Profit sharing scheme based on the gross production of oil and gas or gross split does not guarantee an increase in production and revenues. Enforcement of the scheme by the government solely to simplify administration and bureaucracy upstream sector of oil and gas in the country.
The main reason is to simplify administration and avoid the complexity of calculating cost recovery (operation costs can be replaced), "said Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignatius Jonan about why the government introduced the concept of gross split. When asked whether the selection of a new scheme in the form of gross split could boost oil and gas production in the country, Jonan said, do not know.
The same answer he gave when asked whether the concept of gross split could increase state revenues from oil and gas sector. All depends on oil prices. Separately, Executive Director of the Institute Komaidi Reforminer Notonegoro said the reasons for the government to simplify the paperwork and bureaucracy so that the impact on the acceleration of the oil and gas business decision making is fairly positive. 3
However, he noted, the main difficulty is to determine the model of gross split an order of magnitude for the results to the Government by the contractor, "If it does not take ~ heart, the concept of gross split could potentially reduce interest in the upstream oil and gas investment in Indonesia," said Komaidi.
The government is preparing a legal umbrella concept of gross split in the form of regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Share the results with cost recovery component is deemed potentially creating inefficiencies. Gross revenue share split scheme applied to new upstream oil and gas contracts. However, the government still honor the old contract contained a component of cost recovery.
Based on data from the Ministry of Energy regarding the amount of the cost recovery amount of oil and gas contractors in 2015. The number of cost recovery per barrel of oil equivalent each different contractor. There are companies which recorded 37.99 dollars per barrel and there are 19.82 dollars per barrel.
Skema Bagi Hasil Migas
Skema Baru Tidak Menjamin Produksi Naik
Skema bagi hasil berdasarkan produksi kotor minyak dan gas bumi atau gross split tidak menjamin kenaikan produksi dan penerimaan negara. Pemberlakuan skema itu oleh pemerintah semata-mata untuk menyederhanakan administrasi dan birokrasi sektor hulu minyak dan gas bumi di dalam negeri.Alasan utama adalah untuk mempermudah administrasi dan menghindari keruwetan penghitungan cost recovery (biaya operasi yang dapat digantikan),” kata Menteri Energi dan Surnber Daya Mineral Ignasius Jonan mengenai alasan pemerintah memberlakukan konsep gross split. Saat ditanya apakah pilihan Skema baru berupa gross split bisa mendongkrak produksi migas di dalam negeri, Jonan menjawab, tidak tahu.
Jawaban yang sama juga ia sampaikan saat ditanya, apakah konsep gross split bisa meningkatkan penerimaan negara dari sektor migas. Semua tergantung pada harga minyak. Secara terpisah, Direktur Eksekutif Reforminer Institute Komaidi Notonegoro mengatakan, alasan pemerintah menyederhanakan urusan administrasi dan birokrasi sehingga berdampak pada percepatan pengambilan keputusan bisnis migas terbilang positif. 3
Namun, ia mencatat, kesulitan utama model gross split adalah menentukan tingkat besaran bagi hasil yang menjadi hak negara dengan kontraktor, ”Apabila tidak berhati~hati, konsep gross split bisa berpotensi menurunkan minat terhadap investasi hulu migas di Indonesia,” kata Komaidi.
Pemerintah sedang menyiapkan payung hukum konsep gross split dalam bentuk peraturan Menteri ESDM, Bagi hasil dengan komponen cost recovery dipandang berpotensi menciptakan inefisiensi. Skema bagi hasil gross split diterapkan pada kontrak hulu migas yang baru. Namun, pemerintah tetap menghormati kontrak lama yang terdapat komponen cost recovery.
Berdasarkan data Kementerian ESDM mengenai besaran cost recovery sejumlah kontraktor migas pada 2015. angka cost recovery per barrel setara minyak setiap kontraktor berbeda-beda. Ada perusahaan yang tercatat 37,99 dollar AS per barrel dan ada yang 19,82 dollar AS per barrel.
Kompas, Page-18, Friday, Jan, 6, 2017
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