The formation of state-owned holding oil and gas will be realized in January. Almost certainly, PT Pertamina into a state-owned holding oil and gas leader, supervises PT PGN. Because the President Joko Widodo has signed Government Regulation (PP) No. 72/2016 of December 30, 2016. This amendment of PP 43/2005 of the State Capital Investment and Administration of the SOE and Company Limited.
This regulation change the terms of holding establishment of oil and gas, said Deputy for Restructuring and Enterprise Development SOE Ministry Kiik Aloysius Ro. Furthermore, the government will soon establish a holding oil and gas. PP holding oil and gas are still at the Ministry of Finance, pursued completed this month, "said Aloysius.
In the design of PP holding oil and gas, the government increased its investment to Pertamina. The state capital participation (PMN) in the form of transfer of 13.8 billion series B shares owned by the government in PGN to Pertamina, the equivalent of 56.96% of shares in PGN. PMN value was set atus Finance Minister's proposal Minister of SOEs.
Bambang Ahmad, Deputy CEO, said, do not know the status of the oil and gas holding PP. I actually do not know, ask to Pak Dwi (Pertamina president director Dwi Sutjipto). So also with the Chairman of Trade Unions PGN Rosyid, claimed to have received the rules. I have not received a PP that has been signed, so can not comment.
In the oil and gas holding establishment, there are some things that need to be underlined. If a subsidiary of Pertamina, PGN means private status. With no state-owned status, there was no requirement anymore for PGN deposit dividends to the state. In fact, PGN is one among the 10 SOEs biggest dividend contributor to the country.
Holding combines the management of oil and gas under one entity. While oil and gas are substitutes. The greater the conversion of fuel oil (BBM) to gas reducing imports of fuel oil (BBM). Holding allows the control of the management of gas, prone to retain the management of the oil import business.
Iwan Gamiwa, energy analyst, questioned the state-owned holding has three masters, namely the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ministry of SOEs and the Ministry of Finance. According to him, the most important is a clear division of tasks between the state-owned company. However, Aloysius asserted, the SOE child gets the same treatment. Will get the privilege to be given direct assignment as parent SOE, said Aloysius.
Pertamina Siap Jadi Juragan Migas
Pembentukan holding BUMN minyak dan gas bumi akan terealisasi Januari ini. Hampir pasti, PT Pertamina menjadi pemimpin holding BUMN migas, membawahi PT PGN. Pasalnya, Presiden Joko Widodo telah menanda tangani Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) No. 72/2016 pada 30 Desember 2016. Ini perubahan atas PP No. 43/2005 tentang Penyertaan dan Penatausahaan Modal Negara pada BUMN dan Perseroan Terbatas.Perubahan PP ini syarat pembentukan holding migas, ujar Deputi Bidang Restrukturisasi dan Pengembangan Usaha Kementerian BUMN Aloysius Kiik Ro. Selanjutnya pemerintah segera membentuk holding migas. PP holding migas masih di Kementerian Keuangan, diupayakan selesai bulan ini," kata Aloysius.
Dalam rancangan PP holding migas, pemerintah menambah penyertaan modal ke Pertamina. Penyertaan modal negara (PMN) itu berupa pengalihan 13,8 miliar saham seri B milik pemerintah di PGN ke Pertamina, setara 56,96% saham di PGN. Nilai PMN itu ditetapkan Menteri Keuangan atus usulan Menteri BUMN.
Ahmad Bambang, Wakil Direktur Utama Pertamina, mengaku, belum mengetahui status PP holding migas tersebut. Saya malah belum tahu, coba tanyakan ke Pak Dwi (Direktur Utama Pertamina, Dwi Sutjipto). Begitu juga dengan Ketua Serikat Pekerja PGN Rosyid, mengaku belum menerima aturan itu. Saya belum menerima PP yang sudah ditanda tangani, jadi belum bisa memberi komentar.
Dalam pembentukan holding migas tersebut, ada beberapa hal yang perlu digaris bawahi. Jika menjadi anak perusahaan Pertamina, artinya PGN berstatus swasta. Dengan status bukan BUMN, tak ada kewajiban lagi bagi PGN menyetor dividen ke negara. Padahal, PGN merupakan salah satu diantara 10 BUMN penyumbang dividen terbesar ke negara.
Holding menggabungkan pengelolaan miuyak dan gas bumi di bawah satu entitas. Sementara minyak dan gas adalah substitusi. Semakin besar konversi Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) ke gas mengurangi impor Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM). Holding memungkinkan kendali pengelolaan gas, rawan untuk mempertahankan pengelolaan bisnis impor minyak.
Iwan Gamiwa, pengamat energi, mempertanyakan holding BUMN ini memiliki tiga tuan, yakni Kementerian ESDM, Kementerian BUMN dan Kementerian Keuangan. Menurutnya, terpenting adalah pembagian tugas jelas antara BUMN itu. Namun, Aloysius menegaskan, anak BUMN itu mendapat perlakuan sama. Akan mendapat privilege dengan diberikan penugasan langsung seperti induk BUMN, kata Aloysius.
Kontan, Page-1, Monday, Jan, 9, 2017
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