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Friday, January 27, 2017

Pertamina Interrupted DOUBLE LEADERSHIP

Authority chief executive trimmed. Alternates determine the decision of oil imports.

Dualism of leadership occurred at PT Pertamina, at the time of issue successive oil refinery belonging to the state company. The new structure of the company "share power" to the managing director and his deputy. Deputy Energy, Logistics and Tourism Region Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises, Edwin Hidayat Abdullah, said the new structure is needed to boost the company's performance. "In order for synergy. Marketing and production lines in the chain of control, "said Edwin, who is also a commissioner of Pertamina.

SOE Minister Rini Soemarno on October 20, 2016 establishes a new structure that provides the directors chair the vice president. Ahmad occupied Bambang, the post is responsible for leading and coordinating the marketing directorate, directorate of processing, as well as the deputy director of renewable energy. Vice is also authorized to take decisions fuel oil imports.

The number two was even authorized to appoint another director to take decisions when the managing director and his deputy is absent. In a previous statute, the authority of this matter held the chief executive. Some government officials said, Pertamina as led "solar twins".

Some of the company's policy was decided unilaterally by the vice president. "For example, 1.2 million barrels of diesel imports for January 2017 was decided in December;" said a source who knows well about the usual, import decision was decided three months earlier.

The amount is determined based on community needs and capacity of the refinery. In imports in January, according to the same source, the decision was taken suddenly by reason of the stock is reduced. Integrated Supply Chain (ISC) will also be incorporated into the authority of the vice-president. During this time, the unit procurement of fuel and crude oil imports that are directly under the chief executive.

Edwin dismissed the notion that the new structure creates a "solar twins". "The leader remains the main director, deputy chief operation officer only. Marketing and production in one control. "Edwin does not deny that the ISC will be placed under the control of the vice president. "We see that inline from upstream to downstream," he said.

President Director Dwi Soetjipto declined to comment on the particulars of new structures. "As long as it was decided in the articles of association in a general meeting of shareholders, it could be," he said. While Ahmad Bambang said the new structure to make them more transparent.



Wewenang direktur utama dipangkas. Wakilnya menentukan keputusan impor minyak.

Dualisme kepemimpinan terjadi di PT Pertamina, di saat masalah yang berturutan di kilang minyak milik perusahaan negara itu. Struktur baru perusahaan “membagi kekuasaan” kepada direktur utama dan wakilnya. Deputi Bidang Energi, Logistik dan Kawasan Pariwisata Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara, Edwin Hidayat Abdullah, menyatakan struktur baru dibutuhkan untuk menggenjot kinerja perseroan. “Supaya sinergi. Pemasaran dan lini produksi dalam satu rantai kendali,” kata Edwin, yang juga merupakan komisaris Pertamina.

Menteri BUMN Rini Soemarno pada 20 Oktober 2016 menetapkan struktur baru direksi yang menyediakan kursi wakil direktur utama. Ditempati Ahmad Bambang, pos ini bertugas memimpin dan mengkoordinasikan direktorat pemasaran, direktorat pengolahan, serta deputi direktur energi baru terbarukan. Wakil juga berwenang mengambil keputusan impor bahan bakar minyak.

Orang nomor dua itu bahkan berwenang menunjuk direktur lain untuk mengambil keputusan jika direktur utama dan wakilnya berhalangan. Dalam anggaran dasar sebelumnya, kewenangan soal ini dipegang direktur utama.
Sejumlah pejabat pemerintahan mengungkapkan, Pertamina seperti dipimpin “matahari kembar”.

Beberapa kebijakan perusahaan diputuskan secara sepihak oleh wakil direktur utama. “Misalnya impor solar 1,2 juta barel untuk Januari 2017 yang diputuskan pada Desember;” ujar seorang sumber yang mengetahui betul soal lazimnya, keputusan impor diputuskan tiga bulan sebelumnya.

Jumlahnya ditentukan berdasarkan kebutuhan masyarakat dan kapasitas kilang. Dalam impor Januari, menurut sumber yang sama, keputusan diambil mendadak dengan alasan stok berkurang. Integrated Supply Chain (ISC) juga
akan disatukan ke dalam kewenangan Wakil direktur utama. Selama ini, unit pengadaan BBM dan minyak mentah impor itu berada langsung di bawah direktur utama. 

Edwin menepis anggapan bahwa struktur baru menciptakan “matahari kembar”. “Pemimpin tetap direktur utama, wakil cuma chief operation officer. Pemasaran dan produksi dalam satu kendali.” Edwin tidak menampik bahwa ISC nantinya akan ditempatkan di bawah kendali wakil direktur utama. “Kami melihatnya supaya inline dari hulu ke hilir," kata dia.

Direktur Utama Dwi Soetjipto enggan berkomentar ihwal struktur baru. “Selama itu diputuskan dalam anggaran dasar dalam rapat umum pemegang saham, bisa saja,” ujarnya. Sedangkan Ahmad Bambang menyatakan struktur baru membuat kinerja perusahaan lebih transparan.

KoranTempo, Page-1, Thursday, Jan, 26, 2017

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