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Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Pertamina Production Up 12%

Potential and reserves of oil and gas in Indonesia is still large. Lots of potential oil and gas reserves that have not been explored despite some oil and gas wells which have already started production.

"We have a target of 12% oil and gas production, both international and domestic operations. The expectation of 1.9 million barrels in 2025, "said Vice President Corporate Communications Pertamina Wianda Pusponegoro in Jakarta, Tuesday (17/01/2017). For international oil and gas production, Wianda explain the composition of nearly 38% of overall production. "International composition may reach 38%. We've got a target acquisition of oil and gas blocks have to keep running. We are the reviews of two blocks in Iran and two blocks in Russia, "said Wianda.

The effect of the acquisition, Wianda expect oil and gas production can be increased. So the production of 12% can be easily realized. "Hopefully in the near future can already delivered some portion of shares, and we hope that 30 thousand barrels per block in abroad


Pertamina Targetkan Produksi Naik 12%

Potensi dan cadangan minyak dan gas (migas) di Indonesia masih besar. Banyak potensi cadangan migas yang belum di eksplorasi meski ada beberapa sumur migas yang sudah mulai produksi. PT Pertamina menargetkan produksi minyak dan gas (migas) sebesar 12%. Target tersebut dijelaskan tak terbatas sekedar produksi domestik.

“Kita punya target 12% produksi migas, baik internasional operation maupun domestik. Harapannya 1,9 juta barel di 2025,” kata Vice President Corporate Communication Pertamina Wianda Pusponegoro di Jakarta, Selasa (17/1/2017). Untuk produksi migas internasional, Wianda menjelaskan komposisinya hampir mencapai 38% dari total produksi keseluruhan. “Internasional komposisinya bisa mencapai 38%. Kita punya target akuisisi blok migas harus tetap dijalankan. Kita sedang review dua blok di Iran dan dua blok di Rusia,” ujar Wianda. 

Dengan dilakukannya akuisisi tersebut, Wianda berharap produksi migas dapat semakin ditingkatkan. Sehingga produksi 12% dapat dengan mudah direalisasikan. “Harapannya dalam waktu dekat sudah bisa disampaikan beberapa porsi saham, dan kita harap 30 ribu barel di setiap blok di luar negeri

Duta Masyarakat, Page-16, Wednesday, Jan, 18, 2017

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