.
Fertilizer industry, petrochemical and electrical current into three sectors which are expected to absorb the gas in the country. However, gas is often not absorbed because of the price factor despite the fact the supply is guaranteed in the long term.
Director General of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources IGN Wiratmaja Puja say, gas field development is currently facing several challenges. From the aspect of the downstream, gas has not been optimally utilized by petrochemicals. This is in accordance with the plan in the Ministry of Industry to make the Industrial Zone in Bintuni Bay, Papua.
Reflecting on this, the gas development project with such a large scale among the East Natuna various aspects including market certainty.
PT Pertamina Upstream Director Syamsu Alam said the development of the East Natuna is very complex and a lot of challenges and the technological and commercial aspects. Field discovered since the 1970s it contains high levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) is high and thus require special technology to process these gases are at risk of reducing the rate of return on investment.
We do not want to like a few examples of our gas field mainly until now we have developed, but can not be monetized [commercial] because the buyer is not clear. Plan to accelerate the signing of a cooperation contract to be carried out activities in the East Natuna could not be realized.
According to Alam, consortium and ExxonMobil, Thailand's PTT EP, and Pertamina was still waiting for the technology and market assessment completed by the end of 2017. In 2018, the consortium may submit a proposal to develop the field based on the results of such studies.
Based on data from the Ministry of Energy, Block East Natuna gas saving potential 222 trillion cubic feet (tcf) with only 46 tcf of gas in them can be produced. In addition, potential oil reserves of 15,000 barrels per day (bpd). Gas infrastructure such as pipelines in the country is also still limited so that utilization is not optimal.
Mencari Pembeli Gas
Saat ini, Indonesia masih surplus gas bumi. Hampir 50% gas masih diekspor. Surplus itu bukan berarti produksi berlimpah, tetapi industri di Tanah Air yang belum mampu menyerap seluruh produksi gas tersebut. Bahkan, banyak kontraktor minyak dan gas bumi yang menunda produksi karena belum mendapatkan pembeli gas. Berbeda dengan minyak bumi, gas harus sudah mendapatkan kepastian pembeli sebelum diproduksi. Gas yang telah diproduksi tak bisa disimpan dalam tangki terlebih dahulu. Gas dan lapangan migas harus jelas akan diserap oleh siapa dengan kepastian volume dan jangka waktunya.Dari data Kementerian ESDM, masih terdapat kargo gas alam cair (LNG) yang belum terserap yakni pada 2017 sebanyak 63 kargo, 2018 sebanyak 60 kargo. Namun, pada 2019, Indonesia diperkirakan akan defisit gas. Berdasarkan data Kementerian ESDM, Indonesia akan kekurangan pasokan LNG 27 kargo pada 2019. Para kontraktor kontrak kerja sama (KKKS) harus menawarkan terlebih dahulu kepada pembeli domestik. Bila tak ada pembeli dari dalam negeri, KKKS baru bisa mendapat rekomendasi dari Kementerian ESDM untuk dijual ke luar negeri.
Sebenarnya, pembeli premium seperti Jepang dan Korea Selatan siap menyerap gas dari Indonesia. Namun, kontraktor harus memastikan bahwa tak ada pembeli dalam negeri yang berminat. Beberapa contoh seperti Blok Kasuri di Papua yang belum bisa dikembangkan karena gas yang akan diproduksi belum mendapatkan pembeli. Begitu pula dengan Lapangan Jambaran-Tiung Biru yang hingga kini belum mendapat pembeli karena harga yang belum sesuai.
Industri pupuk, petrokimia, dan kelistrikan saat ini menjadi tiga sektor yang diharapkan bisa menyerap gas dalam negeri. Namun, gas kerap tak terserap karena faktor harga kendati sebenarnya pasokan nya terjamin dalam jangka panjang.
Dirjen Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM IGN Wiratmaja Puja mengatakan, pengembangan lapangan gas saat ini menghadapi beberapa tantangan. Dari aspek hilir, gas belum optimal dimanfaatkan oleh petrokimia. Hal tersebut sesuai dengan rencana di Kementerian Perindustrian untuk membuat Kawasan Industri di Teluk Bintuni, Papua.
Berkaca pada hal tersebut, proyek pengembangan gas dengan skala besar seperti East Natuna menanti kepastian berbagai aspek termasuk pasar.
Direktur Hulu PT Pertamina Syamsu Alam mengatakan, pengembangan East Natuna sangat kompleks dan banyak tantangan dan sisi teknologi dan aspek komersial. Lapangan yang ditemukan sejak 1970-an itu mengandung kadar karbon dioksida (CO2) yang tinggi sehingga membutuhkan teknologi khusus untuk mengolah gas tersebut yang berisiko mengurangi tingkat pengembalian investasi.
Kita tidak ingin sampai seperti beberapa contoh lapangan gas kita terutama yang sampai sekarang sudah kita kembangkan, tetapi tidak bisa di monetisasi [dikomersialkan] karena buyer tidak jelas. Rencana percepatan penandatanganan kontrak kerja sama agar bisa dilakukan kegiatan di Natuna Timur pun tak bisa direalisasikan.
Menurut Alam, konsorsium yang terdiri dan ExxonMobil, PTT EP Thailand, dan Pertamina itu masih menanti kajian teknologi dan pasar yang selesai pada akhir 2017. Pada 2018, konsorsium bisa mengajukan proposal untuk mengembangkan lapangan berdasarkan hasil kajian tersebut.
Berdasarkan data Kementerian ESDM, Blok East Natuna menyimpan potensi gas bumi 222 trillion cubic feet (tcf) dengan hanya 46 tcf gas di antaranya yang bisa diproduksi. Selain itu, potensi cadangan minyak 15.000 barel per hari (bph). Infrastruktur gas seperti pipa di Tanah Air juga masih terbatas sehingga pemanfaatannya tidak optimal.
Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Thursday, Jan,12, 2017
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