Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources prohibit Regional Owned Enterprises (enterprises) or limited liability company belonging to the area to transfer or sell the rights of ownership (participating interest or PI) that has been gained over a working area of oil and gas. When rules are violated, the government will impose sanctions. Secretary of the Directorate General of Oil and Gas of the Ministry of Energy, Susyanto, said the sanctions were intended can be mild to severe. "It could be a written warning. Can also suspension, freezing PI, or the rights contained in the contract is not awarded, up to revocation PI, "he said.
Susyanto explained, based on the Minister of Energy and Mineral NorNor 37 2016, owned by the local government got deals PI of 10 percent in oil and gas working areas. When the energy minister agreed, they then must hold themselves such ownership "We hope, with this restriction became more apparent."
Minister Regulation number 37 Year 2016 that apply to oil and gas contractors who will develop the field with initial production. "Based on that provision, the contractor shall offer a PI of 10 percent to the public enterprises, since the approval of a development plan document / POD first," said Susyanto.
Oil and gas fields that may be offered to only those within the area of the province or regency / city. "Could be on land or at sea up to a maximum of 12 nautical miles. Susyanto added, oil and gas field is located in a provincial land or water 0-4 miles will be awarded to the enterprises that are coordinated by the Governor, with the involvement of the Regent or Mayor. When you are in the waters 4-12 miles, submitted to the provincial enterprises coordinated by the Governor.
And if it were on land or water border provinces, the handover by agreement between the Governor. The Ministry of Energy gave a maximum period of three months for the governor to make a deal. If they fail to agree, the Minister of Energy will set the amount each province PI PI division will be based on the existence of reservoirs of oil and gas reserves in each area. A local government enterprises gets his ownership rights over oil and gas fields should simplify and speed up the issuing of licenses in the area.
BUMD Dilarang Jual Saham Participating Interest
Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral melarang Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD) atau perseroan terbatas milik daerah untuk mengalihkan atau menjual hak kepemilikan (participating interest atau PI) yang telah diperolehnya atas suatu Wilayah kerja minyak dan gas. Bila aturan itu dilanggar, pemerintah akan menjatuhkan sanksi. Sekretaris Direktorat Jenderal Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian Energi, Susyanto, mengatakan sanksi yang dimaksud bisa ringan hingga berat. “Bisa berupa teguran tertulis. Bisa juga penangguhan, pembekuan PI, atau hak-hak yang ada di kontrak tidak diberikan, hingga pencabutan PI,” ujar dia .
Susyanto menjelaskan, berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri ESDM Nornor 37 Tahun 2016, perusahaan milik pemerintah daerah mendapat penawaran PI sebesar 10 persen di wilayah kerja migas. Bila menteri energi menyetujuinya, selanjutnya perusahaan harus memegang sendiri kepemilikan tersebut “Kami harap, dengan adanya batasan ini menjadi lebih jelas."
Peraturan Menteri Nomor 37 Tahun 2016 itu berlaku bagi kontraktor migas yang akan mengembangkan lapangan dengan produksi perdana. “Berdasarkan ketentuan itu, kontraktor wajib menawarkan PI sebesar 10 persen kepada BUMD, sejak disetujuinya dokumen plan of development/POD pertama," tutur Susyanto.
Lapangan migas yang boleh ditawarkan kepada daerah hanya yang berada wilayah provinsi atau kabupaten/kota tersebut. “Bisa di darat dan atau di laut hingga maksimal 12 mil laut. Susyanto menambahkan, lapangan migas yang berada di daratan suatu provinsi atau perairan 0-4 mil akan diberikan kepada satu BUMD yang dikoordinasikan oleh Gubernur, dengan melibatkan Bupati atau Wali Kota. Bila berada di perairan 4-12 mil, diserahkan kepada BUMD provinsi yang dikoordinasikan oleh Gubernur.
Dan jika berada di daratan atau perairan perbatasan provinsi, penyerahannya melalui kesepakatan antar Gubernur. Kementerian Energi memberi waktu maksimal tiga bulan bagi Gubernur untuk membuat kesepakatan. Jika gagal bersepakat, Menteri Energi yang akan menetapkan besaran PI masing-masing provinsi Pembagian PI akan didasarkan pada keberadaan reservoir cadangan migas di masing-masing wilayah. Pemerintah daerah yang BUMD-nya mendapat hak kepemilikan atas lapangan migas harus mempermudah dan mempercepat proses penerbitan perizinan di daerah.
Koran Tempo, Page-16, Thursday, Jan, 19, 2017
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