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Wednesday, January 25, 2017

One Day Stop Production, Small was (No Big Deal)

Not even two months served as Director of PT Pertamina Processing, Toharso faced with serious problems: damage to the refineries that come many times. At least eight times the country's refineries owned by alternately must stop production. Former Director of PT Pertamina Retail shutdown events it describes some of the refinery. "Likened, If you have an old car, to be cared for, if not to strike in the middle of the road," he said.

Why refinery damage often occurs? Pertamina has six refineries. Balikpapan refinery was built in 1948 and most recently was 1980.Yang Balongan refinery, built in the 1990s. After that, no construction of new refineries, the new process unit. If it is old and must be treated. As it is now, Balongan refinery will be shut down for maintenance in total.

The cause of disruption Balikpapan refinery? Steam pipe that goes into one of the leaking plant turbines. Pressure become drop. Then the turbine turns itself off. One of the five turbines not spinning, no electricity. Eventually die all. Cause, plumbing is old. But the tap steam that enters the turbine immediately closed. Refinery road again.

The impact? One day there was no production. The second day of production 70 percent. Sunday back to normal. Leaking pipes have been connected again. S

During the Balikpapan refinery did not operate, how the Fuel Oil Supply? Other refineries increased production to cover the shortfall. Cilacap, Plaju, Dumai and Balongan each accounted for 25 percent. If one day stop production, small.

Additional import? There is no. If the import is only that much, small. Usually imported at least 200 thousand barrels.

Refinery Balikapapan often damaged, why? All inspection problems. Refinery time to care, must not regress.

Not all has been planned? If all the plans are not implemented consistently, yes problems.

How Opportunity loss of his? In the action plan of the company, the refinery may be stopped without a plan (unplanned shutdown) 3-4 days per year. If not exceed it, no loss.

Opportunity loss Balikpapan? Later calculated, what already exceeded the limit. To be sure, if the refinery die, to lose.

What is the harm? If more than planned, would be a big loss. Balikpapan 5 units, 4 units died just a day. One more unit could die a week. Later, averaged over a year. If the past 3-4 days, means red.

Did not operational at its refineries led to opportunity loss reached Rp 1.4 trillion? Who said, from where? Let's count. A day at most diesel 125 thousand barrels per day. The potential loss in refinery margins. For example, my production of Rp 100 per liter, if the price of Pertamax out factory Rp. 105. Meaning I lost margin 5. Not because it does not produce losses. Crude is still there.

Seven days is not normal production, instead of the loss is not a little? Calculated margin lost. For example the price of Rp 5,500 per liter of diesel: If the margin is 5 percent, meaning 25 cents a liter at times 30 percent at times seven days. That the loss.

Up to Rp 1.4 Trillion? No. In 2016 alone, working his losses of US $ 70-80 million. Not up to Rp 1 trillion


Satu Hari Stop Produksi, Kecil Itu

Belum genap dua bulan menjabat Direktur Pengolahan PT Pertamina, Toharso berhadapan dengan persoalan serius: kerusakan kilang yang datang berkali-kali. Setidaknya delapan kali kilang milik perusahaan negara itu bergantian harus stop produksi. Mantan Direktur Utama PT Pertamina Retail itu menjelaskan peristiwa shutdown beberapa kilang tersebut.“Diibaratkan, Kalau punya mobil tua, harus dirawat dengan baik, kalau tidak mau mogok di tengah jalan,” kata dia.

Mengapa kerusakan kilang sering terjadi? Pertamina punya enam kilang. Kilang Balikpapan dibangun pada 1948 dan 1980.Yang paling baru adalah Kilang Balongan, dibangun pada 1990-an. Setelah itu, tidak ada pembangunan kilang baru, paling unit proses baru. Kalau sudah tua, harus dirawat. Seperti sekarang, Kilang Balongan akan dimatikan untuk perawatan total. 

Penyebab gangguan Kilang Balikpapan ? Pipa steam yang masuk ke salah satu turbin pembangkit bocor. Tekanan menjadi drop. Lalu turbin mati dengan sendirinya. Salah satu dari lima turbin tidak berputar, listrik tidak ada. Akhirnya mati semua. Penyebabnya, pipa sudah tua. Tapi keran uap yang masuk ke turbin segera ditutup. Kilang jalan lagi.

Dampaknya? Satu hari tak ada produksi. Hari kedua produksi 70 persen. Minggu kembali normal. Pipa yang bocor sudah disambung lagi. S

Selama kilang Balikpapan tidak beroperasi, bagaimana Suplai Bahan Bakar Minyak? Kilang lain dinaikkan produksinya untuk menutup kekurangan. Cilacap, Plaju,Dumai, dan Balongan masing-masing menyumbang 25 persen. Kalau satu hari stop produksi, kecil itu.

Tambahan impor? Tidak ada. Kalau impor hanya segitu, kecil. Biasanya impor minimal 200 ribu barel.

Kilang Balikapapan sering mengalami kerusakan, mengapa? Semua masalah inspeksi. Kilang saatnya perawatan, tidak boleh mundur.

Bukannya semua sudah terencana? Kalau semua rencana tidak dilaksanakan secara konsisten, ya masalah.

Berapa Opportunity loss-nya? Dalam rencana kerja anggaran perusahaan, kilang boleh berhenti tanpa rencana (unplanned shutdown) 3-4 hari per tahun. Kalau tak melebihi itu, tak terjadi kerugian. 

Opportunity loss Balikpapan? Nanti dihitung, apa sudah melebihi batasan. Yang pasti, kalau kilang mati, akan rugi. 

Berapa ruginya? Kalau lebih dari rencana, pasti rugi besar. Balikpapan ada 5 unit, 4 unit mati hanya sehari. Satu unit lagi bisa mati seminggu. Nanti dirata-rata setahun. Bila melewati 3-4 hari, berarti merah.

Benarkah tidak beroperasional-nya beberapa kilang menyebabkan opportunity loss mencapai Rp 1,4 triliun? Siapa bilang, itu dari mana? Mari kita hitung. Sehari paling banyak solar 125 ribu barel per hari. Potential loss paling di margin kilang. Misalnya, saya produksi Rp 100 per liter, kalau harga Pertamax keluar pabrik Rp. 105. Berarti saya kehilangan margin 5. Bukan kerugian karena tidak berproduksi. Crude-nya masih ada. 

Tujuh hari tidak berproduksi normal, bukannya kerugian tidak sedikit? Dihitung margin yang hilang. Misalnya harga solar Rp 5.500 per liter: Kalau margin 5 persen, berarti 25 sen seliter di kali 30 persen di kali tujuh hari. Itu yang loss.

Sampai Rp 1,4 Triliun? Tidak. Tahun 2016 saja, working losses-nya US$ 70-80 juta. Tidak sampai Rp 1 triliun

Koran Tempo, Page-4, Tuesday, Jan, 24, 2017

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