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Saturday, January 7, 2017

Management of Old Wells, Propose Engagement BUMDes

The unclear regulatory management Wonocolo old oil wells in Sub Kedewan to date, Parliament proposes Bojonegoro involvement village-owned enterprises (BUMDes). I read the proposal at a meeting in the title of the opinion of Parliament Plenary Room Bojonegoro, said a member of Commission A DPRD Donny Bayu Setiawan. Doni insists, BUMDes engagement in accordance with the original purpose of the revision of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation No. 1 Year 2008. Namely, the welfare of the community around the mining areas of old oil wells.

In addition, states that the Village Unit Cooperatives (KUD) and the Regional Owned Enterprises (enterprises) may arrange and produce petroleum. That is, the current management of old oil wells in the village Wonocolo, District All of them are still status quo. Management will be more on target.

If later the proposal was not acceptable, it will continue to seek the best way in the regulation of the management of old oil wells. So that, hopefully, the management of law. Do BUMDes under KUD or enterprises to be negotiated again. Meanwhile, the Head of Public Relations Section of Energy and the Environment Dadang Subiantoro Aris said it agreed to the proposal as long as it does not violate the rules. Not bad. At least the management is clear.


Pengelolaan Sumur Tua, Usulkan Keterlibatan BUMDes

Belum jelasnya regulasi pengelolaan sumur minyak tua Wonocolo di Kecamatan Kedewan sampai saat ini, DPRD Bojonegoro mengusulkan keterlibatan Badan Usaha Milik Desa (BUMDes). Usulan itu saya bacakan saat rapat gelar pendapat di Ruang Paripurna DPRD Bojonegoro, kata anggota Komisi A DPRD Donny Bayu Setiawan. Doni menegaskan, keterlibatan BUMDes sesuai dengan tujuan awal revisi Peraturan Menteri ESDM No 1 Tahun 2008. Yakni, menyejahterakan masyarakat sekitar wilayah penambangan sumur minyak tua.

Selain itu, menyebutkan bahwa Koperasi Unit Desa (KUD) dan Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD) dapat mengusahakan dan memproduksikan minyak bumi. Artinya, saat ini pengelolaan minyak sumur tua di Desa Wonocolo, Kecamatan Ke dewan masih status quo. Pengelolaannya akan lebih tepat sasaran.

Jika nanti usulan itu belum bisa diterima, pihaknya akan terus mengupayakan jalan terbaik dalam regulasi pengelolaan sumur minyak tua. Sehingga, harapannya, pengelolaan berdasar hukum. Apakah BUMDes di bawah KUD atau BUMD akan dirundingkan lagi. Sementara itu, Kepala Sub Bagian Humas ESDM dan Lingkungan Hidup Dadang Aris Subiantoro mengatakan, pihaknya setuju usulan tersebut asalkan tidak menyalahi aturan yang ada. Bagus juga. Paling tidak pengelolaannya jelas.

Radar Bojonegoro, Page-29, Saturday, Jan, 7, 2017

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