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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Note JK Environmental Contractors Adviced

Oil Spill

Vice President Jusuf Kalla (JK) called for businesses in the oil and gas sector more attention to the environmental consequences of causing harm to corporates also the surrounding community. According to him, are currently relies heavily on fossil energy industry and transportation. Therefore, businesses are expected to pay more attention to environmental impact. Compliance with environmental issues become one of the world's attention within the scope of business in addition to the human rights issue.

Operations in various countries, causing losses of up to trillions of rupiah in the case of oil spills. As an example, he mentioned the oil spill that occurred in Mexico. Based on data from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) since 1975 to 2008, a total loss of 1,509 million euros with the volume of oil spills 625.7 71. The biggest disadvantage of Ships Arendal in Indramayu, West Java, with a volume of 150,000 barrels of oil spill and suffered a loss 282 million euros ,

"The company paid billions and even trillions for oil spill" he said in the Forum Oil Spill Toxic and Hazardous Chemicals.

Head of Sub Directorate of Environment and Safety Engineering of Oil and Gas Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Gusti S. Sidemen said, the whole issue has been resolved except the oil spill caused by the explosion of Montara oil wells that pollute the Timor Sea.

27,600 barrels of oil spills that have caused a loss of 128 million euros and damaging seaweed around these waters. Until now, he said, the government is still working to resolve problems that have occurred since eight years ago to trial in Australia


Tumpahan Minyak

JK Himbau Kontraktor Perhatikan Lingkungan

Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla (JK) menghimbau agar pelaku usaha di sektor minyak dan gas bumi lebih memperhatikan dampak lingkungan karena menyebabkan kerugian bagi korporat juga masyarakat sekitar. Menurutnya, Saat ini energi fosil masih menjadi andalan sektor industri dan transportasi. Oleh karena itu, para pelaku usaha diharapkan lebih memperhatikan dampak lingkungan. Kepatuhan terhadap isu lingkungan menjadi salah satu perhatian dalam lingkup dunia usaha selain masalah hak asasi manusia. 

Operasi di berbagai negara, menimbulkan kerugian hingga triliunan rupiah dalam hal tumpahan minyak. Sebagai contoh, dia menyebut tumpahan minyak yang terjadi di Meksiko. Berdasarkan data Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) sejak 1975-2008, total kerugian 1.509 juta euro dengan volume tumpahan minyak 625.7 71. Kerugian terbesar dari Kapal Arendal di Indramayu, Jawa Barat dengan volume tumpahan minyak 150.000 barel dan mengalami kerugian 282 juta euro.

“Perusahaan membayar miliaran bahkan triliunan karena oil spill” ujarnya dalam acara Forum Penanggulangan Tumpahan Minyak dan Bahan Kimia Berbahaya Beracun.

Kepala Subdirektorat Keteknikan dan Keselamatan Lingkungan Minyak dan Gas Bumi Kementerian ESDM Gusti S. Sidemen mengatakan, seluruh masalah tumpahan minyak telah terselesaikan kecuali yang disebabkan meledaknya sumur minyak Montara yang mencemari Laut Timor.

Tumpahan minyak 27.600 barel itu telah menimbulkan kerugian 128 juta euro dan merusak rumput laut di sekitar perairan tersebut. Hingga Saat ini, katanya, pemerintah masih berupaya untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang terjadi sejak delapan tahun silam ke pengadilan di Australia

Bisnis Indonesia, Page-30, Wednesday, Jan, 25, 2017

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